Jemmaholics Anonymous

Room 234.1

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Here we discuss everything and anything of or related to Jemma, Jemmaholism, and general Jemmaverse happenings. Anything that helps us until our next Jemma fix.

Comments: 991 (Discussion closed)
  • #1

    San (Friday, 21 October 2011 01:06)

    It's weird that it doesn't have the German field names, buttons, and links. I almost want to change to language from English. How boring is English?!

  • #2

    Libellule (Friday, 21 October 2011 01:33)

    I will miss the "Senden" button dearly but I'll give it a try with the "send" one. ;p

  • #3

    kittykatcop (Friday, 21 October 2011 03:47)

    Aaaaahhhh familiarity. Now I'm beabenning about staying at the forum or going with the linear commenting of old. Only time will tell. Thank you for your hard work setting this up.

  • #4

    kittykatcop (Friday, 21 October 2011 04:18)

    This is definitely much easier to talk on when I'm on the phone rather than the laptop. No faffing about with logging on. What to do, what to do.

  • #5

    Kirsty (Friday, 21 October 2011 04:52)

    I'm with @kittykatcop -- what to do?? I like both sites. Will just use both just now but I suspect we will all gravitate over here because it's like the old site. And, although I love my little 'Lucy avatar' (Scher-avatar?)it did look a little confusing with all the pics on the left hand side. Maybe I will bring my Scheravatar over and put her in the images section..
    These are exciting times in our little Jemmaverse, we are moving onwards and upwards :)

  • #6

    Kirsty (Friday, 21 October 2011)

    @San Awesome at the top of the page btw. If this is from the 'Baum diagram??' scene then it's a blink-and-you miss it bit of Jemma so kudos to you for getting this cap. :) If it's not that scene, then thanks anyway1

  • #7

    hoppe (Friday, 21 October 2011 07:09)

    well, cool work, San! How can I ever thank you for all you do for us? Libelulle is right, our hotterian!
    Well I'm not sure if I can be admin as I said, but hopefully someone else could posts pics etc. if needed. (I have to use an older browser because of certain things...and this one seems to be not working with the site anymore... at least it was a few months ago like that - but I will try your sandbox sometime soon)

  • #8

    frananifan (Friday, 21 October 2011 07:54)

    soooo this is where you have been. San, I knew you were up to something. I have one question. Is there a post limit we should be aware of? I don't think I can handle that again.
    PS I love you people.

  • #9

    kittykatcop (Friday, 21 October 2011 08:11)

    Hey frananifan. Ooh I think we need to settle, I don't seem to have done much reading or commenting on Jemma and I'm starting to get antsy.
    Re: discussion on on bullet earrings it earrings in general......does anyone have the time to do the research to tell me if I'm bonkers or did Jenny start to wear the other half of Emma's dice earrings? Am I just projecting or did that actually happen? So cute if it did and if it didn't well it always will in my mind.

  • #10

    frananifan (Friday, 21 October 2011 08:35)

    I was obviously led here first this morning, before going to JI, or I would not have made the comment about the post limit. So this is where I belong. I will support JI forum but this is it for me. @kittykatcop I should have time this weekend to actually watch some episodes. Need to. My body can't handle another Saturday protesting in the rain. Not without some jemmepowerment.

  • #11

    Randy (Friday, 21 October 2011 08:47)

    Niiiiice San. You are Whabamtastic! Linear commenting is simple, direct, and not confusing. Familiarity is so comforting. I'm going to pull up my rocking chair and rock on here. Danke, danke, danke.

  • #12

    kittykatcop (Friday, 21 October 2011 08:48)

    Cheers fran, you're a star. Good luck if you are off out for the weekend. Not sure about the US but autumn has finally hit the UK this week.

  • #13

    Kirsty (Friday, 21 October 2011 09:47)

    @kittykatcop ain't that the truth- autumn is here!

    Firstly, I posted this on the forum but I'll just repeat myself here...we have until Tuesday to watch the whole of episode 197 again before Sat1 take it away. Whatever research they're doing with it, I'm going to watch it again a couple of times- or at least have it on in the background. It can't hurt.
    So today is Kasia's first appearance in Audl..hmmm..not that it matters because most of us can't watch it anyway but I have every hope that some of our German friends us out..
    Also, weird seeing the timings on here in whatever timezone San is in, and not European time!! :)

  • #14

    Randy (Friday, 21 October 2011 09:47)

    Hey San, there's a song missing from the Songs Project. It's "Just the Way You Are" (Bruno Mars) sung by Bodo in episode 146, his audition for the STAG. To confirm that that Jemmagic is everywhere, the song was played in the waiting room of a radiology clinic I was in last week. Also, while getting my hair cut yesterday, "F**kin' Perfect" was on, and I've never heard it played there before.

  • #15

    frananifan (Friday, 21 October 2011 09:49)

    San-LOL! love the pic at the top of the page

  • #16

    Randy (Friday, 21 October 2011)

    As I've said before, the more I rewatch episodes the more there is to discover. In ep. 186 when Frank sits in on a STAG rehearsal, he says "I just want to hear how you guys sing" and listens while they perform "Sweet Dreams." This scene is a little odd because he'd already heard them sing in ep.158+159 during the STAG's tour of Raumzeit Records where Frank told Bea "They're really good." And the song they sang then was "Sweet Dreams." Any thoughts?

  • #17

    Wired (Friday, 21 October 2011 13:02)

    Hey guys! This is where you are! I was on the forum and thinking we have posted much more in a couple of days than what is on there! Where was everyone?

    I have to agree with @San that while the forum is ok, on my mobile device it's not that great. Also the look and feel of this is definitely more in tune with my Jemmaverse now. Sigh...I feel like I can stop emmaing now!

    Like @Kristy and @kittykatcop I'll still go back and forth but discussion here seems much easier. I can see all past posts too while I post which @hoppe mentioned. With our group and our many many posts I think that is a must!

    I have to watch 197 again (and again) at Sat1 now I think and catch up on my episode watching! Back to the discussion!

    @Randy I was wondering Frank maybe said that to justify being there. He was there to talk to Luzi but maybe didn't want to make it so obvious that he was there to apologize? Basically used the first excuse to be there that he could think of. I have to rewatch the scene but I think that's what I felt the first time I saw it and what happened? Sorry I should be more meaningful here but wanted to respond...I'll research it this weekend for sure!

    @frananifan after watching a bunch of Jemmisodes you will feel the warmth, love and Jemmaglow in your that will help power you through the protests!

  • #18

    San (Friday, 21 October 2011 13:22)

    Glad you like the space. I guess there's truth in the saying "If you build it, they will come" :D I put more details on the forum, so everyone can login. We'll see how it works.

    @Kirsty How funny! I've been tuthreforing about the time and no German AND the font all morning :) I think I got the font like it was back in the old room. I can change the language to German, no problem, just navigating the editing would be tricky :) The time, keine Ahnung... There must be a way to change time zones (btw, It's CDT and soon to be CST - which is more confusing than it should be). RE: The screencap - it is from that episode. On the Sat1 player you can pause the video and click around on the progress/timeline bar to isolate a frame, so it wasn't so much skill but determination :)

    @frananifan I'm curious about the post limit, too. There isn't a setting for it. The beauty, though, is if it happens again, we can make a new page and link to it before Jemmaggedon. They really should mention it somewhere, so there won't be mass niche group panic :)

    @kittykatcop Ooo, sharing earrings! What an interesting theory! Well, if the blue jean collage in Jenny's room is any indication, I would not be surprised. I'm looking forward to @frananifan's findings - Earring Investigation (EI) Team :)

    @Randy You're right there is this disconnect with Frank. Like @Wired said, his explanation that he gives might be superficial in a way. He observed STAG and he quickly focused on Luzi in 158+159. In 186, he wants to observe with a different perspective, and watch how Luzi engages and feeds off the other members of STAG. He's trying to understand why she would throw everything away for this little rag-tag school group.

    *emmabeaming* Man, that felt good :)

  • #19

    Randy (Friday, 21 October 2011 13:30)

    @Wired and @San Thanks for the feedback on Frank. But it is a little weird that both times they're singing "Sweet Dreams." Sometimes I think different writers work on the scripts and don't bother to go back and see what's been said/done previously.

    @San I input my email information about 20 minutes ago, but it hasn't shown up on the list. Did I do something wrong?

  • #20

    hoppe (Friday, 21 October 2011 13:31)

    just a short note ;)
    we could just put more undercategories on this JA meeting page up (like the different pages of the several episodes on JI. Maybe call this one 1, the next 2 etc. or maybe find a more Jemmaistic way to call them... dunno...
    okay I'm gone again, girlzzz :) take care!

  • #21

    hoppe (Friday, 21 October 2011 13:40)

    oh, dear! I can log in! I just have to activate the page again and ignore it telling me, that it doesn't support my browser... :) goood bye :)

  • #22

    San (Friday, 21 October 2011 13:42)

    @Randy Did you save it? It's the button on the left while "close" is on the right. When I was checking on it, I just put it up.

    Let's vote: do we want the email list password protected?

  • #23

    Randy (Friday, 21 October 2011 13:48)

    @San OK, I just saw that my email is now listed. I guess it took a little while to beam through the Jemmaverse.

    Pasword protected would be good security, but I'll go with whatever the majority wants.

  • #24

    Kittykatcop (Friday, 21 October 2011 13:54)

    @hoppe you just can't stay away can you?

    @San I know, I have a bit of a thing for novelty earrings and mixing up the pairs. I'm sure that Emma had a dice bracelet which matched the earring. And since she only ever wore one dice earring at a time, where was the matching one. It was either the dice or the pack of cards she wore in the other ear.

  • #25

    Kittykatcop (Friday, 21 October 2011 14:15)

    *I'm seeing Wicked in the morning, ding dong the bells are gonna shine.......* Okay maybe not in the morning, but I'm off to London to see it tomorrow. Any good Kirsty.....what am I saying of course it will be, though I'm a little worried that it's in English, I'm so used to singing Heissgeliebt at the top of my voice.

  • #26

    Libellule (Friday, 21 October 2011 16:06)

    My lovely leute!

    Ah, I feel alive again! I can see numbers, I can see all the comments (just by scrolling) while typing this one, I can see no distracting function, yessss, I can have a jumbo Jemma fix this week-end and go back to our insightful discussions.
    I have to look for earings switch and bullet disappearance, I have to watch ep197 on Sat1 a crazy number of times (not that it is my favorite episode, but as @Kirsty said, it might be strategical for what could happen in the HaH webserie), and I have to organize all my jemmathoughts. I was starting to feel dizzy with all the analyzes and questions twirling in my head the last 2 days, not being able to share any of it because busy learning how the Caronnie Town does a forum work...
    So if you'll excuse me for a minute, I'll climb on a chair and do this cute chick Jenny's specialty dance to celebrate, emmabeam to my screen and go back to my JA routine. I'll have STAG and Timo deep low voice singing "Ceeeee-le-braaaa-tion, let's celebrate, it's alright" stuck in my head for the rest of the day... :)

    @frananifan #8
    It would be safe to assess that to happen every 1000 comments. But we're prepared for it now. Actually already looking forward to the 2nd edition of the Tuthrefores, we're so fervent processing any Jemma bit, I have no doubt we'll reach another Room 234 milestone. :D

  • #27

    San (Friday, 21 October 2011 16:09)

    @Randy Thanks for the song! I've been meaning to add that one, but haven't taken the time to find the title. He and Emma sang it in a later episode. Do you happen to know which one?

  • #28

    Kittykatcop (Friday, 21 October 2011 16:26)

    Hmmmmm during my earring "research" I have noticed that Emma removes hers in 197 between pulling Jenny onto the bed and getting under the wind blanket (I have renamed it - a crisp white sheet which mysteriously develops its own breeze when the occupier(s) are getting hot under the collar!) Maybe her little rote Ohren couldn't cope. I mean obviously you need to remove items of clothing during these momentous occasions......but your earrings.....possibly the last thing on ones mind!

  • #29

    Randy (Friday, 21 October 2011 17:20)

    @San According to a Google search, "Just the Way You Are" is the title (lyrics and sung by Bruno Mars). I didn't remember that there was another episode when Emma and Bodo sing it, but I'll look for it and let you know.

  • #30

    Randy (Friday, 21 October 2011 17:30)

    @San Bodo, Emma, and Luzi sing it in ep. 157.

  • #31

    wired (Friday, 21 October 2011 18:08)

    @kittykatcop Hey have a great time at Wicked!! I would love to see it and have fallen in love with Lucy even more after seeing parts of her performance from Wicked. I didn't realize how good she was with a bit of comedy until I saw her as Glinda. Hopefully you'll have a JMR when you're there!

    Regarding removing earrings while under a wind blanket...maybe it depends how pointy sharp they are! LOL

  • #32

    kittykatcop (Saturday, 22 October 2011 01:05)

    Before I hop on the train to the big smoke, I have a couple of requests- yes I think the e-mail list should be password protected. And I would love a link to the jictionary if its not too complicated.
    Lastly @wired, yes Lucy's comic timing is brilliant not sure how much practice she's going to get in Rebecca. Unless they've completely rewritten the book that is!!

  • #33

    Kirsty (Saturday, 22 October 2011 03:27)

    @San yes,I agree it should be password protected

    @kittykatcop I'm too late obviously but you'll love Wicked. Rachel Tucker is amazing as Elphaba. In fact I actually prefer her as 'college' Elphaba then Willemijn Verkaik is my favourite from 'after college'. Have you learned all the songs too?! :) I'm learning 'Gutes Tun' just now, it's quite hard. Also found it a little hard to enjoy the songs in the theatre because while they were singing in English I was hearing the German lyrics in my head and kind of translating them into English. Bit confusing!!
    I have every hope that when the Dutch run of Wicked (I'm going 3 weeks today! *squeee*) finishes next year the production will go back to Germany and Lucy will go back to it...

  • #34

    Kirsty (Saturday, 22 October 2011 05:40)

    Just watched a clip, I think it's ep220- when Luzi has just told Jenny she can go to her place. Just before Jenny and Emma hug it looks as though Lucy is going in for a kiss but Kasia is going for only a hug- or is it my imagination? It's very well covered up if that is the case :)

  • #35

    hoppe (Saturday, 22 October 2011 07:31)

    uhm... short note: @Libelulle should post her post from the forum about the researches on the bullet earings here too, pretty please?
    We need to collect all gathered knowledge at one place so that new Jemmaist to be have full access to all wisdom about Jemmaverse, so that they have a chance to gain Jemmavana :)
    bye again... :)

  • #36

    Randy (Saturday, 22 October 2011 09:39)

    @Kirsty #34 I didn't see Lucy "going in for a kiss" in that scene, but I love how once again she uses touching to express Jenny's love for Emma. The way she strokes Emma's jacket and rests her hand on her shoulder convey the depth of her feelings in a gentle yet powerful way.

  • #37

    San (Saturday, 22 October 2011 11:57)

    Well, no bodoted barista this week, but there is an small AA meeting at the table in front of me. Weird, eh? I looked up a word for them on my kindle :)

    Email list is now password protected and you know the word. It was brought to my attention that the dollar sign is not a standard feature on keyboards. Oops! Reminds me of Emma's "normal" apology in 105. It's probably because I haven't known any other keyboards. I'll present a slightly different alternative in the Forum.

    @kittykatcop Enjoy Wicked! I'm starting to regret not seeing it the times the travel show came to town. Watching the clips (German and English) on youtube made me realize that the soundtrack really doesn't do it justice. I've always been more of an opera gal, so the German version makes me think it's Mozart.

    I can make a few tutorial vids to get you comfortable with the site. You can add anything you want to make it better, so let me know what you want to know how to do.

  • #38

    San (Saturday, 22 October 2011 16:34)

    Sympathy for the Devil is playing in the coffee shop. F**king Perfect is paused on my iPod. Just thought I'd share :)

  • #39

    frananifan (Saturday, 22 October 2011 16:34)

    @San opera gal -I recently put this in my itunes. love it. try it.

  • #40

    frananifan (Saturday, 22 October 2011 17:01)

    thanks for the share :) As I type, I have Ich Wollt Nur Tanzen-Lucy Scherer playing.

  • #41

    Libellule (Saturday, 22 October 2011 20:58)

    That aria is wonderful, Bellini is my favorite opera composer.
    While listening to the extract you sent the link for, I had the scene of Emma with her magic shoes running after Jenny, making her do a 360, realizing she will leave (oh Emma's look shift in that second, how Kasia interpreted that was -I can't even find a proper word to describe it-), cry-kissing her, looking at the car leaving, and standing still in total despair.
    So you had me on the edge of tears...
    But when it stopped playing, I remember Emma chasing the plane and Jenny in utter bliss after, making Emma do a 360 too, and I just smiled. That aria is called "Dopo l'oscuro nembo" which means "After the dark cloud", so it perfectly fits these Jemma visions of mine, as the dark cloud could represent the Jemma drug drama. ;)
    I'm always amazed by how music can spontaneously reach deep emotions in our subconscious, without us necessarily understanding why. It's beautiful.

  • #42

    Libellule (Saturday, 22 October 2011 23:01)

    I'm currently re-watching the early episodes, because I love resilient Jenny once she has set her sights on Emma. I admire how she bares it all to be closer to Emma; I mean apart from her drug past, she completely exposes herself emotion-wise at that time, and it takes a crazy amount of courage to do that. And whatever Emma throws at her while figuring out her own feelings towards Jenny, Jenny keeps coming back, vulnerable, trying to be accepted in Emma sphere (until Emma violently rejects her when Timo catches them kissing).

    Anyway, I was wondering something about ep 115, and it probably has to do with translation -so @hoppe or any other Rm234er german speaker, if you get a chance ;)-:
    When Jenny "confronts" Emma about the kiss in front of the lockers, she asks Emma "if it was too fast". Does she mean was the kiss too fast or the fact that she did that step too fast (as in too early in their "relationship")?
    If it's the former, it's funny to imagine that Jenny's first thought to explain Emma acting weird all of the sudden is about the kiss technicality and its maybe non-perfection... :D

  • #43

    hoppe (Sunday, 23 October 2011 06:26)

    @Libelulle: it's the second... to fast in their relationship I think...

  • #44

    Kirsty (Sunday, 23 October 2011 08:45)

    @San Just throwing this out there, would it be possible to get little avatars/pictures to put beside our names? And would anyone else like them? I often find myself scrolling through all the posts to check up on a comment I know someone made and I would find it a lot easier to search if I was looking for their photo and not just their name. Just wondering..

  • #45

    frananifan (Sunday, 23 October 2011 10:05)

    @Libellule -dragonfly made a visit in my morning meditation. I have been actively trying to disrupt my comfort zone so this makes sense... because she encourages me to seek out the parts of my habits which I need to change. I logged in to search for fresh details on dragonfly and I was led to "libellule". Guidance says to "follow Dragonfly to the place inside your body where magic is still alive, and drink deeply of its power". Now I come here and read your notes. Is this a name you have chosen through self discovery or did someone else gift it to you? Your many perspectives, how you balance the emotional and the logical, everything about your expressions in 234 have been dragonfly and now I know what your name means. This is a lovely discovery!
    As for the music moving you...I recommend that you don't stand at the edge of tears...go ahead and jump. I live to be moved and music is where I really pay attention. Music has directed me everywhere of any significance in my life, internally and externally. Art, dance, literature will move me but music is different. It has been a path. It may have led me here. I recall that I had been searching for some different music when I eventually youtubed my way to this odd little German show. There they were, cute Jenny, who seemed to be flirting with cute Emma behind a bar. I did not know what they were saying but I saw their chemistry and needed to know more.

  • #46

    San (Sunday, 23 October 2011 12:44)

    @frananifan Ok, I also go crazy for mezzo-sopranos. You're innocent link lead me into an Elina Garanca and operatic spiral rollercoater going from Mozart to Bizet's Habanara and Seguidilla (all time fav) and away to Durufle's "Pie Jesu" floating off with Delibes' Flower Duet up to Berlioz's La Mort de Cleopatre and finally landed on Charlotte's gut wrenching "Ces Lettres" aria in Massenet's Werther, where I found this mouth-dropping Garanca perfomrance. I love the 50s era staging!

    Btw, all the French I know is from French opera - L'amour est enfant de Boheme, I'm I right?

    Did any one else notice in 140, I think Luzi called Emma Papageno? At least, I like to think she did because Emma was all up in an euphoric love cloud in that scene. Reference to Mozart's Die Zauberflöte, no?

  • #47

    San (Sunday, 23 October 2011 12:46)

    @Kirsty There is a way to have avatars. Jimdo has this social networking feature where you can friend other Jimdo pages and such. If you create a Jimdo page, you can set up a profile complete with picture in the Settings (the little cog icon on the side panel when you're logged in to the site). When you're logged into your site and make comments on other Jimdo sites, you're name and avatar automatically appear.

    To find names or certain words and phrases, you can also try Ctrl-F (on PC) and search the page. I've always found that useful.

  • #48

    tamu13 (Sunday, 23 October 2011 13:40)

    hi guys.. nice to see u all again :D
    @San.. thx for making a new home, brilliant :)
    ach, so much to catch.. any basic rules here?

  • #49

    San (Sunday, 23 October 2011)

    Hey @tamu13! Glad you made it. The rules are basically the same as before. We are all administrators, so you're welcome to logon and add content. (logon info is in the JI forum, but you can contact me through the contact page, and I can give you the information.

    Note @all: there will be a slight password change, but I'm still not sure how to make sure everyone is clear on the change. Any ideas?

  • #50

    hoppe (Sunday, 23 October 2011 15:32)

    about the new password... maybe everyone sends a mail to you via this page here and you can send an answer to all of us including the new password?

  • #51

    Kirsty (Sunday, 23 October 2011 15:43)

    @San didn't know about that Ctrl+F trick, that;s pretty neat, thank you :)

    @tamu13 Hi, nice to see you again !

  • #52

    San (Sunday, 23 October 2011 16:09)

    @hoppe That's a good idea for the password.

    There's a new page under Images - Are They Wearing Jemma Stuff? I have no idea if there will be any other images to fit the theme, but I'm truly wondering if Rachel Maddow is wearing Jenny's watch :)

  • #53

    frananifan (Sunday, 23 October 2011 16:18)

    @San #46 jebus. I probably wasn't supposed to laugh at the part where she shaves her face, sucks her thumb, then spits.

  • #54

    San (Sunday, 23 October 2011 16:22)

    @frananifan That's when my mouth dropped :) And I might've uttered Oh my god, this is awesome!

  • #55

    Wired (Sunday, 23 October 2011 18:28)

    Wow! This is why Ilove this room! We can go from Jemma to opera! While I do not listen much opera, music moves me as well. I am always amazed and delighted when I hear a song and can be transported to memory that is so vivid it breaks my heart.

    Also the pure beauty of a voice can take me away. To mind Enya, Eva Cassidy, Sarah McLachlan, Lakme, Into the Woods, and now songs from HaH bring memories.

    Reading your posts I want to discover opera much more!

  • #56

    frananifan (Sunday, 23 October 2011 19:13)

    Well here you go! I found the jemma connection to the aria. Watch the continuation of that scene from Werther at At about the 2.20 mark they re-enact the Luzi bedroom scene:) God I love this place.

  • #57

    frananifan (Sunday, 23 October 2011 19:30)

    @Wired do you find that you sing "I wish to go to the festival" whenever you go to a festival?

  • #58

    Wired (Sunday, 23 October 2011 19:58)

    @frananifan Hahahaha! Yes! I also can't think about those fairy tales the same anymore either!

  • #59

    San (Sunday, 23 October 2011 20:11)

    OMJ! @frananifan I was waiting for that clip to load on my computer when I thought "hmmm, while I'm waiting, let me see if there are anymore comments on the ol' 234." And there you are suggesting the same exact clip. "Va! laisse couler mes larmes" (Go! Let you tears flow) - one of the best mezzo arias - and #45 reminded me to look it up.

    @Wired Into the Woods is on my short list of favorite musicals (Lady in the Dark and Cabaret or the others). I can't say "reasonable" without saying again "I think I have been more than reasonable."

  • #60

    frananifan (Sunday, 23 October 2011 20:38)

    wow. See, that is what I mean when I say music speaks to me. I may not be able to understand the language but someone is trying to tell me something so I better listen. (sport ist mort :0)

  • #61

    Wired (Sunday, 23 October 2011 21:28)

    Ah Sport ist mort! I had that phrase in my head the other day and smiled all day. That was Hotte at his best and another defining Jemma moment?

    Most people I know don't really know Into the Woods...another Jemmaconnection besides tennis, opera, old movies and more! Music can bridge words are necessary sometimes! But music is partly why I love HaH much.

  • #62

    tamu13 (Sunday, 23 October 2011 23:42)

    @Kirsty.. *wave back* halloo :D
    @San.. I think there's no more room for email list.. I don't see an "Insert Row After" button and so on.. but it's ok.. you've already got my mail
    @Wired.. I like Enya too :)

  • #63

    Kittykatcop (Monday, 24 October 2011 03:14)

    Hey all, back from London. JRM's and Wicked stories a go-go. But no time just now. Listening to the beautiful piece of opera that @frananifan posted a link to and wanted to thank you quickly. Speak later. XXXX

  • #64

    Kirsty (Monday, 24 October 2011 06:56)

    I feel a bit sad, I watched @frananifan's opera clip and I just don't get it. I'm glad that you all are moved by it though. The world would be a boring place if we all liked the same stuff. I happened to be moved by watching a beautiful goal my team scored at the weekend- unfortunately in the middle of a 6-1 loss- aow!
    @kittykatcop Can't wait to hear all your stories!

  • #65

    Kirsty (Monday, 24 October 2011 08:52)

    Ami tweeted this earlier,it's brilliant..type Emmmaaaaaaaa into YT- someone has put together all the times Jenny says, or tries to say, Emm's name. Niiiccceee

  • #66

    San (Monday, 24 October 2011 09:17)

    @Kirsty I soooo have to watch that video. Maybe during my lunch break.

    A little note about the Werther scene. It was 2 sisters having fun, and they were very cute with the puppets, like how Emma and Jenny were in 221. Interesting costume choice for Sophie (oh, hello - I didn't connect that to HaHe before). She's the younger sister and very idealistic. I guess in this production, she was a bit of a free spirit as well.

  • #67

    Clijsters3 (Monday, 24 October 2011 10:24)

    Hello my first post here and it feels good. We can actually see what everyone else has said, which makes it so much easier.

    @San I can't put any of my details in the contact section because the Jimdo box is in the way aahhh! Is the first piece of info you're after our name? and is this our username or real name? then is it our email address? and I can't see anything in the last bigger box.

    @Kittykatcop can't wait to hear all about London.

    @Kirsty I've tried typing in Emmmaaaaa on YT but the video doesn't come:( any ideas?

    Basically I'm not having much luck with technology today.

  • #68

    hoppe (Monday, 24 October 2011 10:29)

    there are to many Emmaaa films on YT. Here:
    I like it, but the sound is a bit distracting. I would've put it up without extra sound overlayed.

  • #69

    Clijsters3 (Monday, 24 October 2011 10:57)

    @Hoppe thanks for the link I love it when there's lots of short fast clips put together, espcially when it's Jemma, I agree with you about the sound, hopefully they'll your advice and put a new one up.

  • #70

    San (Monday, 24 October 2011 10:57)

    @Clijsters3 I have the same problem with that stupid jimdo box. You can try zooming out on the page by pressing the Crtl button and - sign (on PC). The name is up to you. I know one good use for the list is to send out password changes. Contact me through the contact form and I can send you a little video link that might help.

  • #71

    frananifan (Monday, 24 October 2011 11:03)

    @Kirsty I would like to clarify that I know next to nothing about opera except for what I have randomly found to enjoy and what San and others have been teaching me here. I always appreciate a good goal, unfortunately my hockey team failed to score even one their last game.
    Regarding the video of Jenny saying Emma's name....enjoyed it. When I put on my favorite ripped up working outside jeans I have to say Emmmmaaaaa! I can make myself smile all day long with this silly stuff.

    @Clijsters3 and tamu13 I'm happy to see you! If you want to email me, I can try to help you out with the contact page. I had trouble myself at first.

  • #72

    Clijsters3 (Monday, 24 October 2011 11:13)

    @San @Frananifan thanks for your help and support. The zoom tip helped and I've now sent you a message San so you'll have my details. Thanks Fran for offering to help me out but I think I've sorted it. Can you tell I don't have a clue about technology?!

    That's what I love about room 234 everyone is ready to help each other out.

  • #73

    San (Monday, 24 October 2011 11:42)

    Somebody's having fun. LOL!

    @Kirsty and @frananifan I almost mentioned the I was super stoked that Tech beat OU!! Whooohooo Go Tech!!!, but decided opera made more sense than that statement :)

  • #74

    Randy (Monday, 24 October 2011 12:26)

    @San Just now I was able to get to the contact email list without typing the password. Is it no longer password protected?

  • #75

    San (Monday, 24 October 2011 12:35)

    @Randy It is still password protected. Your browser probably stored the information (called Cache). I know after I sign in and go off to other pages, I can go back to the list without signing it. When I close the browser and open it again, I have to sign in again. It depends on your browser settings, but it is still protected.

  • #76

    San (Monday, 24 October 2011 13:08)

    Love the Emmmaaaaaa video! It's the whole story just in a name - very cute. The music is very distracting. And I would love to see one with both "Emma"s and "Jenny"s. How awesome would that be!!

  • #77

    Wired (Monday, 24 October 2011 13:27)

    Oh I have to get my e-mail on that list! Will look at doing that tonight...

    I saw that "Emma" video the other night and thought it was pretty cute but yes as @Hoppe said the soundtrack is kind of hard to listen to and listen to "Emmas".

    I'm with you @San! I would love to see scenes of the corresponding Emmas with Jennys and vise versa. Someone somewhere mentioned that Jenny always answered "Emma" when Emma said her name.

    Those two are too cute!

    @Kittykatcop can't wait to hear your stories! @tamu13 hey there and yay Enya! Her music is so beautiful! @Clijsters3 you're here! The group is coming together!

  • #78

    Randy (Monday, 24 October 2011 13:38)

    @San #78 Thanks for the explanation. Being technology challenged can create emma-ing moments.

    Also, I'll accept your offer to jpeg that thing I emailed. I want to see whether it works before I send it, but I have to wait for special printer paper to arrive.

  • #79

    Kirsty (Monday, 24 October 2011 15:50)

    @kittykatcop I'm dying to hear what you thought of Wicked, where are youuuu?
    @hoppe it's youuu!!!

    Also, so are we allowed to put links to Youtube clips up on here then? Wasn't sure because there is something in the rules about links to copyrighted stuff...oder?? (am I ok to use that word there hoppe? does that make sense?)

  • #80

    Randy (Monday, 24 October 2011)

    @hoppe Yes, password "projection." We're fortunate to have San to calm our emma-ing and explain all the tech stuff to us. She's our tech angel. :-)
    Are you feeling better?

  • #81

    Libellule (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 00:13)

    Hello lovely bunch, :)

    Note: Behold, I'm back to my old habits of lengthty posts for this one... ;p

    I can see I have a lot to catch up again, though my week-end was full of Jemma. I've been busy re-watching early episodes*,
    (*can get enough of Jenny "no game, no sport, no science either" in ep116; how she makes things cristal clear for Emma and at the same time completely exposes herself doing so. I know, I know, I already said the exact same thing in my previous post, and it must be getting redundant, but seriously, how much courage does it take to do that? She's only 30cm away from the once she fancies, she looks straight in her eyes and says "Emma, ich bin verknallt! In dich. Ziemlich heftig sogar..." - btw that german "melody" on Jenny's lips makes me totally melt. Each single time. :D -, it's exactly the same as taking her heart out of her own rib cage and put it there just in front of her, at Emma's mercy. I think the title of the show takes its full meaning at that very second, actually it should even be reversed when applied to Jenny : Herz aufs Hand, for heart on hand instead of Hand aufs Herz - hand on heart. I believe Jenny herself realizes the full extent of her own vulnerability only when she actually says those last words. If you pause the video over "Ziemlich heftig sogar", you'll see how her look becomes suddenly very grave and kind of introspective)
    doing an episode 197 marathon on Sat1 (which made me noticing a few random stuff) and re-reading integrally half the comments of old Room 234 (that's right, all comments up to #500, just because @San current #59 referred to an old #45, so of course I had to look it up and got caught up in our Jemmanalyzes all over again ;p Btw, I also noticed that we reached Jemmageddon in only a month and a half. Yep, we wrote 1000 comments between September 2nd and October 19th!).

    So, about ep197 and the few things I really had time to take a closer look at. ;)
    -Back view of Ben and Bea running in the swimmimg pool area after they jumped over the fence: Bea has some very high platforms and I'm scared for her ankles; it doesn't seem very stable while running in the grass.
    -Emma, Jenny and Bodo discussing in front of the school entrance: is it me or do they look like being cold? It was a wonderful sunny day if the light is any indication, but probably not really warm because their lips seem turning purple. Unless they shot this at 6am or something. Or maybe I'm just projecting because I'm actually cold right now. ;p
    -Bodo trying the ugly neon outfit: Jenny, I mean Lucy, nearly blinds herself in the left eye while covering her mouth in fun disapproval of the outfit.
    -Luzi and her mom cheering: each time these 2 share a scene, I'm amazed by how well the casting has been done: same blue eyes, same chin dimple. They're totally believable as mother and daughter. I love their relationship. Also though I said it only once, I'm often reminded of the fact that Selena (who plays Luzi) is an incredibly talented artist. As @Randy or @Kirsty said in old Room 234, she has such maturity for her young age. I really hope she'll made it for HaH webserie, I truly like her character.
    -Lara and Bodo watching a vampire movie: looking at the actors faces, it must have been very hard to go through the scene without a crisis of laughters. Also the wind machine in Lara's hair had me noticing her yellow anchor earings, lovely.
    -@Kittykatcop #28: nice catch! Another mishmash from the prod department along the Ben's/Jenny's room, maybe? Who could blame them, who would be able to properly focus while Jemma is "flying" under the sheets?:D

    Now, apart from these random notes, there's a thing in this ep that always feels "dissonant" for me, no matter how differently I try to look at it each time. It's when Bodo has just left and Emma is teasing Jenny with the "innocence thing", and Jenny is all "Hey, don't look at me like that or else I can't guarantee anything any longer".
    I just don't feel it.This moment should be charged with extreme desire in their eyes (like in ep174 -at the "Weenus" song ;D- where they nearly set the whole auditorium on fire), and that's the first time (and probably the only one) where I can't feel the emotion through the way they look at each other. Those 2 communicate with their eyes, it's impressive all the things Kasia and Lucy are able to convey in a blink, but in that scene i'm not moved. It's weird because I find the kiss coming out of this scene charged with desire and beautiful, but the few seconds before, nichts. I put that on the account of the pressure for the actresses to shoot the following scene (=wind machine), so maybe they were trying to mentally prepare for that and lost touch with their characters/storyline for a flickering instant?

  • #82

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 01:32)

    @Libellule Ah, have missed settling down to read your posts.. :)
    Love the scene where Bodo is trying on all Ben's clothes. Lucy's blank face at his first outfit is great and I see what you mean about when she almost pokes herself in the eye!And Emma's cute face when she's taking the photo with her phone.
    And yes there isn't much passion leading up to the wind machine-scene but I think maybe Emma just realises this is as good a time as any. they have the house to themselves, they don't have anywhere else to be, she's just ready and grabs her moment. Think it surprised Jenny though so maybe that why she looks a bit disconnected. It could be because Kasia and Lucy were nervous about the scene but I'm not altogether sure about that. They are both experienced actresses. Lucy was in the musical Lulu which was pretty sexual I think. So I think that's just the way they were playing it. Hmm although maybe one of them changed something slightly from the script which threw the other one briefly..

  • #83

    Libellule (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 02:16)

    @frananifan #45
    Deeply enlightning post, thank you very much!
    I had no clue when I chose that name that it had all this significance, but if I look at the place I'm in my life currently, it makes perfect sense.

    I'm also trying to get out of my comfort zone. I have the feeling that I slowly lost touch, over the last 2 years at least, with that spontaneous part of me that uses to push me to take some risks, to allow myself to be vulnerable sometimes for the sake of self-discovery. That's probably why early Jenny in her "bare-it-all" way moves me so much. I relate to that energy of "no half-measure" because I know how alive it can make you feel. And I deeply miss that in my life right now, I don't like being in this state of "numbness".
    My encounter with Jemma and HaH at the time awakened all this thirst and started to make me fully aware of the slippery road of regrets ahead of me if I couldn't find a way to shake myself up. So when I finally decided to log in and participated in Room234 more than a month and a half ago, maybe it was in my subconscious when I picked up my JA name?
    The genuine reason behind that choice has to do with musicality and elegance. The former because in french, the word libellule sounds soft and harmonious to my ears, I don't know, I think there's some grace to it. The latter because the dragonfly is often seen in european art pieces from the 20's (whether fashion, furniture, painting...) so I take it as a symbol of that era I love (artistically talking). Again, to me there's some grace to it, visually this time.
    But now that you gave me the meaning of the dragonfly in meditation, I like to believe that my subconscious also played a role in that choice, for the reasons I exposed.

    In my comment #975, I said that "I still have a lot to explore with Jemma that would trigger some impressive choices in my life", but I know it's there, I can feel it, and it will manifest at some point in the near future, when it's time. Because like @Marie-Helene, Jemma and HaH in its whole have left a really truly deep mark on me, and Room 234 keeps that feeling alive for the best, lifts me up in darker days and reminds me to emmabeam to the world.

    I'm not sure how this whole post sounds cuz it's quite late, but what I really wanted to say is: Ich bin verknallt! In you all! Ziemlich heftig sogar. :D
    Seriously and sincerely, thank you all, from the bottom of my heart. :)

  • #84

    Libellule (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 03:06)

    @frananifan #56
    You had me on full on laughters on this one! I was expecting Elina Garanca (sorry, can't find the accent to properly spell her name on my keyboard) doing Emma's roarhhh when playing with the crocodile on Ileana Tonca. :D

    @Kirsty #64
    Totally agree, "The world would be a boring place if we all liked the same stuff." That's what I like here: we're sharing, we're trying (what moves others) and we're processing (why it did also or did not move us). Amazing! It's like for Jemma, we know that we, here, have all been moved by it, but we also know that it's not necessarily for the same reasons. I find that fascinating, because it makes us sharing incredible things. :)

    About the Emmaaaaa video, I couldn't get through it all cuz the overlapping music was too "parasiting" for me. And since the purpose of that video is to hear Jenny calls Emma, I'm missing the track if I watch it on mute. ;p

    Ok, time for me to go to bed, I'll look at that password, email, technical thingy later in the week, but LOL @room234 #74 (I mean @Hoppe), having fun indeed! :D

  • #85

    tamu13 (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 04:33)

    @San.. thx for the vid about email list & sandbox.. but, is it something related with browser or should I be an admin first? I don't see any box to click or modified.. still lost there
    @frananifan.. ty fran.. need second opinion :D
    @Wired.. yea.. I like Enya since 20 years ago.. guess how old I am? :p

    guys.. I was wondering.. is it illegal there to watch from megavideo? you can stream all episodes of HaHe and save it .. while waiting the DVD

  • #86

    Kittykatcop (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 04:36)

    Meine lieben ozianischen Mitburger. Wie geht es dir? Apologies for my late reply, a weekend in London knocked the wind from my sails. I then read your eager anticipation of my Wicked stories and JRM's and I very nearly crumpled under the pressure. Never fear I have roused myself from the depths and I present to you my very own Oktoberfest. (Also I'm a little concerned at following Libellule as she always seems to write on such an insightful level, that I fear my words may be left wanting.)
    The weekend started with wrapping oneself in a warm coat and colourful scarf and heading to the train station. Naturally once there I could not resist asking "do you know where the train for London departs from?" (Though it is a journey I have made hundreds of times, having gone to University in London)
    Half an hour later and I was on route to the kissing capital of the world.
    Arriving at St Pancras International station at the same time as the Eurostar, I then delighted in hearing all the different European languages being spoken in excited voices - wondering all the time if any of these people had been swept up in the Summer of Hahe? A quick glance at the departures board told me that there was a connecting train to Koln which departs from London, information stored away for another time. Lunch in Covent Garden, but sorry I could not bring myself to order the Tiramisu (Coffee in a dessert is just wrong, please don't throw brightly coloured leggings and bullet earrings at me)
    Back to the hotel and a chance to relax, a lovely British film on the telly with Angela Lansbury trying to escape Germany. I spent a delightful afternoon translating the German, safe in the knowledge that my Tuthrefore with Jemma does actually have a practical side effect!

    @Kirsty Wicked was amazing. From the moment those first chords struck up I was enthralled. If I squinted I could even imagine that Lucy was on stage. It's so clever the way they rely on your knowledge of the Wizard of Oz. And knowing the story, how tragic everything in Wicked then becomes. I also really enjoyed the nod to CS Lewis, some animals in Narnia lose the ability to talk in the very last book and again it is referred to as a time of change and disturbance. Though in Wicked's case it is due to persecution. A large proprtion of the audience did not know how to react to the Dr Dillamond storyline, possibly thinking that they have come out for an evenings riproaring entertainment, they were unprepared to be challenged in their thought processes.

    Rachel Tucker and Louise Dearman were not at the performance, but nonetheless Nikki Davis Jones had me in tears almost everytime she sang. And as for the second half well, thank goodness my mascara and eyeliner were waterproof because I would have given Alice Cooper a run for his money. Brilliant and well worth the standing ovation at the end. I shall be making the trip again before too long. I'm so jealous that you get to see Willamijn in person, she is going to be amazing.

    Sorry for the length, but you're the only ones who would understand the trip through Jemma tinted glasses.

  • #87

    Clijsters3 (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 04:42)

    Hi @Wired I'm here! I believe it was me and @Kirsty who first mentioned how whenever Emma said Jenny? Jenny always replied Emma? Well maybe not everytime but a lot of the time. It is cute isn't it. Someone should do a video of that.

    @Hoppe nice to see you can't leave us for too long.

    @Libellule and @Kirsty I know what you mean about a lack of passion leading up to the 'hurricane' scene but it might not be because the actresses were nervous of filming that scene. For all we know they may have already filmed the love scene before the helping Bodo trying on clothes scene as scenes as rarely filmed in order.

  • #88

    Clijsters3 (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 05:19)

    I've opened the 'Learning German with Jemma' thread over at the forum. Thanks for the encouragement @Kirsty and @Hoppe!

  • #89

    hoppe (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 06:45)

    @Libelulle: I think the lack of passion in that moment which I felt and saw at first too, is more there because they are supposed to just playfully joking at that moment? (but even then it feels a bit weird, because it's not really working... hmmm) - and just afterwards start to feel more deeply? dunno.
    Another thing I was wondering watching Jenny watching Caro feeling sick and vomitting: I found Jenny's reaction quite strange, being surprised and then totally unsure how to react, leaving Caro alone. It was like she didnt want to deal with the situation. Then I had to think of the situations later on with Sophie and how differently and strong she reacted there. Helping Sophie, being a real rock for her. I couldn't help wondering how she would have reacted to the same situation with Sophie (and Ronnie) if this would have happened to her in those early days at Pestalozzi. Now looking at it, it seems to me she got the strength to help Sophie and face up to the whole Ronnie stuff because of the relationship with Emma. Would she have said to Sophie too: "Oh, I just leave you better to yourself now?"
    @Clijsters: no I can't! :( :D LOL. And I will deal with the consequences ;) --- good you did open the thread!

  • #90

    San (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 09:57)

    @hoppe Love your sandbox! Since the pic is so big. You can have separate elements - one for photo and the other for text. That way you can switch the position how ever you like. The photo-text element seems a little limiting.

    @kittykatcop Excellent account! It was like I was there with you :) So there is a train from London to Koln? Good to know.

    @libellule I tuthrefored my way through all 1000 posts - skimming but still it's a lot of stuff. There are some precious moments in there.

    You might be interested to know that the text of all 1000 posts equals about 332 pages of a Word doc. We have a book, y'all!

  • #91

    Randy (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 10:24)

    @hoppe There's so much to see in your painting. I love the interplay of cool and warm colors and how the yellow brightens the subdued blue and green elements. I see a hooded woman's face on the left behind the dragonfly, and she's looking at the red-lipped face as though she's looking outside of her somber disguised self. On the lower right side, the horizontal blue line could be a river (life-giving water). Through the green trees I see a white pathway (trail) that leads to the yellow trees (a way out of the darker elements and into a brighter place). Thank you for the creative experience.

    @Libellule #85 Please look at hoppe's painting. It might provide some encouragement that the "numbness" (which I, too, have felt at times in my life and which I think is a natural response to some of life's happenings) will be overcome. There's always a pathway out of the situations we find ourselves in. The hard part is getting started on the journey. But I think you have the means and the desire within yourself to begin/continue the journey.

  • #92

    San (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 10:25)

    @tamu13 You do need to login first. The video starts in the admin side of the site.

  • #93

    Wired (Tuesday, 25 October 2011)

    Oh @libellule I do enjoy your posts! They are so thought provoking and enlightening! I noticed too how Jenny paused in 116 to clarify her feelings for Emma that it seemed she was almost surprised at the intensity of her feelings for Emma. Great subtle acting. I will have to review the wind tunnel scene but as @Kristy suggested I thought Emma was the one steering that ship and Jenny wasn't quite into the whole moment of desire yet...though yes you never know what is written and what is just the actresses trying to get into a moment. With editing and maybe only the ability to take one take for a scene due to costs who really knows? The speculation is fun though! Also I hope you find that spontaneous risk taking side when you can so the "numbness" is not so evident! Vive Jemma!

    @kittykatcop thank you for the post on your trip! While you write differently then libellule it's just as wonderful. I liked your imagery and made me wish I could visit Europe sometime soon. I will not get a chance to see Wicked either so I'm living vicariously through you lot! The post helps!

    At the risk of sounding out of it...did we add the date we had Jemmagedon in room 234.1 to the calendar?

  • #94

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 10:44)

    @kittykatcop 'Meine lieben Ozianischen..' too funny! :) Sounds like you had a good weekend. I was talking to the lady beside me at the break and telling her I knew the German versions of the songs and she said she didn't even know there was a German production! It turns out she was just a normal theatre-goer who'd picked this musical to see and little did she know she was sitting next to a Wicked-Geek!! At least I recognised that I was veering towards geekiness and shut up. It's hard to explain why I love this story so much but it really has grabbed hold of me! I was also interested to read about the Wizard of Oz in the programme and the meanings behind it.

    Can I just mention that I love how we are all over the world. When I go to bed at night I can read posts us Europeans have written and when I get to work in the morning the posts from the American/Canadian contingent amongst us are there. and then we all chip in during the day. sweet!

  • #95

    hoppe (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 10:45)

    @Randy Wow, cool what you can see! thanx
    @San will try next time, thanx + glad you loved the sandbox - maybe we should all have a sandbox to show "unimportant" offtopic stuff, to be taken down easily again? (just a thought which popped up in my head)
    Where is a video, San? did I miss something? (emma-ing again, lol, I'm really more an Emma, I suppose ;)) - how to do headlines? and what's un/ordered lists????
    @kittycatkop - thanx too. good to know that there is really a train connection between Köln + London. So all jokes about that major mistake were wrong! :)

  • #96

    kykky (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 10:57)

    Hey!!!! You are here......I find you.....gasp..... You scared me...

  • #97

    hoppe (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 10:59)

    just shortly after Emma-ing, San's link to the video arrived ;) that's jemmagical again!

  • #98

    hoppe (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 11:01)

    hey kykky! good you found us! did you find + read the emergency thread on JI forum?

  • #99

    San (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 11:02)

    @Wired Yes, that dark day has been noted in the calendar queue.

    @hoppe Super sandbox idee! Btw, unordered list is a bulleted list while ordered list is numbered.

    I just emailed the video link to the list. If anyone didn't get it, contact me. I'll put you on the list and send you the link.

  • #100

    kykky (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 11:08)

    Hoppe: I find u because there were no news on JI. So I subscribed the forum and I found Room 234 where I could read the information about this new place.....

  • #101

    frananifan (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 11:08)

    @Kirsty I read the book Wicked before I heard the sound track and found it so politically appropo for the time. Then I discovered the music before seeing the production. By the time I saw the production I was defying my own gravity. I bow to the geekness in you.

    Every year I volunteer with the high school students designing, building and painting the scenery for their annual musical production. (STAG with costumes and live music) This year they are doing Big the Musical(not to be confused with The Big Gay Musical). I have already drawn the Harani Bank (or at least an ATM) into my part of the design. I just don't think I can pull off the Pestalozzi! It's funny, now that I think of it, our Frau Vogel music director is always late for everything. Could she know..."singing" in the attic with a student? Nah.

  • #102

    frananifan (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 11:11)

    Welcome back kykky!

  • #103

    Kykky (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 11:17)

    hallo @frananifan! What is the item of the day?

  • #104

    hoppe (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 11:24)

    @Kykky: Wicked: sand-boxing - trains from London to Cologne - Harani banks in American high school - American Vogel's saying "Vogel me!" - and a lot more!

  • #105

    kykky (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 11:35)

    Super! Thanks for the recap Hoppe!!!!!
    Are you watching Kasia in AULD? you read some FF?

  • #106

    Kykky (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 12:09)

    Reading back to' your post about 197 and the lack of passion.... To me the writers's idea was to show jenny nervous and unsure. And this is what i see looking T jenny in this episode (till the Wind machine). She is super nervous and when Emma shows her she is ready jenny is sueprised to' see her gf so sure and maybe she starts to be' worried a little more...

  • #107

    frananifan (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 12:11)

    @kittykatcop (Coffee in a dessert is just wrong, please don't throw brightly coloured leggings and bullet earrings at me). Really!? Have you never enjoyed a coffee ice cream milkshake? They make me want we actually have a word for that expression Jenny makes when she imitates the the celestial sound of angels in heaven? Yeah, they me me want to do that.

  • #108

    frananifan (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 12:12)

    @Kykky I agree completely with you take on that (197).

  • #109

    Wired (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 12:15)

    @frananifan looks like we have to make up a new word for the jictionary for that sound effect! Who's on that?

    I was out for dinner the other night and was wondering what the dessert would be (it was a preset meal) and just thinking it might be tiramisu made me emmabeam.

    welcome back @kykky! Also @hoppe glad you're still in and around here! This is why we are JA we're hard to quit...

  • #110

    tamu13 (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 12:52)

    oh noo, the kommentar schreiben didn't work.. have to scrooooll it :D
    speaking of 197, has anyone watch Verbotene Liebe? on Jemma's lüv scene, why HaHe choose the same song with Starla 'first' :-?

  • #111

    kittykacop (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 12:57)

    @tamu13 same for Miriam and Rebecca's first proper kiss at the castle. Clearly everyone in Germany gets down to the same song.........@hoppe?

  • #112

    Kykky (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 13:01)

    @tamu13: I did not watch Verbotene Liebe...about the song: to me it is not the right song ..what does it mean? I don't know I don't like on the love scene.....

  • #113

    kittykatcop (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 13:44)

    @frananifan nope sorry, coffee is supposed to come in a big steaming cup, or at most in a paper cup with a green motif on it! Now a large kasekuchen, preferably of the New York variety well himmel sigh's all round.

  • #114

    tamu13 (Tuesday, 25 October 2011 18:54)

    @Kykky.. I don't watch all VL but only pick Starla stories and Mirecca later (long time before I met Jemma) the song is not my taste too.. but seems like it's an anthem for German's L couple.. keine ahnung
    @kittykatcop.. less chemistry on Mirreca.. they just ended like that?

  • #115

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 01:12)

    @kittykatcop Was Mirbecca's first proper kiss, at the castle, the scene where they ended up on the table before Rebecca's father came down? And how cool a dad was he!?

    @Kykky Hi!! I agree with you about Jenny being nervous. I mean she's just kind of been let off the hook because she didn't have to go to the loveshack in the woods after all. So she must have thought it wasn't going to happen today and she could stop being nervous. Then all of a sudden Emma's ready and she's in charge and that makes Jenny even more nervous. She's not in control of a situation that is happening too quickly for her to deal with. It must have been a little hard for her to open herself up even more to Emma shortly after and admit that she was nervous. Like @Libellule said, she's got her heart in her hands.

    @frananifan I love the book! Have you read the sequels to Wicked. I might get the second one but the reviews for the third one weren't that great.

  • #116

    Libellule (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 03:18)

    My dear JAs,

    So many things happen in this Room in 24h, wow! :) I have a lot to process but since it's already 4am and the renovations in the street will start in 3h, I'll make it quick to spare myself some little sleep. I took the time to read all posts though but right now I'll comment on just 2 main things:

    Thank you so much for sharing your London Wicked experience and allowing us to travel/live it through you! It's very well described, as @San said it's like we were there with you. And now I feel like taking a train, for wherever. :p (Also I'm with you on the coffee thing. :D)

    Your painting is beautiful!
    My first reflex was trying to zoom on it, cuz I wanted to "fly all over it", guessing the textures and all the materials. But I just heard myself ranting at the computer instead, with an out loud "What do you mean I CAN'T zoom in?!!!"(yes, I talk to my computer on a regular basis; well, "screaming at it" would be more accurate. ;D), and I wondered about the size of the piece.

    I find it really poetic. It's "speaking" (to me, at least. ;p Well, @Randy a lot too, apparently :D) and as @Randy said, you can see a lot of different things in it depending on the way it moves you. To me there's some kind of "quiet strength" emmanating (jictionary word on purpose, not a mispelling ;) )from it, I find it fascinating. You seem to be a very creative person, using all kinds of media (painting, music, video...) to express yourself, it's really inspiring. Thank you dearly for sharing "Dragon Fly!" with us!

  • #117

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 03:47)

    @San ok having been the one to request a password protected site I can't log in and I haven't yet added my e-mail address etc. I also wanted to post the piece I wrote in September on a Sandbox page, but since I can't I have started a new blog - link here

    @hoppe I have looked at your Sandbox and the first impression I have is of tranquility and a sailing dinghy. Infact it is almost the exact colour of the boat my father built when I was a teenager. Thank you for an insight into your creativity.

  • #118

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 04:19)

    @Kittykatcop I've just read your piece about HaH on your blog and it's really well written, there's a lot on there that I can relate to. Firstly going on YT and finding clips of Jemma but in no particular order so not really knowing what was going on and if it was going to lead anywhere. And secondly the Lily/Jasmine disaster, well let's not mention that again! Lol at Bea and Ben.

    @Hoppe LoL! Nooooooo!!! I'm never going to speak to you again:D

  • #119

    frananifan (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 07:02)

    Last evening I went to hear Cyndi Lauper perfom and she had a message for us! She said (I wrote it down so I wouldn't forget):
    " else...hard working women. This one is for you...TWO...THREE...FOUR" Then she ripped into a version of Girl's Just Want to Have Fun that covered no less than four different generes of music. This girl had fun.

  • #120

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 08:00)

    @Kittykatcop: cool you started an own blog... a very well written post ;) yeah, how much is this show inspiring us to be creative, loving and alive, heh?
    @Clijsters: uhm, ich steh auf dem Schlauch - meaning I don't quite understand... Whhhyyyy?... you'll never speak with me again? :S ;)
    @all thanxx for all your lovely words about the pic - I have to admit it is one of my best (only the best for you! ;)) and I love it a lot. @Libelulle: I changed the edit, so now you should be able to zoom it a bit ;) the original isn't very big though... it's painted on some sheets of of newspaper - about 30cm long if I remember right

  • #121

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 08:40)

    @kittykatcop: you mentioned in your blogpost that "youngsters" were complaining and finding HaH boring. Did you mean the early days of Jemma, where they weren't together or in general?

  • #122

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 08:44)

    @Hoppe Ok Maybe I got a bit confused. I was responding to your comment from post #93. At the forum in the room 234 emergency location thread I asked for your help in learning German i.e. answering questions people leave in the learning German thread, so I thought you meant you wouldn't!

  • #123

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 09:02)

    @kittykatcop Don't worry. I changed the password last night. Please contact me using the Contact form, and I'll send you the info. Same goes for anyone else who hasn't logged in yet.

  • #124

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 09:08)

    @San I've just mastered how to add my email to the list I guess helps if you're actually logged on! It's all beginning to make sense to me now.

  • #125

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 09:13)

    @San I've just thought did you say today was the last day to vote for the Tuthrefores? When do you think the results will be announced? I do love a good awards ceremony!

  • #126

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 09:21)

    @frananifan How awesome that Cyndi gave us a shout out :)

    The beauty of the Jemma 197, there's just pictures and music. We can replace the soundtrack with any song that we prefer. Maybe "Road to Somewhere" is just a standard placeholder :) So what song should it be? I have to think about that one.

    Oh @hoppe "Road to Somewhere" for the Jenny-Ben scene - Hilarious! Also, don't forget the extra blur filter...

  • #127

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 09:40)

    @Hoppe Oh I see just goes to show how we can get confused! There's so much discussion here and it's so fast moving. Something tells me you'll be around quite a bit, you can't keep away from us:)

    @Frananifan Cyndi rocks! I guess we're pretty famous now!

  • #128

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 10:56)

    @San: WoW! love your photos and collages! later more! really guys, everyone should have a little box ;) and if it's for pics of your animals, plants, or whatever popps up - I like that idea... :)

  • #129

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 11:05)

    @hoppe Thanks! It's cool that there's a Flickr element. I just wanted to try it out.

  • #130

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 11:46)

    @Clijsters3 #135 Good question! It might take a few days to post the awards properly. But I have started preparing The Tuthrefores! page for the festivities with a place for Acceptance Speeches :) How does sometime Saturday sound? I wish I had time to Photoshop the actual trophy. I was thinking: Jemma Coming Out Monument for the base with Jenny and Emma on top holding out 234. And the inscription: "In honor of excellence and achievement of Jemma knowledge through exemplary tuthreforeness." (or something much better)

  • #131

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 11:49)

    @Kirsty Awesome Rachel Berry pic! She is SO wearing Jenny's shirt :) Everyone, check out Images > Are They Wearing Jemma Stuff?

  • #132

    frananifan (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 11:53)

    can you believe some actually made two of those shirts?

  • #133

    frananifan (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 11:57)

    okay. that was not nice. sorry for the offense if any of you have that shirt.

  • #134

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 11:59)

    LOL @Kirsty I KNEW there was somewhere a pic of someone from Glee with some giraffe on it ;)
    cool you found it!!!

  • #135

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 12:02)

    hehe fran, I think it's okay... I sometimes would have liked Jenny's taste a bit more harmonic too ;) I mean you can look freaky but still a bit more fitting, but well that's just my taste and sense of harmony ;)

  • #136

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 12:06)

    hmmm... now this leads to another investigative question: how in the sacred Jemmaverse did you know, that Kirsty was the one posting, San?

  • #137

    frananifan (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 12:08)

    uh hoppe? San is the goddess of the sacred Jemmaverse

  • #138

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 12:12)

    oh well... ohm san sanesan san san Jemm-a!

  • #139

    Wired (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 12:36)

    @frananifan I agree whole heartedly with you regarding @San's title. I have no idea how she does what she does and am in awe...

    Well actually I'm in awe of all of you guys for posting pictures and working on the sandboxes! Would love to try it but must admit I'm a bit hesitant with the whole techy side of it and I'm not really that creative. I can appreciate it in others though so I bow to you guys. Keep it coming!

  • #140

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:03)

    @hoppe #147 Ah @San and I have attained Jemmanirvana and ,as such, are minds are as one... (Or..I needed help uploading it)

    @San I made a sandbox but then deleted it because I couldn't work out how to post pictures. Is it vaguely the same way as how you told me how to upload the Rachel one? Didn't want to somehow delete the site by mistake! :)

    I don't have cool paintings like hoppe's to put up so , if it's ok with everyone, I'm just going to put up various Lucy/Kasia/Hah/Wicked pictures etc that I like..

  • #141

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:06)

    @Frananifan Actually, if I saw one of these tops in a shop now I might actually buy it. It would link me to Jenny and worn with the right clothes in might not be too bad.. bullet earring, bodot- I would be bad ass and no-one would mess with me!!

  • #142

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:18)

    Hehe I don't pic and tell :)

    @Kirsty Yes, it's the same. Just add a new element, select photo, and go to town.

    Personally, for some reason that's one of my favorite Jenny outfits. Maybe because it matched so well. Kinda wished she wore is more (especially more than the star sweater). @Kirsty, You would look totally bad-ass!

  • #143

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:24)

    @clijsters3 and @hoppe. Thank you for your comments, I really enjoyed writing it and as mentioned I would have liked to have written more.

  • #144

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:26)

    @San I love the ball game photograph and the cellist. Both are really atmospheric.

  • #145

    frananifan (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:31)

    @Kirsty I would certainly buy it. I would not wear it. I WOULD wear one that said "ohm san sanesan san san Jemm-a!"

  • #146

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:40)

    @fran: help! I can't stop laughing! :D
    @Kirsty I agree, you have to buy it. And pretty please show us a pic of you with it and a bodot and other Jemmaesque acessoires should be found too!

  • #147

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:44)

    @hoppe Sorry, it was kind of a stretch for a pun. Pic, short for picture. And substituted into the phrase: I don't kiss and tell. Meaning the secret's safe with me or we'll keep this Jemmavana just between us.

  • #148

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:49)

    girlz, shame on you! because of you I already forget to have dinner! Because of this everyone has to cite at least 10 Jemmantras going like that: OM SAN FRAN KITTY KAT COP KIRSTY HOPP JEMM-A (this is one just fitting to the recent moment ;))

  • #149

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:49)

    Shucks, guys, don't you think that's a lot of hissing s-sounds for a mantra?

  • #150

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:51)

    @hoppe Hahahahaha try saying that after a few rounds of our Jemma drinking game. (Gosh that feels like a long time ago now)

  • #151

    frananifan (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 13:59)

    @kittykatcop (shhh-if you say that too loud tuthrefor San will start programming an internet drinking game)

  • #152

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 14:07)

    @frananifan Oh wow! it, do it, do it. Oooh San you could sell your own Jemma merchandise for Christmas. Drinking Games, T-Shirts. What would put on the Jemma Monopoly board? Koln, London obviously.....

  • #153

    frananifan (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 14:13)

    Hong Kong, New York, Hamburg...
    I would like to be the magic shoe please

  • #154

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 14:22)

    As long as I can be the bullet earring. Las Vegas.

  • #155

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 14:24)

    oooh oooh what about Jemma Cluedo....It was Ronnie in the Pestalozzi corridor with the giant stack of books!

  • #156

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 15:14)

    @frananifan Drinking game apps are tot easy to make... Do you want it to generate actual alcohol as well? :)

    @kittykatcop Now, I'm picturing a pair of legs poking out from under the Jemma Coming Out Monument (ala Wicked Witch of the East). Please, Jemma, I hope they aren't wearing rainbow wedges!

  • #157

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 15:21)

    ...Kapstadt, Train from London Railroad. And I'm the pair of leggings!

  • #158

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 15:22)

    @San that's a photoshop opportunity if ever I saw one......hilarious.

  • #159

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 15:26)

    Schmidt-Heissigs office is the Chance square.

  • #160

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 15:36)

    Open air swimming pool instead of Water Works. Go straight to Bea's Jail Cell, do not pass go, do not collect 200 Euros......

    Sorry I'm totally struck with this idea, there's even a create your own monopoly board online.

  • #161

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 15:38)

    @Kittykatcop Do it, do it, do it!

  • #162

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 15:41)

    haha cool! should the water works maybe be the uhm... toilets? ;)
    Bea's cell is great. what is the auditorium? shit I don't know how the different places and roads are called in the english version.... anyway, we might need more special places as there are on the monopoly field :)

  • #163

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 15:48)

    hmm, maybe the go field where you get the money each round could be the auditorium? As this is a place where a lot of good things happpened?

  • #164

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 15:49)

    Right time to start playing in the sandbox methinks, there's a pdf file of the board with blanks, I'll see if I can save it and upload it. Prefer your idea @hoppe of the toilets as the water works. We could have the different coloured properties relating to different themes - for example brown properties places of entertainment Chulos; Saal1.

  • #165

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 15:51)

    btw. it doesn't need to be Bea's JAIL CELL, it only needs to be Bea's room as she is always to late and you'll get stuck nevertheless if you are there ;)

  • #166

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 15:53)

    @hoppe hehe Vogel me!

    Jail cell, Bean Scene it's all the same to me :)

  • #167

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 16:05)

    Guys you are too funny! And busy! 30 posts in 3 hours or so. I've been bursting out laughing and my Dad just gave me a WTF look as he left the room. I can't explain properly to him He just wouldn't get it! :)
    Love the thought of the JemMonopoly.

  • #168

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 16:28)

    I've added a Sandbox with the JemMonopoly details we have so far. Any suggestions for the outstanding items?

  • #169

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 16:34)

    Can the Electric Works be Jemma Lockers or something along those lines?

  • #170

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 16:42)

    thanx kittykatcop :)
    playing pieces: a bodot
    electricity works... not sure... maybe someone gets a better idea from this: the Notstromaggregate/emergency generators?

  • #171

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 16:46)

    @San's idea is maybe better Jemmectricty lockers?

  • #172

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 16:47)

    playing piece: plaid shirt

  • #173

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 16:50)

    sorry for the post spam... or Jemmergency generators = lockers?

  • #174

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 16:54)

    @Hoppe I keep trying to add your suggestions to the sandbox and each time I come back to the meeting room you've added more......I love it.....we're going to have the board sorted quicker than you can say "Es tut mir leid"!

  • #175

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 16:58)

    well, not more tonight... my bed is calling ;) I would only like to optimize the word: Jemmectricity to Jemmatricity ;) good night everyone! sweet dreams <3

  • #176

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 17:10)

    ok, ok - the very last thing. I looked it up... I would take Hamburg Hauptbahnhof, Altona is also in direct connection and via ICE you seem to always have to go via Hannover. We might need to find out, where the Sister Act Musical was playing, so that we can say which train station they probably have taken

  • #177

    Kittykatcop (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 17:18)

    Operettenhaus, Spielbudenplatz 1, Hamburg (Nerd I know)

  • #178

    hoppe (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 17:34)

    okay will look into it tomorrow, cool kkc ;)
    another few suggestions (will I ever get to sleep? LOL)
    I felt uncomfortable with the goal being money, as HaH is about love, maybe we should take kisses?
    And maybe take instead of places for the streets songs? like the most important Jemma songs as the ones which brings the most kisses?...
    gute nacht!

  • #179

    Randy (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 18:23)

    @San Your photographs are really good. I particularly like the Holiday Motel (great neon and perfect angle) , Jefferson Memorial (the long shadows break up the flat area and contrast wonderfully with the round pillars), Esperson Skull (very distinct), Esperson Copola (interesting architecture), and Hoover Moonrise (superb). In Self Portrait, is the artwork on the wall behind you an Edward Hopper painting?

  • #180

    Wired (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 18:51)

    Wow is right! When you guys get an idea you go with it! the JemMonopoly is hilarious! I"d buy that!

    Can I be the piece that's Ben's car that saves Jenny from rehab, or a mangled bike courtesy of Jenny? I like the grouping of places like the entertainment place - Chulos and Saal1, so how about places in the school? The auditorium, volleyball court, the lockers? The Jemma Coming Out Monument can be the free parking space? Can't wait to see what you come up with @kittykatcop!

  • #181

    Wired (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 18:57)

    oh thought of some more places for grouping: rooms where Jemma lovin' or snugling scenes occurred: Ben's room, Luzi's room, Jenny's room

  • #182

    frananifan (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 20:59)

    @San #168? Really? You can do that?

  • #183

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 22:56)

    @frananifan It might involve hooking your computer up to a margarita machine :)

    @Randy Thanks. That means a lot. We need to get some of your work up in a sandbox. I like how the Hoover Dam photo came out. I was experimenting with color film and BW filters. That one was with a green filter. I took another one without the filter, and there was a drastic difference in the texture of the mountains. If you ever go and photograph the dam on BW film, definitely try a green filter. The Self Portrait is a bit of a misguiding title. That's actually my sister. The part of the frame that's actually in focus is a small picture of me at 4 in the background on the far right. The Hopper painting, Chop Suey, is also in focus.

    @Wired You can SO do this techy stuff! Give it a try. Contact me, and I'll give you the info to get started.

  • #184

    San (Wednesday, 26 October 2011 23:13)

    I like @Wired suggestion for the Jemma Coming Out Monument as the Free Parking. So I propose we replace it as a piece. Perhaps, with a Coming Out Brochure? For the last piece, we need more Emma stuff! But I'm torn because Hotte's hug scarf would make a great game piece, no?

    Also, maybe the Electric shouldn't be the Lockers, which will free them up for the Jemma knutschen block - Auditorium, Lockers, and Student Lounge Couch. I have a feeling the auditorium might be on the board a lot :) The first/cheaper properties could also be the Beschenkos' and Emma's house - not to be too A and B class.

    Ooo, I also think basing it on music would be good too.

  • #185

    Kirsty (Thursday, 27 October 2011 01:30)

    How about instead of the Tax you have some kind of punishment? You could have to dig the volleyball court and miss a round? Or be demoted to the 'dummies' class? And instead of going to jail you could have to take a drug test? If you roll an even number you pass and get to stay in Koln, if you roll an odd number you have to go to rehab in Ireland for a couple of rounds.
    Playing pieces - a fan? (wind machine) ,a microphone/ipod? a terrier dog? (I think the actual monopoly dog is a terrier isn't it?)a ladder?

  • #186

    hoppe (Thursday, 27 October 2011 06:05)

    I would love to have Emma's bike as a playing piece... maybe we just collect if we get too many playing pieces vote?
    the monetary system should be in my opiion more about the "higher" or more fun or... values in life
    this is just for fun and maybe too complex...
    what about:
    1 smile
    1 hug = 10 smiles
    1 kiss = 5 hugs = 50 smiles
    1 love night = 1,000 kisses = 5,000 hugs = 50,000 smiles

    if you don't want to give a love night, you also could give 50,000 smiles, isn't that great? although this hierarchy is a bit misleading, since a smile can be like a love night in some moments, a quite short one though, but well... ;)

    hmmm, we could also build in a substitute for kisses if it doesn't feel like kissing at that moments
    1 kiss = 1 namasté (a bow in respect + love, recognizing the beauty and oneness in the other and yourself, so you could also give 500 kisses and 500 n's, or 666 kisses and 333 n's

    well, we don't need to take this ... it was just a play, which I enjoyed quite much ;)
    and who's fault is it? loads of orange in my life! :D

  • #187

    frananifan (Thursday, 27 October 2011 06:23)

    Emma playing piece-a f*cking radio (I need to go back and check to see if it was the same radio in both poltergeist ladder and Girl form Impanema scenes)

  • #188

    hoppe (Thursday, 27 October 2011 06:30)

    @San: well about your pics - lots to say. maybe I just start and look how far I get.
    Hmmm... like the cello one a lot, it's very the way the movement of the bow and the fingers are to see. music is something so light, it's gone in a sec and it's flowing... perfectly shown in the photo. and the cello is clear and sharp and very much material - a very sensual picture. and love it that it's BW and not in colours.
    The perfect rose... like it because you can assume a story in it or many different ones? very symbolic (shall I start again? LOL) and so well seen! I mean, you needed to see it and then find the right way to take the photo, so that both, the rose and the glass can be seen. Simple and intense.
    okay, have to stop now... if this gets to off topic for anyone, I can write you an email, but me I would like to share those things here too.

  • #189

    hoppe (Thursday, 27 October 2011 06:32)

    btw. like Kirsty's idea as well

  • #190

    hoppe (Thursday, 27 October 2011 06:37)

    Kirsty, love the little story you posted! Is it from Spoony? She has also done an amazing "The ultimate guide to Jemma" - dunno if it ever got ready (do you know?) - thanxxx!

  • #191

    Kirsty (Thursday, 27 October 2011 07:09)

    @ hoppe I suspect it was from Spoony, can't remember. Ami tweeted a site with LOADs of amazing Jemma gifs yesterday. Will try and post the link here. I tried to upload a couple but couldn't work out how.

    @ frananifan - a f*cking radio!! ftw! nice one

    @Clijsters3 and @everyone check out this cool Lucy vid...

    @San your photos are all lovely, I love the flowers naturally, and even the one that brought on my vertigo from the top of the Star :)And the one of the (american)football field and cross. Sport is indeed a kind of religion.

  • #192

    Clijsters3 (Thursday, 27 October 2011 07:28)

    @Kirsty thanks for the link to the Lucy Scherer tribute we do love Lucy indeed! I think it could have done with a few more pics of Jenny though if I'm being critical. Love the pics at the beginning though escpecially the one in the hat.
    I think the pics from your sandbox are from Spoony and it is hilarious.

    @San jumping on the bandwagon but I love your pics as well, the close up of the building (can't remember its name) I like as I'm into architecture. Saturday sounds good for the Tuthrefores.

    You guys were busy yesterday with the JemMonopoly, I love it!!!

  • #193

    Clijsters3 (Thursday, 27 October 2011 07:36)

    @Kirsty and @everyone not that I'm trying to compete or anything but I've found this video of Lucy There's a few pictures I've not seen of her before. Hope you've not seen it before:)

  • #194

    hoppe (Thursday, 27 October 2011 08:26)

    @San's #197 if the electricity works are free again maybe take the Jemmergency generators for them again or "strike Jemmergency generators? hmmm dunno

  • #195

    San (Thursday, 27 October 2011 09:36)

    @hoppe I saw 197 Electricity Works and it made me laugh :) Yes, it's free. The Lockers belong in the kissing properties.

    We should also have classroom properties, like Frau Vogel Calculus, Herr Gotting Political Science, and Herr Schafer (was that his name?) Biology.

    @frananifan the f**king radio is f**king perfect. I forgot that it makes an appearance throughout the entire series. I just remember it from it's poltergeist moment :)

    @all Thank you so much for your kind comments about my pictures. Some of those go back almost 15 years, and I'm glad that y'all enjoyed and saw something personal in them. Excuse me while I emmaröten.

    btw @hoppe Cellist was literally a 1-second exposure, so it's funny you mentioned that music is gone is a second. One Perfect Rose is based on the Dorothy Parker poem of the same name.

  • #196

    hoppe (Thursday, 27 October 2011 09:37)

    uhm... did you all read Kasia's FB messages from tuesday?
    the very first was to support a fellow actor from AudL, the second one: I hope you're all doing fine and you're following your goals. Look ahead and cin up :)))) - the third was in a language I couldn't decipher - it started with: "Hey, you evening shouters - ... " ;)))

  • #197

    frananifan (Thursday, 27 October 2011 09:52)

    Clijsters3 and Kirsty, you have made my work experience very difficult. And yet, euphoric none the less.

    (I had snowflakes this morning!)

  • #198

    San (Thursday, 27 October 2011 10:17)

    @Kittykatcop Love your blog post! I might need to put it on my Kindle - right next to Heather's HaH recaps - so I can read it over and over again when I'm out and on the go :) Thanks for sharing!

  • #199

    frananifan (Thursday, 27 October 2011 10:30)

    OMJ San-I was just re-reading kkc's blog as you were posting. "That is skill….no that is empathy. It isn’t acting, it’s feeling."

  • #200

    Randy (Thursday, 27 October 2011 10:38)

    @San #196 Now I know what the word "Green" meant in the Hoover Dam title. When I shot BW pictures years ago, I used some filters but not green. It creates an intensity (drama) in your picture that probably wouldn't show without it. Great idea. Also when I first looked at the long shadows in the Jefferson Memorial picture, I thought they were steps, so those shadows provided two different views. Very clever angle.

    As for a sandbox for my stuff, I'd need a lot of help with that. I looked at the how-to-do-it video, but it went too quickly for me to understand.

  • #201

    San (Thursday, 27 October 2011 12:34)

    @Randy I never looked at the Jefferson Memorial photo that way before. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll make a better video with voice-over (as well as written) instructions, and we'll get your sandbox up and running.

    @frananifan #212 made me think of the word synergy. OR what we might call symmagy, semmagy, symmergy - a combination of synergy (two or more things functioning together to produce a result not independently obtainable) + jemma/jemmergy - I like the sound of symmagy (and "sym" meaning same, together or with - reminds me of symphony) but the word loses the Jem. We need more S words anyway.

    symmagy n. two or more jemmaholics functioning together defying time, distance, and langauge to produce Jemmatastic projects both abstract and tangible.

    Ex) The symmagy was palapable as the JemMonopoly game took shape within hours across eight time zones.

  • #202

    hoppe (Thursday, 27 October 2011 12:53)

    @Kittykatcop you should post your blog link in your sandbox, pretty please?
    and btw. the way from Köln to the Sister Act musical is via Hamburg Hauptbahnhof -> St. Pauli -> Spielbudenplatz 1

  • #203

    Randy (Thursday, 27 October 2011 14:02)

    @San You rock! You go beyond the norm to help those of us who are electronically challenged. Although I like to learn new things, some lessons take more time to sink in. And symmagy is a perfect word for Room 234ers. Good thinking!

  • #204

    Kirsty (Thursday, 27 October 2011 14:10)

    @frananifan heehee

    @clijsters3 I love your video, so many nice pictures :)

    @kittykatcop I went for a haircut today and they put a billowing black cape round me - I was THAT close to standing up, waving my arms around and bursting into 'Gutes Tun'..eleka namun namun atum atum eleka namun... :)

  • #205

    hoppe (Thursday, 27 October 2011 14:45)

    @Randy.... I don't know about the chat room where JI somestimes was on, but we could do a live session with you and explain parts still in question, if we'd have that chat... you'll make it, I believe in you and in San (sanesan san san... ;))

  • #206

    Randy (Thursday, 27 October 2011 15:44)

    @hoppe Thanks for the encouragement! All parts are in question. :-) I'll have to choose photographs and drawings and I guess buy a digital camera to take pictures to load to my computer. Plus I don't usually show people what I've done, so there's a psychological barrier to overcome. But as you said, I will "make it." You guys are so great.

  • #207

    hoppe (Thursday, 27 October 2011 16:55)

    oh, we've got a little symbol for our url - a nice little 234! thanks San! :)

  • #208

    San (Thursday, 27 October 2011)

    @Randy You could do what I did before I got a digital camera. I used my 35mm, got the film developed at the hour-photo, and asked for a CD and contact sheet. Viola! Digital files. That's what I did for the Hoover Damn photo as well as all the watercolors.

  • #209

    San (Thursday, 27 October 2011 23:35)

    I've been thinking about Jenny's affinity for P!nk. I just love that she has this definite favorite artist that she identifies with. She usually listens to it alone or on her iPod, so it's very personal for her, too. P!nk's songs are very inspirational and empowering with some humor mixed in, and I can imagine Jenny connecting to the music while she was in rehab. Perhaps, she went in with the album Missunderztood, jamming to "Don't Let Them Get Me" and "Just Like a Pill". Then, devouring all the rest of her albums - Try This, I'm Not Dead, and Funhouse. In fact, I'm pretty sure if I spent an entire weekend, week, or month listing to the entire P!nk catalog, I would be in the exact frame of mind Jenny was in during the early Jemmasodes. Would that be called method analysis (like method acting)?

  • #210

    Kittykatcop (Friday, 28 October 2011 05:18)

    @All blog post added to a new sandbox. Thank you so much for the lovely comments. To be put in a Kindle next to the great Heather Hogan is praise indeed. You never know I may get the confidence to write something else, otherwise its going to be a lonely post on the blog. Ideas for themes greatly appreciated.

    @Kirsty - I can see it now, billowing capes and much air punching. Have you seen Willemijn in the latest YT videos for the Dutch production. She is seriously THE best Elphaba.

    I will update the JemMonoploy as soon as I can, I love all the suggestions everyone has given. In the meantime, if you want to play with the JemMonopoly Sandbox, we all have access.

  • #211

    Kirsty (Friday, 28 October 2011 07:28)

    @Kittykatcop - just read your blog, it was ammazing and I could relate to so much of it. I am useless with words and find it hard to say how I'm feeling but you managed to find the words I couldn't.
    Haven't seen recent clips of Willemijn in Dutch yet. Saw one of her and Chantal at the award ceremony earlier in the month which was great. I don't know much about Chantal and people were quick to criticise her but I thought she was ok and will grow into the role- well, she's never going to be as good as Lucy in my eyes.
    I agree Willemijn is the best- only 15 days until I see her...cannot.wait.

  • #212

    frananifan (Friday, 28 October 2011 08:00)

    @San I love this angle. Although, I still hold tight to the idea that Jenny had not been committed to lengthy inpatient rehab, I can easily see how Lucy would choose this music in character development to find her 'early Jenny edge' . This music could bring out the Jenny 'we know' from the Lucy that 'we think we know'. Listening to powerhouse P!nk brings out my own inner snark and fierceness, laced with humor, so I get that. And the lyrics just makes f*cking perfect sense. Very nice analysis.

  • #213

    Randy (Friday, 28 October 2011 08:13)

    @San #221 Thanks for another learning moment. My little grey cells are going to be bursting with new knowledge.:-) But I have a question. All of my 35mm photographs have been developed, so can the hour-developing place put those and my drawings on a CD?

  • #214

    San (Friday, 28 October 2011 08:14)

    Message from HaH translated by @hoppe:

    "Dear Hand aufs Herz fans,

    your passion spured us to seriously rethink and check a renewal. Unfortunately we haven't found the right framework/setting till yet, to keep producing your favourite series in the customary quality.

    It's great, that you have been uncompromised and even suggested a donation campaign. Your dedication is very precious to us and we will always fight for fans like that. There won't be renewal of the telenovela "Hand aufs Herz"for the time being though. For 2012 SAT.1 and the entire ProSiebenSat.1-family will plan further highlights which might interrest you. As soon as we'll have news about "Hand aufs Herz" we will inform you. In the meantime you can find the entire previous episodes and clips on or on Maxdome."

    Does this mean the webseries???

  • #215

    hoppe (Friday, 28 October 2011 08:19)

    ah! my pour emma-ing heart can relax again... the page works again for me (it kept freezing) :)
    Yes @San, I think they mean the webseries. Maybe it's a strategical good move. They have more time to find a way and to set a date where they might get more of the old cast in again... who knows... I already doubted that it would work now.

  • #216

    hoppe (Friday, 28 October 2011 08:29)

    @San love your p!ink interpretation a lot.
    @Randy I think they need the actual 35mm films not developed "paper" ones. The put them in a machine, you cann actually do that on your own if you've got a scanner at home. So I think for your drawings you'll need to take pics of them or let them get scanned, so you have them in digital form.

  • #217

    San (Friday, 28 October 2011 08:37)

    @Randy Good question! I don't know. I used this technique for my new photos. Lie @hoppe said, a scanner might be the best way to make digital files of photo prints. But the local drug store might be able to take your negatives and put them on CD - probably not in an hour, though.

  • #218

    San (Friday, 28 October 2011 08:48)

    @frananifan Maybe P!nk was Jenny's rehab. As a Lucy-Jenny transformation tool, I can definitely see that.

    I also wonder why they used Funhouse in the "You're my girlfriend. It's my job" scene. I'll have to look at the lyrics.

  • #219

    Randy (Friday, 28 October 2011 08:49)

    @hoppe #229 and @San #230 Thanks for your input. I'm reading my printer's manual to see what it can do, and I'll talk to someone at a print shop.

    And San, is your photograph titled "Self Portrait" because of the photo in it of you when you were four? If so, brilliant way to create intrigue.

  • #220

    San (Friday, 28 October 2011 09:01)

    @Randy Yes. Without that little picture, I'd have to throw that photo on the scrap pile.

  • #221

    frananifan (Friday, 28 October 2011 09:23)

    @San When you say out loud to someone a statement as bold as YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND, this is a language that should only come from your heart. So your mouth has to get used to it. There is some awakening, and with that, changes to everything you think you are. Funhouse could be a recognition of that precipice. "My key don't fit my life no more
    I'll change the drapes, I'll break the plates
    I'll find a new place, burn this fucker down"
    Were she came from vs. what she now wants to label for herself?

  • #222

    Randy (Friday, 28 October 2011 09:24)

    @San Not the scrap pile. Even after learning it's not you, it's an interesting picture that evokes questions. What's your sister reading? What's that picture on the wall? Where was it taken? When? And so on because photographs are visual stories.

  • #223

    Kirsty (Friday, 28 October 2011 09:25)

    So they're not saying they're never going to make more are they? Just not just now. And at least they acknowledged the support of the fans.

  • #224

    frananifan (Friday, 28 October 2011 09:33)

    @Kirsty I just feel jerked around every time I read something like this. Until they say something real, I cannot invest anymore emotion into the idea. Oh, and thanks for the earworm was singing eleka namun namun atum atum eleka namun and my dog kept thinking he was getting a treat because to him, nom nom nom nom means 'Do you want a treat?'

  • #225

    hoppe (Friday, 28 October 2011)

    @San the selfportait... when I looked at it more exactly I was wondering at first: how the hell did she it that those parts in the middle where not sharp???... grr.. where are your pics? okay, now I have to talk from remembrance only... it seemed to me they were BEHIND or at the same distance as your sister and the phone on the right, then I realized that all that unsharp stuff was on the table(?) in front of her. It's a very interesting setting as those parts which are sharp and therefore pointed at, are NOT in the middle but somewhere "random". So it's nevertheless with or without the little pic of you an interesting take.

  • #226

    San (Friday, 28 October 2011 09:43)

    @frananifan You're right. It's such a great song for that moment. It also fits with Emma's situation and how she's dealing with the bus crash.
    "Echoes knocking on locked doors
    All the laughter from before
    I'd rather live out on the street
    Than in this haunted memory"
    I guess it's about tearing down the past as individual entities (wow, that's most impersonal way to describe two people) and starting over together. And to have that moment a P!nk song adds so much more, don't you think?

    @Randay That's why I like photography just a little bit more than film.

  • #227

    hoppe (Friday, 28 October 2011 09:52)

    @frananifan... I#m devided how I feel about their statements... at least it shows they care and I think it's mostly the peeps of PAW who do a lot, someone said they fought so much for the show but couldn't persuade SAT1 peeps. What if they had said just nothing? would that have been better? I think IF they want to have a chance they need to try keep the people informed and in touch. I doubt that if they had said nothing and made something new in 2012, anyone would have taken notice. hmm, or not. Maybe I just like to believe, that there ARE SOME people in the writing / production who really care.

  • #228

    San (Friday, 28 October 2011 09:55)

    @hoppe That Flickr app is unpredictable. if they disappear again.

  • #229

    Kirsty (Friday, 28 October 2011 09:56)

    Aha! I have found Kasia as Olivia!.. and Prefer Emma but interesting to see her as Olivia ie/ as an adult :)

    @frananifan aha! you're in here. Aw, your poor dog lol. also, what underwater dancing video? Lucy underwater??

  • #230

    frananifan (Friday, 28 October 2011 10:12)

    @San Right! I saw that Emma phrase too. And if I recall, Emma's look back at Jenny confirms that she hears what she was saying...and perhaps, the real depth to what that means. Jenny is 'touching' her when she is so very upset with herself. (And from here, Emma isn't so much about herself anymore.) P!nk's knack for being raw and to the point is so right for this. Raw emotion and self awareness for each of them, in all of its ugliness and beauty.

  • #231

    frananifan (Friday, 28 October 2011 10:24)

    @Kirsty I hope to jemma I can find a link for you. It was a great little piece of work. It may have been for a film project. There were two male dancers and Lucy underwater, almost like mermaids. The lighting, music and the choreography were gripping. I have no better word for it. Give me some time to find it again.

    @hoppe I do appreciate their efforts. I just want a committment that can't be given at this time. These tidbits are tiresome to me and I will not be anxious about it.

  • #232

    frananifan (Friday, 28 October 2011 10:28)

    UH I found it!!

  • #233

    Kirsty (Friday, 28 October 2011 10:59)

    @frananifan wow, that was beautiful, thanks for finding it. I love watching things in water. I can sit in front of the bigs tanks at aquariums watching not only the animals but just the water. Its movement, the bubbles, the shadows and light cast on it. It's mesmerising. As was this video. So peaceful and graceful. Another example of Lucy pushing boundaries, trying different things.

    @hoppe I was cross when I heard this announcement because I had been so happy about the web series and told everyone we had won our battle to save the show. While I'm still disappointed I realise you're right, it's better that are keeping us informed. It's good of them to do that and it shows that they do care about us and also about their show. Therefore I trust them to do the right thing in the future, whenever it may be. I hope they collect lots of the HaH actors and put them on Audl because at least they're still in the Sat1 family of programmes and not lost completely, on the off-chance HaH can come back bigger and better than before. :)

  • #234

    hoppe (Friday, 28 October 2011 11:13)

    this video is soo beautiful! just amazing... as @Kirsty already put it in good words - I'm the same, love to watch the movement of water. I hope no one ripps it off...and places it on youtube - dunno, this one feels so special. It's so beautiful to see all the bubbles, there is so much movement not only the bodies. Must be interesting to see it like it was supposed to be seen, the two frames in a 90° angle to each other. Well and those takes where the surface is just in the opposite direction on the bottom of the pic... ... ...

  • #235

    Kirsty (Friday, 28 October 2011 11:24)

    I like the bit at the end when they have reversed Lucy jumping into the water - I think. I know what you mean @hoppe about it feeling's our little secret, shhh, don't tell anyone outside of here :) (Is it just me? but I get very protective of Jemma/Lucy/Kasia!)

  • #236

    hoppe (Friday, 28 October 2011 11:33)

    haha, Kirsty I just wanted to mention the end too! ;)
    Is it just me or does anyone else don't like the way/dynamic they put the two guys in contrast to Lucy? Couldn't they move this graceful and limber and smooth or were they supposed to set a contrast by more static movements (dunno how to describe it properly... my english is a bit limited for that). She's totally in her dream and they are shown (set against) often as they were watching her.... ???

  • #237

    frananifan (Friday, 28 October 2011 11:36)

    No, it's not just you. That's why I just went back to the forum and deleted my post with the title search in it. I hope that is all I deleted, I was a little anxious about it!

  • #238

    frananifan (Friday, 28 October 2011 11:52)

    Okay confusing a little. Last post #250 was responding to Kirsty.
    @hoppe I could have enjoyed this just as much without either male dancer in the film. Just saying.

  • #239

    tamu13 (Friday, 28 October 2011 12:31)

    just watched early ep 16 .. suddenly I want to dance :D evacuate the dance floor.. cool ST *thumbs up

  • #240

    San (Friday, 28 October 2011 14:12)

    @tamu13 I thought that was an interesting choice of songs. STAG certainly has an interesting songbook, no?

  • #241

    tamu13 (Friday, 28 October 2011 15:02)

    @San.. surely, I think it's quite different taste with the US version ^.*
    btw.. does any of you here knew Jason Donovan? he's an Aussie singer and quite popular in late 80's.. and guess what? he has a daughter named.. Jemma

  • #242

    Libellule (Friday, 28 October 2011 17:26)

    Ok leute,

    Next Jemmageddon ahead in no time, we're already at more than 250 posts! :D
    It's getting crazy the discussions you miss when you're not able to join for even a few hours, and for me it's been 48h! So...where to start?

    About the JemMonopoly:
    Absolutely brilliant! We now have a Jictionary, a Jemmacalendar and our own Jemmagames. HaH, your golden spirit has created a bunch of very inspired fans, and I'm very happy to be part of them. JA Rm234ers, we rock! :p
    On a side note, I'm with @Hoppe on finding a system that is not based on money to stay true to what Jemma/HaH is all about.
    Also if we ever make a Cluedo game (Jemmuedo?) at some point, I'd love to say "It was Ben, in the attic, with the teddy bear!". ;D (Although we all know that technically in this game the only "weapon" would be the overuse of Bea and Ben FMFKFS flashbacks).

    @San sandbox:
    Beautiful pictures. My favorite is the cello, probably for the reasons @Hoppe described. Succeeding in catching something that fugitive is impressive.
    On a(n other) side note, is it weird that I like the self-portrait being elusive, meaning actually not being you at the desk? How can I explain... I like that here it's all about feelings, impressions, sensations, may I say the core of things, that we share through words. All this has been inspired by Jemma/HaH, so the only visuals with "real" faces I associate to it, to us, are those of Jenny and Emma and the wonderful actresses who embodied them.
    For the personal visuals/art, that some of us generously share here, I love that the mystery is entire regarding the faces that go with our names in present time, so it's still only about the core of things, what it triggers in us, how we're moved by it.
    I really don't know how to phrase it, and I hope it doesn't sound negative (because really, it's the opposite of that, I'm always truly amazed by the beauty of what we have here), but it seems more pure and magical to me that way.

    @San #222:
    I really like this musical analysis, and it seems very likely (as @frananifan #225 said )that Lucy would "dive" into this character that way.
    It reminds me of Naomi Watts: The actress said in an interview a long time ago that she uses this technique (listening to music relating to her character's feelings) to put herself in the state/emotional place of the character before shooting a scene.

    About Sat1 statement:
    Since HaH (mis)adventures have us emma-ing on a regular basis, but also bring the most optimism in us, I like to believe that they realized, after the 197 re-screening and pleas from the fans, that HaH without Jemma wouldn't be a good new start, so now they're trying to manage with the current actresses schedules so Lucy and Kasia could be a full part of HaH new format. I believe Lucy will be totally busy till March/April with Rebecca and as for Kasia, she could be free at the same time if AudL works out a storyline for her character that allows it. Of course, if the actresses are willing to embody Jenny and Emma again, that is. But from both of them, I had the feeling that they were not done with it, there were still lots of things they wanted to convey through Jenny and Emma I think, and HaH'd be renewed for a second season at the time, it seemed they would have gladly kept going.
    Anyway, I'd rather have Sat1 and co take their time and not mess with HaH and Jemma amazing material. If taking longer to put everything into place can be a guarantee of quality, then I'm all for it. :)

  • #243

    hoppe (Friday, 28 October 2011 18:21)

    @Libelulle: I'm with you on the HaH statement, especially your last sentence. Let's hope their statement means this and not letting it slowly die...
    btw. we need your email... and maybe from some others too (?), I just send some links to everyone on the current email list ;)
    Btw. love it that we also have Emma and Jenny on it, they deffo needed to be part of it! ;)
    thanks for the feedback on the "monetary system" - I wasn't sure if anyone agreed on this... there were so many posts... sometimes you miss out on replying to everything
    about not knowing how we look like I understand what you mean, but I'm divided... I think it will develop naturally, maybe one day we want to share it, or not... in some way it stays more focused whithout, but it can also be like ignoring a part of us at some point... we'll see ;)

  • #244

    hoppe (Friday, 28 October 2011 18:36)

    @San: LOL at your Margerita Holsterita! I took me some time and a few internet investigations, but I think I got it! yeah!!! although I've got a German brain ;))) have you ever challenged someone to a duell? how does that look like? what is one doing with it if you pull it out of the holster? do you try to strike/hit the mouth of your oponent? or.... ??? hmmm....

  • #245

    San (Friday, 28 October 2011 18:49)

    @hoppe The Margarita Holsterita is designed for serious pool party-goers to maximize access to your margarita or other refreshing libations while freeing your hands for more refreshing libations :) It's like a beer cap for your hips.

  • #246

    hoppe (Friday, 28 October 2011 19:15)

    ah, well, no duells, no? okay... I'm quite ignorant when it comes to various sorts of alcohol. Since only one glass of wine already is enough to ..hmm...make me dizzy or "dizzy me out" ;)so maybe two eggcups would be enough for me! haha

  • #247

    Libellule (Friday, 28 October 2011 19:39)

    @Hoppe #256
    I just sent @San a request for the password so I can add my email and try my mouse at all the great techies stuff you're all doing. ;p
    Like @Randy, it's not the thing I learn the most quickly, but I'll try with all my genuine curiosity. And I feel confident with all the motivational energy around here. :)

    Just an idea if you all think it would be worth it: would it be possible to have comments in the sandboxes and Images sections so we could react directly to them and keep this page for our "regular sessions"?
    It's just because it can be confusing sometimes, and I have to remind myself that some posts might refer to another section instead of a previous comment. It usually reaches my neurons only after I skimmed through 50 previous comments and I see no "track" of the subject in earlier posts. It's probably due to the fact that I'm still used to the very linear method of old Room 234, so I don't have the reflex to click/check other tabs yet. ;p

  • #248

    San (Friday, 28 October 2011 19:39)

    @hoppe I wouldn't count duels out. With enough alcohol anything is possible. And the Holsterita makes drunken dueling quick and easy :D

  • #249

    frananifan (Friday, 28 October 2011 19:53)

    @Libellule "I like that here it's all about feelings, impressions, sensations, may I say the core of things, that we share through words." I love how you say this. I need to have a word or phrase for this.

  • #250

    San (Friday, 28 October 2011 19:54)

    @Libellule That's a valid point. I like not having to check a lot of pages like all the JI ep pages, but I can see this only getting more complicated. I'm sure we can figure out a good solution. What does everyone think?

  • #251

    frananifan (Friday, 28 October 2011 19:56)

    @San The Margarita Holsterita reminds me a little of know...that bongo belt. You have a potential gold mine in accessories ideas.

  • #252

    Libellule (Friday, 28 October 2011 20:34)

    @hoppe #35
    Sorry, it might be a little late now, but I'm currently skimming through all new Room 234 posts trying to check if I haven't missed anything since we have this new place, so here we go, copy-paste from the post-1000 Emergency location:

    @hoppe, #980 (good old Room 234)

    My take on the double/single bullet earing thing is that from ep114 when Jenny starts to sport only one bullet earing and kisses Emma for the time, it corresponds to the moment when Jenny stops being "double" (you know, being nice/being mean).
    Just before that kiss, Jenny came clean with Hotte, she also previously apologized to Emma for her mean acts/pissed attitude (the bike, the alarm system). I think she knows that to reach Emma's heart, she has to give hers fully, sincerely, as "one".
    From that moment, she'll make sure things are clear, like in ep 116 when she explains to Emma before the test that she's really into Emma, no game, no sport, no science experiment.
    And yes, I see all that being symbolized in the single bullet earing. :)

    Also because with Emma, starting from ep114, she'll make herself very vulnerable, with less of an armor/shell (=1 bullet instead of 2).
    And for those who like symbolism (and I know you do ;) ), to further develop this theory, the length of these earings make them hang along Jenny's carotids which are crucial arteries to the body (any damage there is usually dramatic), leading straight to the heart.
    So one's might see the bullets has a way to protect those, therefore her heart, and when she decides to wear only one, a way to "unlock" an access for Emma to her heart. Plus I believe Jenny wears the single bullet on her right ear, leaving her left carotid (thus heart side) to "the open".
    If it happens to be the opposite (=wearing it on the left side), then one's could say that the bullet represents Emma so she's sure to touch Jenny's heart that way. ;)

    And on a side note, since I'm talking about anatomy, the carotid area close to the ears is a highly erogenous zone in the neck, so my J-Bing Effect (=Jenny Bullet earING Effect) association to the "petite mort" (=orgasm) in post #975 could be quite pertinent. :D

  • #253

    San (Friday, 28 October 2011 21:07)

    Well @frananifan Necessity is the mother of invention, and I believe we both agree that the bongo belt is a f**king perfect example of that :)

  • #254

    Kirsty (Saturday, 29 October 2011 01:11)

    @hoppe Thank you!! for the link :) And ha! Kasia can't get away from Lucy completely- Olivia is wearing Wicked green nail varnish! And also, she looks so pretty.

  • #255

    Clijsters3 (Saturday, 29 October 2011 05:04)

    I've just read all your posts I missed from yesterday. I remember seeing Lucy underwater before so it was nice to see it again, like @Kirsty said nice to see her doing different things and pushing boundaries, do we know what year this is from? I am also protective of Lucy and Kasia.

    @Hoppe thanks for the link, it's good to see Kasia playing someone her own age although I wanted to hit her fiance when he kissed her- hands off!

    @tamu13 I know Jason Donavon (I'm a neighbours fan (Es tut mir Leid) he's currently on Strictly come Dancing i.e. the original and British version of Dancing with the Stars if that means anything to you. Good to see he has good taste in names.

    On the HaH statement I agree with @Libellule. We want them to get it right and not quickly throw a series together. The fact that they are waiting and not rushing might be because they want Lucy and Kasia to be involved, as Libellule said ep.197 won so they know want the fans want. I really don't see the point of doing a webseries if Jemma aren't going to be in it. Although I do fear Lucy and Kasia have moved on I just have a feeling, hopefully I'll be proved wrong. I need to be optimistic like Eyelesstrees.

  • #256

    Kirsty (Saturday, 29 October 2011 07:09)

    @Clijsters3 Regarding Hah, I think they could write Kasia out of Audl for a while to work on the webseries for a while then put her back once she'd finished. I don't see that being the problem but it's what Lucy has planned. I think I'm right in thinking it's the end of March she finishes in Rebecca. If they move the production to Berlin or Oberhausen or somewhere she may want to go with it or she may want to jump back to playing Jenny again for a while. Maybe the producers are just waiting to see what she's going to do. I think they must be wanting Lucy and Kasia because they could have assembled some sort of a cast just now but with Lucy winning that fan award, Kasia coming 2nd and ep197 winning the poll that sends out a pretty clear idea of who the fans like !! We shall see...

  • #257

    hoppe (Saturday, 29 October 2011 09:39)

    regarding the webseries you all talk just about the actresses not having time... I think one major problem is for them really to find a working structure, concept which is affordable. I mean they needed extra singing and dancing coaches, extra time which needed to be paid to rehearse, extra time, equipment and professionals to record and then the royalties for the songs, which are higher if a series is broadcasted worldwide and not only in German speaking countries.... well... and if they are clever this time, they need to have subs... ;)

  • #258

    hoppe (Saturday, 29 October 2011 09:43)

    has the password changed? I can't get the password protected email-list to see if Libelulle's adress is there, not with the old or new one??? :SSS
    maybe someone else can send her the link then?

  • #259

    hoppe (Saturday, 29 October 2011 10:01)

    okay... this is somewhat strange, if I enter the letters directly with my keyboard it won't take it, but if I write the letters down first and copy-paste them afterwards in the field, it works!!! Computers are crazy! I've always knewn it! :D

  • #260

    San (Saturday, 29 October 2011 11:59)

    Sorry, guys, a little delay with The Tuthrefores. I did not expect to be so engrossed in the Game 7 of the Baseball World Series. I wasn't even watching it on TV, it was just the Gamecast play-by-play animated graphic thingy :/ Anyways, I still need to type it up. Should be a few hours.

  • #261

    hoppe (Saturday, 29 October 2011 12:18)

    @San... take your time!!!

  • #262

    Kirsty (Saturday, 29 October 2011 12:59)

    @San no worries, we can wait :) we appreciate all your work!

  • #263

    Libellule (Saturday, 29 October 2011 14:00)

    @San #273
    As Jenny would say "we have all the time in the world". ;p

  • #264

    Kittykatcop (Saturday, 29 October 2011 14:12)

    @San no probs hun. Been watching the Rugby League match here England v. Wales. Being a Rugby Union fan I didn't expect to get caught up in that but I did.

  • #265

    Kirsty (Saturday, 29 October 2011 14:15)

    @kittykatcop och, I forgot that was on..who won? I'm just settling down to watch Merlin :)

  • #266

    Kittykatcop (Saturday, 29 October 2011 14:20)

    @Kirsty Bit of a whitewash England won 42-4. When do you play us?

  • #267

    Kirsty (Saturday, 29 October 2011 14:42)

    @kittykatcop hmm, that shows how much I know about rugby can you get 4 points?? brb,off to wikipedia.. We're not playing, we don't have rugby league in Scotland (I don't think so anyway)We have enough to concentrate on with our rugby union game! :(

  • #268

    Libellule (Saturday, 29 October 2011 15:06)

    I just watched the link @hoppe sent to all of us (thx @hoppe!) and the overall feeling I got was meh.
    Ok, let's try some more construstive criticism. ;)

    I love Kasia, she's a wonderful actress, and I like seing her interpreting a character in her real age range (on a side note, I also like Olivia's fashion style).
    I remember that I was hooked up on HaH early on, I stumbled upon some early clips on the web of HaH with Jenny and Emma, before they become officially Jemma. At the time it was all in passive/agressive tension, I don't remember which episode exactly, it must have been around the job at Saal1 "competition". Anyway you couldn't guess what will become the rare beauty of their story. But there was something special already because after that first clip of 3-4mn, I was totally mesmerized. I couldn't understand a word as the generous translation wave hadn't started yet, but I was fervently drawn to these clips nonetheless. There were maybe 5 available so I spent the next days re-watching them over again and again, completely struck by the acting chemistry. Kasia and Lucy, of course. That's how magic started for me. But even for the other characters around Jenny and Emma, mainly the STAG, still not able to understand a word in these early clips, I liked them instantly and I had the inner certainty that it was well acted.
    In this AudL clip of Olivia, I can't feel any of this. I'm in the same situation of early HaH, meaning not understanding a word, and I can see Kasia's acting standing out, I also have the inner certainty looking at her and her body language that she nails her role. But the surrounding sounds blank. No acting chemistry whatsoever between any of them. I already know that I won't "vibrate" with them, that their respective stories won't reach for deep emotions in me.
    Of course that's a personal perception, but I assure you that it's not because it's a different story/context (afterall that's the whole point so we don't get to compare what's not comparable). I'm well aware of Jemma/HaH being unique so I don't expect the same magic in other shows, but I still expect to be moved and it doesn't seem likely for me with AudL.

  • #269

    San (Saturday, 29 October 2011 15:11)

    The Tuthrefores are up. I hope I didn't miss anything. If you so wish, you can view the voting submissions to keep me honest :)

    Now, I need to set to work on my little conference presentation that's coming up in a few weeks. And then college football!!! - kinda rugby-esque :)

  • #270

    hoppe (Saturday, 29 October 2011 15:44)

    thanks @San! so cool! (claps hands until they are red as Emma's ears ;))

    @Libelulle: I'm with you on that. Well you must have started watching watching clips after the translated one's went down, because we started with the first translated clips in February. And I was also immediately hooked. I felt love for those characters and was moved, because I seldomly have seen that characters were treated with so much love and humour and so much hmmm.... "NOW-intensity"-presence. I soo loved that a geeky and shy character like Emma was so loved (redundant I know...;)). In AudL it all seems to be more about being cool and freaky and have hip sentences to say... it's not at all this deep and honest.
    In addition I don't feel any chemistry between Olivia and her fiancé. There is more chemistry between Luca (the man) and Nina (the one Luca had an affair with) - or Nina and Olivia!! Well it all feels like actors trying to play a story and make it interesting, not like true felt relations which just develop on their on their own and are from the heart.
    I read a lot of comments to Kasia's question on facebook, how we would describe Olivia. A lot said that she is very strong and confident, but I can't feel it this strong. Dunno if I'm just projecting, but for me it feels like she hasn't at all found her play yet (shifting to Emma moments inbetween - which is no wonder ;)) - and it feels like she isn't that happy in it like she was in HaH. But well, this just can be me ;)
    Btw. in the info under the clip there is the second part of a link, you only have to replace it in the url bar to see an earlier clip 805 and from that go on up till 810.

  • #271

    Kittykatcop (Saturday, 29 October 2011 16:25)

    @San amazing breakdown thank you. Tee Hee will write my (very short) acceptance speeach later.
    In the meantime I have a confession to make, tonight was the first time in ages (a couple of weeks) that I actually watched a Jemma clip. (Collective intake of breath). I'd genuinely forgotten how much fun they all seemed to be having. I watched the Born This Way Benfiz Konzert, so many smiles. That's whats missing from Liv for me. Kasia is such a fun loving person Liv and AudL seem far too one dimensional for her. I'm guessing Rebecca isn't going to be all smiles either!

    Mantra to self, must make more time to watch clips.....

  • #272

    Clijsters3 (Saturday, 29 October 2011 17:44)

    @Kittykatcop and @Kirsty I'm a rugby league fan, the match today was a bit boring as it was so one sided, but just wait till they play Australia at Wembley next week, that should be a cracker.

    @Kittykatcop I too have the same confession #284, I just haven't had time, please don't take away my Tuthrefore from me.

    Thank you so much San for all the effort you've put into the Tuthrefores, I'll have to make my speech later as I'm off to bed now.

  • #273

    Kirsty (Sunday, 30 October 2011 02:20)

    @San yeay! I never win anything, so pleased and honoured to win some Tuthrefores!!! :)

    @hoppe You're right about there being more chemistry between Luca and Nina and also Nina and Olivia (it's be good if they went down that road but not likely ;) ) Kasia is trying hard and I think Liv is ok and will be a good character but you need some kind of chemiatry with the person and people you're acting alongside to make your dynamics believable. And, as has been said before, I don't really see this on this programme. The characters don't make you empathise with them, they're almost a bunch of characatures (not sure that I spelled that correctly,hmm) Every character on Hah made me feel ..something, and they all worked well with each other. They had the magic, Audl don't. End of. Have a lovely Sunday everyone. I'm off to buy a new coat, will also see if H&M have any Jemmagical clothes/earrings/watches...:)

  • #274

    Marie-Helene (Sunday, 30 October 2011 15:59)

    I just finished watching Olivia's episodes on the web and I agree, there is no much chemistry between Liv and Luca. But frankly, I didn't expect any, the pictures we had seen until now were blatant enough on that score. @Kirsty: I think also that Liv will be a good character but I don't count so much on chemistry with Luca but much more on Petra's talent to give her good lines and a great storyline. Actually, I hope her character will be able to stand on her own. By the way, I was wondering if anyone else have noticed Olivia's voice, the tone of it, I think Kasia is trying hard to find a way to interpret Olivia (or to distance Emma) through her voice and I guess it's not easy path for an actor.

  • #275

    Kirsty (Sunday, 30 October 2011 16:13)

    @Marie-Helene Guess it must be hard for Kasia. To move on from playing a character who was so liked in a show that was so liked. And to try and make her new character different and fit in, in a show that has a different audience, On her facebook page she said she was keen to hear feedback from her fans on Olivia. That surprised me a little, don't think I've heard of an actress doing that before.

  • #276

    Marie-Helene (Sunday, 30 October 2011 16:50)

    Yes, I was surprised too. Especially because she didn't want this kind of interference when she interpreted Emma. I guess interpreting Emma was more an instinctive work for her, a character much more in tune with herself.

  • #277

    hoppe (Sunday, 30 October 2011 18:11)

    @Marie-Helene + Kirsty... oh right! Good point! Didn't think of that. She must feel a bit unsure and maybe wondering if "we" still like her. Dunno... she had/has a pretty intense connection to us Emma / Jemma fans and surely also felt that it was something special. We spurred her to give so much heart into the conversations (chat etc.) and Emma and the show (and vice versa). I also think that the honesty of the show and Emma's characters was more hers (and the creative part of singing + dancing) - and playing a hip photographer in this surrounding is less hers, but on the other side, she said that Emma's shy- and dorkyness was new to her at first, so being confident might be an aspect of Olivia which can relate too.

  • #278

    frananifan (Sunday, 30 October 2011 21:20)

    @Randy niiice work :)

  • #279

    Randy (Monday, 31 October 2011 00:14)

    @frananifan Danke! There's one more that goes with those three, but I haven't found it yet. I'd never written poetry before, and I haven't written any since. Does that ring a bell? Anyhow, with San's help I was able to get my sandbox started. The words in two of those poems have come back to haunt me, so now I have to take a risk. The next step (which will take awhile) will be art and photographs. It's emma-ing time. :-)

  • #280

    Emily (Monday, 31 October 2011 00:46)

    @ Libellule:

    I also like Olivia's fashion style. I love Kasia no matter what role she is in, she is a wonderful actress.

  • #281

    Libellule (Monday, 31 October 2011 01:04)

    @Emily, @Marie-Helene
    Just a quik note to say I'm happy to see your names popping in here! Now it really feels like old Room 234. :)
    Except we're still missing @Eyelestress and @Prou, I think. Hopefully they'll find their way here too.

    Gute Nacht / Guten Tag, everybody. May Jemma spirit brighten this Monday! :p

  • #282

    Kirsty (Monday, 31 October 2011)

    @Frananifan Just saw a clip of all the snow on the east coast. Hope you're not too badly affected by it :) What's going on?! It's still October!!

  • #283

    hoppe (Monday, 31 October 2011 07:59)

    @Emily + Marie-Helene, cool you found your way here!
    JI hasn't reacted to our "plea" of putting a link to our new home up on the episode 234 page... is there another way to tell people? Do you have an idea?
    As Prou and Eyeslesstrees are both registered on JI forum, we could send them a PM... just to make sure.
    @Randy's sandbox, love your poems! Especially the first one. It's a good reminder and encouraging :)
    I also wrote a few, but well... unfortunately they are all naturally in German, dunno if you want to put yourself through this - haha!
    Hmmm... now wondering, if we just replace old sandbox contents or leave them? i'm a bit protective of my art stuff, as I don't like the way people on the net don't respect copyright, at least if it's not "big-money-art". I have less problems with people just uploading clips + pics of big broadcasts. But more with smaller or more artsy stuff, like for example the film of Lucy's underwater dancing... this film was only able to be produced, because there were grants given.

  • #284

    Kykky (Monday, 31 October 2011 08:01)

    HALLO to everybody!!!!!
    If I can I would say something about Olivia too..

    I like her!
    I find she is so sexy...the way kasia uses her body, her eyes, and, YES, her voice....
    Wow she is amazing...
    Have you heard when she speaks to Luca in his office....? was super sexy to me... :)) (Sorry I'm blushing.....but I really find her super sensual)

    In this first episodes we are seeing Kasia in her first week of
    it was just the beginning. I suppose she is already more confident after a month. And Emma will be a memory very soon....(not for all of us....).
    It is clear that we still can see a little of Emma in Kasia....because Kasia has given birth to Emma....
    I think also that is difficult to abandon Emma because she played her for so she deserves more time...

    For waht regard Kasia/liv and Luca....well it is true maybe at the moment the chemistry is not so much....but we have to think that Kasia is new in AUDL and in her first scenes she had to be sexy with Luca.... so I think it is a little difficult....while with Lucy they have had time to know each others and to develop Emma and Jenny relationship!

    about AUDL:
    I don't like the show but i think liv is interesting and maybe something can happen in her story... To me Luca will come back to nina and maybe for liv there is someone else.... I hope a tender person Who can change her a little so she can show us how sweet she can be... So, let' s wait!!!

  • #285

    Kirsty (Monday, 31 October 2011 08:16)

    Two things... firstly Amidola has put up,on the JI page, a fantastic new re-cap for last week's Olivia scenes. The ones @hoppe gave us a link for (danke!) And things make a little more sense! Ami thinks Luca and Nina have good chemistry..I'm not sure on that one. They're ok together, not as good as her and Nina though..
    Also Frederic Heidorn (arschloch Ronnie) has posted on his facebook page about HaH. Google chrome translator wasn't working properly but I managed to translate some parts ' Once again we were proved wrong (?) Now the HaH sequel, to all of our disappointment, has been set back. I think it's such a shame and would want to announce good news at this point but unfortunately not. All participants in the sequel, as well as (including?) myself, are saddened by the negative turn around and feel for you.' Aw, he's nice..

  • #286

    hoppe (Monday, 31 October 2011 08:23)

    @Kykky I'm not entirely sure what you meant when saying: "If I can I would say something about Olivia too..". If you ask for permission or something... DON'T!! You're very welcome, as everyone else who wants to participate (just saying...). If it's about your English, I understand your English pretty well, so don't hide :)
    Yes, she is knew in the show and I'm with you in giving her and the show time. Observing those things wasn't in any way meant as critizising, but just as an observation. Thanks for pointing out that she had to act as a love couple from the first shot on... for that she did a brilliant job!

  • #287

    Kykky (Monday, 31 October 2011 08:36)

    @Hoppe: It is always really nice to read all of your comments and points of view!!!
    Now I have to go but soon I want to post something about Jenny and discuss with you!

  • #288

    Kirsty (Monday, 31 October 2011 08:38)

    I've sent e-mails to eyelesstrees and Prou ('Mar' on the forum) just letting them know where we are :)

    @Kykky Yes you're right about Kasia being sexy when speaking to Luca in his office. I was (pleasantly) surprised to discover how sexy it was because obviously we weren't used to Emma being sexy. Cute yes, sexy -not so much, in my eyes (except 'this time I'M leading'...)
    And you are right about Jenny and Emma getting to build up their relationship while Luca and Liv are already in one. I am looking forward to seeing how this develops

  • #289

    Randy (Monday, 31 October 2011 10:00)

    @hoppe #296 Danke for your positive response to my poems. The first two are as relevant today as they were when I wrote them years ago. I'd like to read your poems. Can you translate any of them into English? As for protecting your art, you can put a digital watermark on it that prevents online theft. If you Google "how to watermark online art," you'll get lots of information.

  • #290

    hoppe (Monday, 31 October 2011 10:17)

    @Randy okay will have a look ;) thanxx

    @San LOL at your German course you posted in your sandbox - perfectly fluent in six weeks - cool!

  • #291

    San (Monday, 31 October 2011 10:18)

    @hoppe I see the sandbox as a playground and temporary showcase where content can go and come as you please. So whatever makes you feel comfortable.

    Gosh, after reading the comments here and ami's recap. I'm going to have to spend my lunch watching Olivia clips. Tough job!

  • #292

    San (Monday, 31 October 2011 10:25)

    @hoppe I thought you'd enjoy that :)

    Btw, I've placed some comment threads throughout the site as @Libellule suggested. Only a few: 1. on the general Sanbox page for extended discussion of people's sandbox content as well as any technical issues. 2. on the general images page for extended discussion of Jemma images, gif awesomeness, and if people are actually wearing Jemma stuff. 3. on the JemMonopoly page for serious JemMonopoly planning. I also upgraded JemMonopoly out of the Sandbox and made it a full fledged category. I so want to be playing JemMonopoly by Christmas while I'm speaking German fluently like a native :)

  • #293

    Randy (Monday, 31 October 2011 10:59)

    @San That course cover is a classic! @all If you Google "free online German language lessons" there are several that can help from beginners on up.

  • #294

    Wired (Monday, 31 October 2011 11:30)

    Hey Everyone! It has been busy here! I've not been able to post much because it's Halloween tonight and that is a BIG event in my house. I've been getting ready all week. Anyways, there is much to comment on it seems. The Thuthrefores! Olivia! The sandboxes!

    I'm missing my Jemma fix everyday and not commenting so I will be back soon! Just wanted to pop in to say Happy Halloween!

  • #295

    frananifan (Monday, 31 October 2011 16:44)

    @Kirsty Thanks for asking about the snow. Three of my loved ones are stranded in three different states. One has occasional power from a generator. The other two have no heat and not much more than peanut butter to eat. This is unsettling. It is odd because the area we are from is famous for blizzards and lake effect snowstorms and yet we have nothing here right now.

  • #296

    Kirsty (Monday, 31 October 2011 17:00)

    @frananifan Sorry to hear that, hope everything gets better soon. I've not heard of lake effect snowstorms, what are they?

  • #297

    frananifan (Monday, 31 October 2011 17:20)

    @Kirsty It's a weather phenomenon where cold (Canadian) air blows across the full length of warm Lake Erie sucking up mega moisture, cooling it down to snow and then dumping it on my house 36 inches at a time. Not exaggerating about the 36.

  • #298

    Kirsty (Monday, 31 October 2011 17:36)

    @frananifan Bloody hell, that sounds awful. We're rubbish with snow here. Still, have ordered new snow shovel, traction tracks and chains for my tyres. Hoping that if I'm all prepared then I won't have to use all the stuff I'm buying. Hate driving in snow.Actually,I mostly hate the idiots who can't drive properly in snow and shouldn't be on the road and just cause problems. There's a lot to be said for hibernating I reckon! :)

  • #299

    hoppe (Monday, 31 October 2011 20:30)

    oh, man, frananinfan. I think of you and your friends - 36 inches - that's about 90cm, right?
    When it's a lot we get about half of it at a time!!!... :SSS
    You should have some mountains which go from west to east, like we have in Europe. I think that would help preventing some of those storms and extremes, because there's something in the way to block it... well, okay, wishful thinking... nothing more... I hope your people are getting through this without too much damage.

  • #300

    hoppe (Monday, 31 October 2011 21:38)

    okay - some new things in my boxxx ;)

  • #301

    Libellule (Tuesday, 01 November 2011)

    Hello everyone,

    I just stumbled upon something you might find interesting. It's perfectly fitting Halloween since it's about costume...
    In YT, type Lady Pochoir short film.
    And look who appears mid-through that 9:51 min clip?...
    We now know why Bea was always late: she's also a cop in her spare time. And she doesn't seem to beaben at all in this Chulos OUTbuilding. :DDD

    I guess it must have been shot before HaH.
    It seems that HaH actors participated in all kinds of art projects, and I love them all even more for that.

  • #302

    hoppe (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 06:25)

    @Libelulle Yes, it was done before HaH, as far as I know. One those who made the film, worked for Verbotene Liebe for some time, Vanessa Jung and Verena Bonato (who plays the photographer in this scene) were both actresses in VL, so I guess that there is the connection. I love them for doing those low-budget stuff. I think Vanessa is a very nice person, she loved the whole HaH idea from the very beginning and was super excited about it.
    What is the way you celebrate Halloween? I'm a bit lost on this... know it more from a spiritual context.

  • #303

    frananifan (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 06:32)

    well Libellule, THAT was very nice. Oh yea, and Bea too :)

  • #304

    hoppe (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 08:10)

    @San #305 thanx for the extra comment possibilties... I'm not really sure if I want to start discussions on other pages - well maybe outsource the tech (problems/questions)talk on the sandbox page, but with the rest... I'm not sure if it's not fizzling out a bit then or I miss things... LOL

  • #305

    San (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 08:42)

    @hoppe #317 I agree. It's nice to have this common area, but if anything gets too off topic or someone wants to make a quick direct comment to something on the periphery, it's handy. Btw, love your latest sandbox! I think the poem translated very well. And niiiice nails :)

  • #306

    San (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 08:55)

    Well, I took a break from my computer last night and just watched tv/videos. Of course, this was on a computer but doesn't count since I wasn't working. About Kasia/Olivia, I don't have much to say. She was good and fun to too watch, but it was hard to get a sense of the character with all the incessant staring going on between everyone else. And the music?! The staring and music just made me laugh. However, the throwing the glass was cool.

    Then, I watched the last episodes of HaH, which were much better. It really is an amazing show. *sigh* Maybe after about 700 episodes, the staring epidemic sets in. Keine Ahnung.

    Btw, @Kirsty, the shirt in your sandbox that you bought is very close, if not identical, to the one in 221 :) Have you taken it out on the town yet?

  • #307

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 09:48)

    @San They do stare a lot on Audl, don't they! But Bea was also a big stare-er..(?)
    Haven't worn my new top out yet. It's actually very long, I presume it's a dress! And therefore must be attacked with some scissors. It was in the clearance rail so I don't feel bad about butchering it. Just need to find me a vampire-teeth necklace and I'm good to go :)

    @hoppe I like your bear drawing. Don't really understand it but I like the way it's been drawn, the colours and the lines and scratches.

  • #308

    hoppe (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 09:58)

    thanx @Kirsty and San - I wrote a bit about it as an answer to Randy in the comments-section of the sandbox.
    Niiice nails! haha, I thought so too, it's a bit unfamiliar though - but well, we try new things with our Jemmergy, right? :)))
    Your shirt is cool! I envy you! It really looks like Jenny's - maybe you need to take those parts you cut off in the bottom and make long sleeves out of it? then it's perfectly Jenny's!!! LOL - go girl, get your vampire-teeth necklace!

  • #309

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 10:32)

    @hoppe oooh or I could make long socks. Or leg warmers probably! Oh! Now I have in my mind a HaH-inspired fancy-dress party.. cool. How many different styles are there?! Luzi's punk look, Ronnie with his baggy jeans and extra-low cut v-neck t-shirts (is this really a popular style in Germany?) Emma, Jenny, geeky Hotte..

  • #310

    frananifan (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 10:35)

    @Kirsty Halloween was yesterday......

  • #311

    hoppe (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 10:49)

    @frananifan: ist egal!!! doesn't matter! :D
    We have HaHeween/HaHoween (?) all time through the year!!!!! ;)
    @Kirsty - Ronnie's style - hmm, there are some people running around like him, but if it's really popular I don't know, my observations of new trends is a bit... hm... blurred through ignorance ;)
    Love the idea of a Hahoween fancy dress party! Now I see loads of those paperdolls you can dress, dressed with those HaH outfits ;)

  • #312

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 10:51)

    :) ach, maybe next year then..

    My new 'teach yourself German'book arrived this morning. Am about to sit down and get started..niiiice :)

  • #313

    hoppe (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 10:52)

    addition to HaHeween - in February we have HaHeval (from Karneval) then! It's also a time where you dress up

  • #314

    frananifan (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 10:54)

    OMJ hoppe! ...paperdolls you can dress...with those HaH outfits. Super idee!!

  • #315

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 12:19)

    @hoppe HaHeween brilliant!

  • #316

    Kittykatcop (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 13:54)

    @All Happy belated Haheween. Just wanted to drop in and say I'm not going to be around for a while. The half-term holidays are over and we're now in the run up to the Christmas Holidays, so school is a bit mainc. Sorry that I never got around to finishing off the Jemmonopoly, but since we break up on the 16th December it may well get done a couple of days before Christmas as a Frohliche Weinachten present. Feel free to drop me an e-mail if you want to keep in touch and I will endeavour to answer it.
    Take care and in the words of the inimitable Kasia Borek "Stay Jemma".

  • #317

    hoppe (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 15:07)

    @San - they stare? Incessantly? oh my god! maybe I have to turn the sound off so that the talking isn't distracting me... I didn't notice ;D

  • #318

    San (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 15:28)

    @hoppe I especially like the double zoom-in stares. Just in case I didn't realize they were staring, those really hammer it home :) I think someone should edit into those clips a dog or cat or a dog and cat staring at each other. That would be HI-lar-rious!!!

    @Kittykatcop See you on the other side!

  • #319

    hoppe (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 15:31)

    man, I just rewatched the olivia scenes... they REALLY DO stare a lot!!! :S
    now I'm wondering if it's just that focus on observing the staring or if they really act a lot ... hmm.. how to say... out of the head and eyes and don't dare to act out of the whole body? I'm confused... am I making this up now? It really feels very artificial and deliberate.

  • #320

    hoppe (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 15:36)

    @San ROFL - yes, the double zoom-in stares!!! Well the show needs to be renamed , not Anna und die Liebe (AudL), not Nina und die Liebe (NudL), it's Nina und das Starren (NudS), which is very near to nudes... dunno why, maybe because one stares at nudes too? ;) ;SS

  • #321

    hoppe (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 15:38)

    or near to nuts! ;)))

  • #322

    San (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 15:42)

    Nuts!!! I'll also accept a can of mixed nuts staring in a clip :)

  • #323

    San (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 15:48)

    @hoppe Compare it to Jenny's stare at Emma in 108 when she arrives at the party. AudL isn't even in the same league as HaH. Am I right? *sigh* I love that stare. That's some good starin' right there :)

  • #324

    hoppe (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 16:12)

    oh yes, there are staring classes between those of Nuds and HaH (Jenny 108), absolutely! OMJ! A bunch of mixed nuts nuts staring at the rest of NudS - yes, that's it!!!! :D

  • #325

    Marie-Helene (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 19:59)

    And don't forget Emma's stare at Jenny in 109, when Hotte is talking with Jenny about the night before, in Emma's stare you can feel all the emotions stirring within her, the perplexity, the jealousy, the attraction. No need to use the "double zoom-in stare". Just great acting, great writing, great directing. Until now, AudL is not worthy of Kasia.

  • #326

    frananifan (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 21:15)

    My brain wants to give Olivia a chance. My heart wants to mess up her hair, smack her cheeks and say Emmaaaaa! Can't explain.

  • #327

    San (Tuesday, 01 November 2011)

    You're right @Marie-Helene, Jemma stares create their own zoom-ins of emotions.

    If I make a dramatic close-up video of mixed nuts, can someone put it in the Olivia clips for our enjoyment? Quatsch! I'll just use my imagination.

  • #328

    Marie-Helene (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 06:09)

    @franafiran: Yes, me too. Want to do the same thing with her hair. And I would like to hide her gigantic fancy handbag, bring back Emma's blue bag and put her hands in her pants pockets.

    @San: "Their own zooom-ins of emotions". Beautiful. It's exactly what I meant.

  • #329

    Kykky (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 08:38)

    oh make me smile....

    (Tuesday, 01 November 2011 21:15)
    My brain wants to give Olivia a chance. My heart wants to mess up her hair, smack her cheeks and say Emmaaaaa! Can't explain"

    But it is what I feel too but...I am trying hard to welcome Olivia in my life......

  • #330

    hoppe (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 10:27)

    Kykky, do you want to be on our email list too? and (pssst) are you nenedallago on DM? ;)

    yepp, "zoom-ins of emotions" perfect wording, that's a very professional term for our high trained JSI-Team vocabular!

  • #331

    Kykky (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 10:45)

    1-yes I wanna be in your email list...I did not know it were one....
    2-Yes, I am nene! :)) (and: you can pronounce it as you want ;)

  • #332

    Kykky-worried (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 10:51)

    Can I ask something?
    I like this place. It gives me the chance to read very interesting things and it is not a chaos as a lot of forum are....anyway, i am scared that this page will be too long at a certain moment....I mean: I read a lot also on my ipod so I have to go down a lot till I find the last comments....Maybe it will be better to put the news on top and the old at the end of the page? or makes more pages?
    I don't know but I wanted to share with you my technical point of view....

  • #333

    hoppe (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 10:53)

    btw. one of the most intriguing stares and pictures in terms of colours and overall "construction" (?) is the one from Jenny at Jenny's birthday party when she sees Emma kissing Luzi. Lucy playing Jenny is showing so much fiery strenghth and willpower in this pic and having Timo with this foolish big glasses in the background with those all in all very strong colours, it has something very magical (although there is nothing djunglelike in it I have that association) - so hmmm... where shall I put it? A special section of staring pics? Of very artsy film shots? (there also should go in the pic when Emma is singing "Beautiful nightmare" and you have this overlay where both of them (J+E) can be seen.... I put it in my box for the moment ;)

  • #334

    hoppe (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 11:03)

    @Kykky does it work for you, if you press "write comment" so you don't have to scroll down? Maybe we can start a new page after 500 pots? dunno....
    I'll send you a PM on the JI forum, with the password so that you can see the email list under contact and also can add yours ;) But can't right now - have to go... maybe someone else will do that in the meantime ;)

  • #335

    San (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 11:11)

    @hoppe I had envisioned the Jemmagerie would be a place for Jemma related images. But that's more of an intro page. So Howabout an image page under Images called Jemma or something clever. And we can group images on the page into Jemma stares, Jemma Cuteness, Jemma something else. Btw, excellent stare scene 145/6! Perhaps, we will need a whole page for Jemma Stares.

    @Kykky Valid points for the length. If you click "Write a Comment" it takes you to the bottom of the page. I placed a "Back to top" link bellow the comment form that will take you back to the top of the page.

  • #336

    San (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 11:23)

    Also, @Kykky, you can contact me through the contact form, and I can give you all the information.

  • #337

    Kykky (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 12:02)

    hallo again! Yes, If I press "write a comment" it does work...on my mac....than I will try with the ipod too...anyhow it isn't really a problem but I am worried that in the future too much comment only on one page can create some trouble....

  • #338

    San (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 12:15)

    @Kykky I just put a "Go to bottom" link. Let me know if it works for you. The "Write a Comment" link is javascript, so that might be an issue on Macs. *shrug* We made it to 1000 on, so I don't think it will be too much trouble.

  • #339

    kykky (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 13:15)

    @San: cool!!! thank you!!!!

  • #340

    hoppe (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 15:33)

    I change "Images" in Jemmagerie. If someone doesn't like it, just shout + we can change it back, okay?

  • #341

    San (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 15:49)

    @hoppe I like it! I would just move it up on the list. Perhaps to the top. Those are beautiful images.

  • #342

    hoppe (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 16:03)

    ???? ups, what would you move up?
    btw. O 812 is up, you only have to look at the link in O 811. Olivia and Nina are sweet together... ;)

  • #343

    San (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 16:22)

    @hoppe In Edit Navigation, you can move the page above or below other pages. I went ahead and placed it at the top above "Jemmatastic-ness".

  • #344

    hoppe (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 16:39)

    @San ah, now I understand what you mean. I thought you were talking about Jemmagerie and moving this up + I didn't know to where I could have moved that up. LOL ;)

  • #345

    hoppe (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 17:07)

    funny convo between olivia + Nina:
    O: Hey! Uh... a coffee too?
    N: Yes, please
    N: Thanks
    O: And ... what was your start at Lanford like?Good?
    N: Yes. Well, not too bad
    B: Are these the new fabrics?
    N: Yes
    B: Well then...
    O: This is all still a LITTLE bit baffling to me. Especially Bruno, he is a total mystery
    N: Uh, there you aren't the only one / with this you aren't alone.
    O: I feel like I would be in a madhouse. But don't let it go any further!

  • #346

    hoppe (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 17:09)

    in 812 I mean ;) Last sentence: would: But don't tell anyone, be more commonly used?

  • #347

    hoppe (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 17:49)

    some interesting investigations on here for our Jemmastory/calendar project ;)

  • #348

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 02 November 2011 17:52)

    @hoppe yeay! Thanks for the little translation. and I think probably 'but don't tell anyone' is better here

  • #349

    Libellule (Thursday, 03 November 2011 00:08)

    Hello my dears,

    I haven't re-watched a lot of Jemma scenes these last few days (still thinking about them a lot though) so I don't have real comment (as in analyze) to do tonight.
    But I do know the stares you're talking about (these two, they really have their own language through their stares; exactly what @Sand said in #340: "their own zoom-ins of emotions") and I'd love to discuss that further, but as it's late again, I'll keep that for another time.

    On my side, I was trying to figure out if Jenny's accessories (mainly necklaces) could be representative in any way of her emotional states. It's because of the beautiful still @hoppe sent of Jenny's stare at her birthday party (ep 145). I had to see that again and noticed she was wearing the red lava drops necklace at that moment and she's kind of a volcano then. She just spotted Emma kissing Luzi, and she's mad and really hurt.

    I still need to do some research on the matter because I haven't gone very far: I stopped at the next ep (146) because I was stricken by a scene I had somehow completely forgotten. How come did I kinda miss it? I find it so intense and there would be so many things to say about it (but I have to restrain myself so I go to sleep at a reasonable hour for once): it's when Emma meets Jenny at the lockers to apologize for what she did the day before at the party.
    The acting, the looks, the gestures, the dialogue, everything!
    First, there's this brilliant thing when Emma is still in the stairs and stops for a second when she spots jenny at the lockers: Jenny feels she's being observed (she doesn't know, she just FEELS it; when I said she's in touch with her emotions, here!), so she has this very quick look behind her to check and is sort of briefly taken aback (and stops what she was doing for a few seconds) when she notices it was Emma. Then, there's the rest of the scene, Jenny speech is can really feel her pain and her turmoil.

    So I gonna sleep on that but really, have a look at it if you get a chance. I'd like to know how it moves you, if it moves you too.
    Hopefully I'll be able to express myself fully on the matter tomorrow. :)
    Nite nite everyone.

  • #350

    Libellule (Thursday, 03 November 2011 00:11)

    @San, not @Sand, sorry. Probably because I'm about to go to bed, I was thinking about the sandman. ;p

  • #351

    Kirsty (Thursday, 03 November 2011 01:45)

    This is going to be a good day...why? Because on my way in to work this morning they played 'You got the Love' the original by Kandi Statton (not sure if that's how you spell it) then, about half and hour later, it was 'Sweet Dreams' which brought back lots of lovely memories except for Bodo's 'turn the lights off'!

    @Libellule I'd forgotten about that scene too. There is such a difference between Jenny's face and expressions when she is facing into her locker and when she turns around to speak to Emma. At first we can see flickers of emotions on her face but when she turns round she has her expression-less mask on, and her eyes are dull, no sparkle in them, which makes her harsh words to Emma seem even worse. and poor Emma's puppy dog eyes couldn't get bigger!
    Also in this episode I love Luzi, especially her 'Hallo Herr Heisig!' at the start!She's so good with Emma, being exactly the right friend that she needed at this time.

  • #352

    hoppe (Thursday, 03 November 2011 08:24)

    @Libelulle, love your thought about Jenny's necklace being an indicators of Jenny's state. We have to investigate further. Btw. I saw that Jenny already wears only ONE bullet earring BEFORE the first kiss...
    One suggestion.... I would love it, if we would put those analyzes of any symbols, when we are clear/sure about it, in a special section, so that they don't get lost in all the discussions - like analyzes of storybuilding (when do they fall in love etc.), analyzes of .. hm... ? dunno how to say... all those things about the acessoires + the outing symbolism... like having a section, were our most important conclusions are collected.

  • #353

    hoppe (Thursday, 03 November 2011 08:58)

    @Randy... thanks for your pics (in your box) - you've got talent for that! Do you paint/draw after photos? I especially like the bighornsheep and the dog, because of the way you put the drawing lines - only a few, but at the right place, and the modelling with the light + shadow in it, and with the dog I love those standing hairs in front of the ears. Also the cardinal and meadowlark, the dog, the eagle, .....

  • #354

    hoppe (Thursday, 03 November 2011 09:00)

    @Kirsty... good! enjoy it! :)

  • #355

    San (Thursday, 03 November 2011 09:20)

    @hoppe Good idea. Once we come to a conclusion on something, we should gather the evidence and post the analysis - a JSI Report of sorts. I was reading the blog query that you posted yesterday - When did Jenny Fall for Emma? And I kept thinking, we've done this before, what were our findings? I have to go back to the old room and find it.

    Like others, I also have come to think that Jenny had an interest in Emma from the beginning. (I think @Wired said it very explicitly way back when.) We've already established that she likes girls at this point. I don't know if she would describe herself as a lesbian, though. In a new place and school, it seems to me that she's keeping her options open. I don't know - I'm willing to hear other opinions on that. Anyway, she's introduced to the class, and she sees this cute girl in a plaid shirt with a short hair cut. I'd imagine she thought, "hmmm... Not bad. She's clearly gay, so she might be fun to get to know." Ironically, in this scenario Jenny is using some of the same stereotypes that she accuses Emma of using, which I find interesting. I don't know - just a thought.

    @Kirsty Hope your day ended as well as it started. I'm going to have to watch - is it 147? - again. I never noticed the change of expression. I always smile at the "Hallo Heisig" :)

  • #356

    Kykky (Thursday, 03 November 2011 10:05)

    1- I agree on creating some sub-sections in which we can put some considerations about the show and Jemma (like symbols and so on...) I too think all the interesting things we say have not to get lost....

    2-thank you Hoppe for your translation of Olivia! :)

    3-ep 146 and the locker? YES!!!! I love that scene! And it is true! Jenny "feels" Emma and looks back a little to see if Emma is really there....on the stairs...and how beauty is Jenny's face while she pretends to avoid Emma....She is not really able to look at Emma because she knows that this will hurt her even more...she has probl. decided to push Emma back because she is suffering too much. And her pain is she collected all her strenght and she turns to Emma with that cold.... beautiful scene! Great Lucy !

    4-I want to answer to Hoppe about the old episode in which Caro is sick because is pregnant and Jenny leaves her all alone while she is vomiting (poor Caro...) Well, when I saw the clip I've smiled....I mean: thinking to the future of Jenny: the way she takes care of Sophie for instance...She changed so much with Emma .... she will learn what "be cool" really means... ;) so I am happy of that scene....JEnny is still selfish and worried about herself here....We all have noticed how much Emma changes but even Jenny does it...

    That's all for now!!!!!!

  • #357

    hoppe (Thursday, 03 November 2011 10:08)

    epi 145: don't you think that those exaggerated colours of the party outfis are fitting well to the inner turmoil of Jemma? i thought it was interesting that Jenny put her sunglasses on after she had the row with Emma and went back to Ben and Co. It's like she is so angry and hurt that Emma doesn't listen to her and can't understand her that she has to put up a wall out of "sunglasses" and hide behind them, also towards the others in that moment.
    146: oh yes. good observation Libelulle and Kirsty.
    147: in the beginning - it's amazing to see Jenny talking to her parents, she looks somewhat awful. For me it feels like underneath she could start crying. And love it how they put the scene where Jenny rejects Emma (closes the door right in front of her) in comparision to Emma's remembrance of the scene where she rejected Jenny and pushed her away in front of Timo.

  • #358

    Randy (Thursday, 03 November 2011 10:09)

    @hoppe #366 Yes, I usually take photos (my other hobby, and I'm just 5 minutes away from a large zoo and a natural history museum) then draw/paint from them. Other times I'll draw from someone else's photos (for example, the ladybird beetle done as an assignment for a course I'm doing), but these are just for practice. The dog was one of several I've had over the years, and the ear hairs did stand up like that. In a couple of days I'll upload some photos. Thanks for your technical help getting it set up. Will you show us more of your paintings?

  • #359

    San (Thursday, 03 November 2011 12:55)

    When did Jenny Fall for Emma discussion starts #163 in old Room 234. Not sure if we reached any conclusions before the subject changed to Jenny's past with girls :)

  • #360

    hoppe (Thursday, 03 November 2011 19:30)

    @San... no, we didn't. Have to start it again, I think... greetz and good night ;)

  • #361

    Kirsty (Friday, 04 November 2011 01:00)

    I was watching the episode where they'd just spent the night together after having the meal with Jenny's parents and something Jenny said interested me. Emma asked whether Jenny's parents would have told Stefan about them and Jenny says something like 'no,definitely not,they need to get their heads around it themselves first' Maybe Jenny hadn't been with a girl before. Maybe, although Jenny may have had other relationships with girls, this was the first time her parents knew of it or the first time they had actually been confronted by it? Maybe something got lost in translation but 'get their heads around it' could be quite a strong expression. ?

  • #362

    Libellule (Friday, 04 November 2011 01:50)

    @Kirsty #375

    To me it refers to the statement Jenny's mom has in the later episodes about "this unusual relationship", meaning Jenny's parents have to get use to the fact that Emma is completely different from Jenny past dates. Not as in girl, but as in type of temperament/social class/background kind of thing.
    I think Jenny already being with girls has been established way before, and I never had the impression that she would shy away in front of her parents regarding that. Also at the train station scene, the only thing her mom says when Jenny introduces Emma to her parents is something like "why didn't you say anything to us about her before?" and her father answers for her with "honey, she would have when she would have been ready". At that brief exchange, I don't perceive her parents as being judgemental or surprised at all with their daughter dating a girl, just wondering why their daughter didn't say she was in love.
    And we all know why. See scene in ep 146 (again I know ;p) when she says to Emma "you don't know what you want. And when I act on what I want, you just spin out..." Her relationship with Emma, prior to the train declaration, is so flickering that it would be too painful for her to share with her parents I think. Also from that scene in ep 146 to the one at the train station, Jenny stated that she wanted to start all over again, forgetting Emma for good, so that's what she's trying to do before Emma declares her feelings. So I really don't think she would have talked to her parents about that. She always fights alone when she's in pain or in conflict, she manages on her own (remember when confronting Ronnie).

  • #363

    Libellule (Friday, 04 November 2011 01:58)

    I meant #374, not #375 of course. ;p

    Sorry leute, I didn't get a chance to finish my "processings" tonight regarding ep146, I was busy voting for HaH for some awards; JI gave a link on their latest blog post. And it took me ages to fill in that thing! :D
    Talk to you tomorrow.

    PS: @Randy. What @hoppe said in #366: you've got talent!

  • #364

    Libellule (Friday, 04 November 2011 02:07)

    PPS: @San, I think the Jictionary has a bug. :( When I try to access it, all the lines where there're usually words/definitions say:
    "Warning: mysql_select_db() [function.mysql-select-db]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/seyates/ on line xx" (the xx stands for all kind of numbers between 1 and 20. ;p )

    What can we do to help solve the problem (you can clearly see right now that I have no clue regarding the informatic language. I'd have better understanding of a german caption though my german is limited to maybe 10 words, so that's a lot to say. :D)? Or is it coming just from my computer?

  • #365

    Kirsty (Friday, 04 November 2011 05:14)

    @Libellule hmm, I guess you're right. It just seemed a funny way of putting it.

    Check out this video of Kasia as Olivia..the chemistry between her and Nina, especially at the outdoor photo shoot, is, in my opinion, off the scale! And Olivia's hair looks slightly better tucked behind her ear!

  • #366

    Emily (Friday, 04 November 2011 06:19)


    I am re-watching all Jemmas' episodes but without any English translations, may I know where can I get English translations for episodes before 161?


  • #367

    San (Friday, 04 November 2011 09:01)

    @Libellule Interesting that you got that message. It's basically saying that it can't find the database, which is a common error. When I'm changing things to the script, I test things on the local server on my computer, and sometimes I forget to change the script to look for the database on the network directory. I'm sure that was very clearly explained :) I was futzing around last night creating a Random Vaudeville app (like people are apt to do) using the Jemmawords database for test content, but I wouldn't think it would effect the site. Also, I was finished and asleep by the time of your #377 post. Unless you saw it earlier like 11:30pm or so. Weird nonetheless.

    @Kirsty #374 I had wondered about that comment as well. And it's interesting, @Libellule, that by simply pulling together all her parents dialog over the course of a 90 episodes span, we get a glimpse into Jenny's past. Very interesting.

  • #368

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 09:35)

    about @Kirsty's #374 - I think Jenny just says it with such emphasize, because she is a bit amused about Emma worrying about it. I don't think that Jenny's parents and Mr. Bergmann are that near, that they would immediately share the newest stuff regarding Jenny (regardless what it is) - I think, they would need time to get their head around it too, if Emma would've been a boy. So that's what Jenny is basically saying... why are you worrying about that? My parents aren't people who immediately spill everything out.
    @Kirsty #380 + @all - I'm not sure if it's wise to post the direct link, maybe we should tell people to contact us, to get the link? I'm not at all sure how many people and who is reading this page - what do you think?

  • #369

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 09:50)

    btw. for me the jictionary is working (except Libelule meant when she was logged in? because I haven't tried that till now)

  • #370

    Kirsty (Friday, 04 November 2011)

    @hoppe I never considered that point of view about Jenny saying that..makes sense that she's trying to get Emma not to..well..'Emma'
    Also, you're right about the link.
    Also, because you're there to help @Clijsters3, me and others with our German questions I hope you don't mind if I point something out in your post? You said' Jenny's parents and Mr. Bergmann are that NEAR' but we actually use the word 'close' in this occasion.I know usually they mean the same thing but here we only use close. :)

  • #371

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 10:16)

    ah, cool Kirsty! thanks for the reminder! I appreciate it a lot ;) if you find things like that, please tell me (well, only if it doesn't get too much - don't want this page to become an english learning side - it should still be about Jemma ;))

  • #372

    frananifan (Friday, 04 November 2011 10:16)

    "Did you know that homosexuals despite some enlightenment, still face a lot of repression? And with that, I don’t mean direct discrimination, but the behavioral pattern of indirect discrimination"
    This is what Emma reiterated to Jenny from the brochure she was given. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to know (perhaps in a private email if that is more suitable) what the atmosphere is like where you live. In your region? In your home? Work or school? I am curious about what you see, and how you feel.

  • #373

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 11:09)

    btw. there are sweets around who deceitfully try to tempt one with memories to HaH. Be careful! I got trapped! ;) (see Jemmagerie, wearing stuff).

  • #374

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 12:47)

    well the underwater dance is now on L-Chat ;)

  • #375

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 12:50)

    I mean a link to download it... not sure how I feel about it, but well that's just the internet....

  • #376

    San (Friday, 04 November 2011 13:59)

    @hoppe Hey, those Choco Toffees aren't Kinder ChocoFresh! They seem to be wearing the same "Choco", though :)

  • #377

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 14:05)

    @San yes exactly! Aren't they mean? Pretending something they aren't?

  • #378

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 14:06)

    should I change the wording?

  • #379

    San (Friday, 04 November 2011 15:11)

    @hoppe It's up to you. Is Choco Toffee wearing ChocoFresh's Choco? is funny to say :)

  • #380

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 15:16)

    @San oh, that's awesome ;) another testimony that you love playing with words. btw. jymmergy right now, just checking after you've been posting today ;)

  • #381

    frananifan (Friday, 04 November 2011 18:41)

    This afternoon I went to the encampment to drop off food and other supplies for my fellow revolutionaries. Frank and Ben helped me unload boxes, while Helen(a) gave me an update on where to contact more people willing to donate. One of the contacts on the list is Karen Bergman. I just knew they were going to get together!

  • #382

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 19:45)

    @fran LOL - that Karin would marry him this quick? Okay, they know each other for years now ;)
    what sort of revolution are you planning?
    about #385... if we want to do it privately per mail, maybe as a copy to all? dunno...
    btw. I put another "are they wearing..." up ;)

  • #383

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 19:51)

    I just had a funny convo with utubeere and Kasia's humming at the end of "Gesangsprobe". We figured that German humming can be quite different from English humming. Kasia hums in German: oh mm nah nah nanm. Which you wouldn't do in English as nah/nuh stands for no. Tomorrow I have to interview our italian girl how Italians would hum :D

  • #384

    hoppe (Friday, 04 November 2011 19:52)

    correction #396 ... with utubeere ABOUT Kasia's humming...

  • #385

    frananifan (Friday, 04 November 2011 20:25)

    @hoppe This is the same "Occupy" revolution that I was participating in BJg (Before Jemmageddon Kommentar 1000) I have been participating a little with actual protesting, but mostly with support...because I'm getting old...and it's getting cold...and I'm a whimp when it comes to freezing rain. There isn't enough kissing anyone under any blanket to keep me warm through that. Tomorrow I will post a pic of the sign I made.

  • #386

    Kirsty (Saturday, 05 November 2011 06:50)

    @frananifan hah, you need Jemma's Magic Blanket - don't be fooled by it's apparent thin-ness. Just one small section of it will warm you right up and stop your teeth chattering!

    Lucy has a new post up on her blog. Not sure what it says but I think the gist of it is that if you're in Stuttgart tonight you can see her and the Rebecca cast making an appearance somewhere. I need a TARDIS!!

    @hoppe we hum nah, nah nah too. :)

  • #387

    hoppe (Saturday, 05 November 2011 09:41)

    Lucy says: Stuttgart City is shining... and we join in beaming. This saturday at 9:30pm hell will let loose at the old castle/palace in Stuttgart. Who lives nearby shouldn't miss this event: the REBECCA cast will show extracts from the new musical which have a lot to offer/which definitely has a ring to it! I'm very much looking forward to it - wrap yourselves up warmly :)
    The sentence "Die REBECCA Cast zeigt Ausschnitte aus dem neuen Musical die es in sich haben!" is a bit difficult to translate. "es in sich haben" means that it can be quite heavy input: controversal, surprising, concentrated, challenging, exciting,... - I couldn't find any translations for it, because this german phrase wasn't listed in ANY dictionary :SSS grrrr!

  • #388

    hoppe (Saturday, 05 November 2011 10:38)

    okay... as I was curious how to say that sentence best I asked utu and here it is: The Rebecca cast will reveal excerpts from the new musical that may contain a few unexpected surprises. ;)

  • #389

    kittykatcop (Saturday, 05 November 2011 11:16)

    Cheers hoppe. Yes I'm still lurking!

  • #390

    hoppe (Saturday, 05 November 2011 12:53)

    @kittykatcop hehe!!! cooool! ;) hoppe says "Hellooo!"

  • #391

    hoppe (Saturday, 05 November 2011 14:48)

    just watched epi 102 - one of those filming mistakes, or can we find a deeper symbolic reason for Jenny wearing the bullet earring on her left ear first (in Saal 1) and later in the car on the right side? It's seldom that she wears it on the left side at all, right?

  • #392

    hoppe (Saturday, 05 November 2011 15:11)

    Jenny necklace/accessoires investigations - in 104 when Jemma work together the first time in Saal 1 and having the row because Emma's prejudices about lesbians, Jenny wars this ... hm... is it the vampire necklace? two longer teeth at the outsides and three in the middle (or what is it?). As she is quite furious this would fit quite well... AND she is flirting verbally with Emma for the first time here (you could say there was a bit of unaware flirting looks while they were digging the volleyballfield) - uhm, I will open a new pic section for the acessoires investigation - there we can post pics of the accessoires and the episode and what's happening/what mood of Jenny might be shown by it. we can move it somewhere else, if you've got a better idea.

  • #393

    hoppe (Saturday, 05 November 2011 16:19)

    also... if the wording can be improved or something added, off you go!

  • #394

    San (Sunday, 06 November 2011 00:40)

    I have another accessory switch-a-roo. In 114, Jenny wears her ruby broach on the left side over her heart when she apologizes to Hotte and later when she kisses Emma. In 115 later that day, she is wearing the broach on her right side. Is it because she's showing more vulnerability at that moment? Maybe. Btw, Jenny is wearing A LOT of accessories in these two episodes - large sun neckless, ruby broach, bullet earring, rainbow zebra bag. Does that have any meaning?

    @hoppe Love the accessory pics. It's a good way to focus our investigations :)

  • #395

    Libellule (Sunday, 06 November 2011 03:06)

    Jenny necklaces/accessories investigation:

    ep.90: she wears the same red lava drops necklace than from ep.146 and she's also in a volcano state here as she storms out from the classroom after the Martin Luther King fiasco. She nearly jennypitates Emma in the corridor...

    ep.99: she wearing this big silver sun necklace, and she's kind of glowing. Well, maybe not glowing, but really smiling inside as the STAG has to help to dig the volleyball field and she has an interview for the job at Saal1.
    By the way, can someone tell me why they dig that volleyball field? When they found the corpse in ep.100, the hole looks pretty deep. What's the point of digging that far (or digging at all actually) to renew the field?

    ep.105: for that one I admit having difficulty to interpret it. Mainly because I don't really know what this pink necklace represents. Some kind of candelabrum maybe? I'll go with that so it can fit an explanation of some sort. ;p
    So pink candelabrum necklace because she sees the "light" regarding Alexandra Lohmann's nature. When the coach congratulates Caro about the flyers disparaging Bea, Jenny understands that Frau Lohmann is not just a really fierce woman thriving on competition, she's actually revengeful. In that scene, Jenny is enlightened (and disappointed) by the true motives of her volleyball coach. I think she looses respect for her at that moment.

  • #396

    Libellule (Sunday, 06 November 2011 03:11)

    -she'S wearing (not she wearing)
    -When they FIND (not when they found)

  • #397

    Libellule (Sunday, 06 November 2011 03:23)

    *Edit 2:
    she LOSES (not she looses)

    Sorry, the more I'm tired, the more I make mistakes when expressing in english. I guess that's a call for bed. ;) Gute Nacht.

  • #398

    Kirsty (Sunday, 06 November 2011 03:38)

    @Libellule #408 Haven't checked on ep99 but if it's the necklace I think you mean then she's also wearing it in the episode when they're having dinner with Jenny's parents. So it is after Emma declared her love so Jenny would also be 'glowing' with happiness at this moment.

  • #399

    Clijsters3 (Sunday, 06 November 2011 03:43)

    Hi Leute! Seems like ages since I've left a post here. Just want to say I'm lurking like @Kittykatcop and @Wired and probably quite a few others and I'm loving your investigative (that's a word right?!) work on Jenny's accessories. Unfortunatley I haven't seen any eps. of HaH for a while so I can't comment right now, but I just wanted to say hi.

    @Hoppe I love how you said you wouldn't be on here as much but infact you're probably on here more than ever!

  • #400

    Clijsters3 (Sunday, 06 November 2011 04:12)

    I've just read that on Amy Winehouses' next album is her version of 'Girl from Ipanema'.

  • #401

    room234 (Sunday, 06 November 2011 09:37)

    sorry I've made a mess - wanted to adjust the way the last pic of 141 was put in to the first two. I just picked photo only and put the subtitle in the field for the subtitle. The longer explanation I put in an extra new element for only text. When I tried to change it I saw that the third pic was put in an element for both - text and pic and strangely the pic also showed up in the section for the text... I wanted to move the subtitle in the subtitle field and dunno why, the pic dissapeared as well.

  • #402

    room234 (Sunday, 06 November 2011 09:38)

    uh, didn't see I was still logged in -> hoppe ;)

  • #403

    hoppe (Sunday, 06 November 2011 10:42)

    I put two pics up for 114 and two for 145, not entirely sure if it's good to put two (so many) up, what do you think? I tried to show the mentioned scenes, feelings, but maybe one which is only concentrating on the accessoires is better?

  • #404

    hoppe (Sunday, 06 November 2011 10:54)

    @clijsters #412 yeah, I know, that's why I don't say anything anymore about that topic ;)
    @Libelulle thanks for #408 - will try to add pics for those the next days... about the pink plastic one I'm also wondering.. haven't found a really good and working interpretation, she's also wearing it in the beginning of 105 where she has the row with Emma in front of the lockers, where's she's quite bitchy: oh right, you are just "normal". generell thoughts about the oink necklace without looking at Jenny: artificial -> plastic, loud. I think I need to see more scenes with her wearing it, maybe we get some more clues. (btw. has it 7 or 9 "drops" with the big one?)

  • #405

    San (Sunday, 06 November 2011 11:23)

    Jenny also wears the pink necklace in 116 when she tells Emma she has a crush on her. The artificial interpretation might not work as well. although, "loud" as in "bold" could work.

    We really should focus our efforts and catalog all the Jemmasodes. Maybe, like a book club, focus on one block of episodes, and analyze them together. We could begin with 73-89, then 90-105, and so on. Perhaps, the chunks are to big. I don't know, just a thought.

  • #406

    hoppe (Sunday, 06 November 2011 13:22)

    @San that might be an idea...I would be up to if the others agree...
    btw. where are they????

  • #407

    frananifan (Sunday, 06 November 2011 14:19)

    raking leaves......

  • #408

    hoppe (Sunday, 06 November 2011 14:34)

    ah @fran! enjoy! good to know, you're still around ;)
    @all Michaela Löber posted a clip from the event at the castle in Stuttgart:

  • #409

    hoppe (Sunday, 06 November 2011 14:38)

    those ones are better:

  • #410

    Kirsty (Sunday, 06 November 2011 14:39)

    walking the dog.. beautiful Autumn day here :) I agree with @San. We seem to be all over the place just know and it's hurting my head.
    Maybe if we go through the eps methodically together we can organise our findings somehow. Especially with regards to accessories,clothing,make-up etc. Have just watched ep 5...Emma was wearing a t-shirt that said 'Save Me' on it! (Could they not find one for Jenny with 'Love Fool'? Or 'Be Mine'?) Awesome Hah! did you plan that? I'd like to think you did.

  • #411

    Kirsty (Sunday, 06 November 2011 14:40)

    @hoppe I have a clip of it in my Sandbox already :) not sure if it's the same as one of yours...

  • #412

    hoppe (Sunday, 06 November 2011 15:27)

    @Kirsty, well it's another one ;) seems like Lucy does't like translations posted on her blog... she didn't release my translation :(

  • #413

    hoppe (Sunday, 06 November 2011 15:31)

    which only shows how aware she is of how she wants to have full control about what + in what form gets out into the public - I've got a lot respect for that

  • #414

    Eyelesstrees (Sunday, 06 November 2011 15:50)

    So this is where everyone is (#3)! :) (Sorry I'm always late; that's not usually me.)

    Thank you for the link @hoppetosse. @frananifan I was about to e-mail you when I saw the link so thank you to you too!

    I see you've been busy! Luckily I've got a week off work so I'm going to start reading from the beginning; I'll see you all in a few days!

    All the best to everyone

  • #415

    Eyelesstrees (Sunday, 06 November 2011 16:13)

    @San, thanks so much for all your hard work.

    I didn't get to #20 and I'm already laughing: the EI investigation team! Can't wait to see what is uncovered.............(goes bak to reading)

  • #416

    hoppe (Sunday, 06 November 2011 16:43)

    hey Eyelesstrees! welcome! if you want to be on our email-list just contact San via the contact form...

  • #417

    hoppe (Sunday, 06 November 2011 17:30)

    seems there were MASSES at the musical presentation. here's a pic of the surrounding:

  • #418

    Eyelesstrees (Sunday, 06 November 2011 18:37)

    thanks hoppe (#429)

    I've reached #301 so I need to thank Kirsty for e-mailing me too!

    @opera fans In an attempt to keep my blood pressure down at work I've been listening to the Netrebko/Garanca recording of 'I Capuleti E I Montecchi' non stop for the past few weeks! Does anyone else know that recording?

    I took 'Lucy' and 'Kasia' around London for the Jemma fanvid. They ended up 'seeing' a production of 'Cendrillon' at the Royal Opera House! (Having been to Buckingham Palace etc they were still in my bag!)If I find time I'll sort out a sand box because there are pics of them in the RoH!

    I've got a question about Lucy's singing: I'm aware that all manner of doom might rain down on me but I'm just going to say it; I wasn't sure Lucy could sing well live. In several clips I've heard her be late to notes and often flat. (Don't worry, that's the worst thing I'm going to say!)

    I've considered whether I've just seen clips where the sound is poor, whether she couldn't hear herself back (chat show Talking 'bout a revolution?) was under rehearsed (cast presentation of Rebecca?) was nervous/tired (various) and even whether I've just been so fortunate to hear live most of the worlds best opera sopranos that I was setting the bar too high!

    Anyway, I've just watched the clips JI linked to and Lucy was really good. In fact I'd say that at the finale of her duet with Pia Douwes she's brilliant. (Although call me cautious if you want -she wasn't moving around much while singing. Although impressively they were outside and it's Autumn, and there was lots of dry ice in the air and she was still good. So, when she can hear herself back and isn't under rehearsed (I don't know why she wasn't nervous - with a crowd that massive!)etc she's really good and now I get it! Yay! And now @ Kirsty whereas before you couldn't have given me a ticket for Rebecca (I didn't want to say anything!) now I am Jealous!

    While I'm on the topic of music can anyone put me out of my misery about something?
    Firstly, don't HaH do 'Ave Maria' as a four part harmony; Emma, Luzi, Jenny and Sophie? I think Sonja (Caro) mimes? If so then I think she 'sings' as a plot device that gives her a way in to the STAG.
    Secondly, do people think Lucy herself sings that top line?

    Does anyone know much about Pia Douwes? I fear she may be a contender for Lucy's ridiculously supertalented actor crown. Apparently she also studied ballet. She's been in Rebecca in Germany, Holland and read for a proposed London production - so that's 3 languages. Wonder if she swims like a fish, plays any instuments, does swordfighting etc?!

    Finally, off topic; Kirsty, I feel your pain with the 6-1. I went out into the garden at the sending off. Next thing the little blues from the family opposite are running up and down the street singing '6-1, 6-1.' As a lifelong red I obviously countered very loudly with 'this is how it feels to be City, this is how it feels to be small.....!' We all had a good laugh, sadly them more than me! I've coped by thinking that's how the bitter blues have been feeling for 30yrs!

    Sorry for the length of post - I suppose this is the total in one go of what I would have said over the past 2 and a half weeks! (Although I am only up to #301.)

  • #419

    Libellule (Sunday, 06 November 2011 18:42)

    Love @frananifan answer in #420. :D
    On my side, I was not raking leaves but the week-end has been pretty busy, so I didn't get a chance to really dive further in my current Jemmanalyzes.

    I'm just stopping by to comment on @hoppe #425 and 426:
    It might be that she rejected the translation, but I doubt it. Maybe there've just been some technical issues on her blog. I'm thinking about that possibility because I couldn't post anything there on Friday when I saw her announcement, there was a bug with the CAPTCHA code. And I found it strange that there were no comment registered already, because usually it's flooded right after a new post.
    So I tried again on Saturday evening and it worked, but there were no more CAPTCHA code requested. I then sent another comment basically to specify my 1st one was written the day before, and that now the presentation was over, I hoped everyone had fun. So nothing here with dubious content, but that 2nd comment never got published nonetheless.
    I also totally respect the fact that she probably screens every comment before releasing them on her blog (and she's right to do so, that's the only way to avoid out of place fan posts); but because of what I experienced on yesterday, I think that what happened to your translation has anything to do with her not liking it. It might just have been lost in the cyberworld during the process of sending. :)

    Now I have to do some groceries, I'll try to stop by later again and leave a more insightful Jemma comment.;p

  • #420

    Libellule (Sunday, 06 November 2011 18:51)

    ...has NOTHING (instead of "anything") to do with her not liking it.

  • #421

    Marie-Helene (Sunday, 06 November 2011 22:04)

    @Eyelestrees Happy to see you in our new Room 234. About Lucy, I agree with you, she was sensational in this duet with Pia Douwes and for the ouverture. Her voice is beautiful and very expressive but not versatile. It was her problem in HaHe, especially when you compare with Kasia who can sing Ave Maria with brio, Beyonce or Aimée Mann perfectly. She's so amazing. But Lucy must find the pieces of music suited for her voice. In this regard, Rebecca is perfect for her as much as Wicked. For me, the weakest part in Rebecca is Pia Douwes. I think she's not bad but I bought the Rebecca's CD with Susan Rigvava-Dumas and I am quite partial now. For me, SRD is the ultimate Mrs Danvers. Like Lucy is the ultimate Glinda in my view.

  • #422

    Kirsty (Monday, 07 November 2011 01:25)

    @Eyelesstrees ok, a Jemma fan and a Red...marry me!! Regarding Lucy's voice, I can't watch that clip of her singing with Kasia and Selina on the breakfast show! I'm not sure what happened there and why she didn't sound so good. She seems to have a voice that isn't altogether suited to popular music and very much more suited to Musical songs.More classically trained maybe? Also, I bet she was quite nervous there as it may have been the first time she had performed in a tv studio? It's a shame that it doesn't make her sound good. Anyone only seeing that video would completely dismiss her without having seen her wipe the floor with all other Glindas in Wicked.

    @everyone JI have also put up a video of Lucy saying hi to her Jemma will very shortly be in my sandbox :)

  • #423

    hoppe (Monday, 07 November 2011 07:42)

    @Kirsty + Eyelesstrees - what is that talk about in #431 about red and 6-1 ??? Is this something private between you - or something all english peeps understand, but not me???
    @Kirsty you can't see the revolution clip? Is it already on our blog? and what does it say? maybe we can fix that? ;)
    Uhm, Lucy is singing really off key inbetween - I wasn't sure, if it was a technical problem of her not hearing the others properly, being nervous or if there was something else going on. I sensed some disharmy between them, it really felt a bit strange to me. I'm a bit hesitant to say that, but Lucy came across, as if she tried to appear supersexy and something went wrong in this (her) "show". But well, everyone has her strange days and I'm not the one to judge anyone ....

  • #424

    hoppe (Monday, 07 November 2011 07:50)

    agree on @Marie-Helene's view on Kasia's and Lucy's voices, Lucy hasn't that wide range of music/song forms which suit her, in return she's gifted with this amazing body presence and ability to express through it :)

  • #425

    hoppe (Monday, 07 November 2011 07:54)

    @Libelulle thanks for telling me about your problems to post on Lucy's blog. I was wondering, because my second post which was my personal reaction got posted, but not the translation... LOL, now I'm wodering if I should repost the translation ;)

  • #426

    Kirsty (Monday, 07 November 2011 08:28)

    @hoppe It means we support Manchester United footabll (soccer..) team who got thrashed 6-1 by Manchester City recently- they won't be doing that again in a hurry, no way.

    Also, I can watch that clip I mentioned- what I meant was that I don't like to watch it because it makes Lucy look like a bad singer when I know she's not.

    I've had problems posting things on Lucy's blog sometimes. It doesn't always come up with the CAPTCHA code which is needed to submit your posts- very annoying!

  • #427

    San (Monday, 07 November 2011 08:58)

    @Kirsty You can say football. I grimace every time I have to say soccer :) I'll just specify when I'm talking American football, which I'm not happy with right now. Anyway, my team, which is a nice bright Orange, just made the MLS Cup final and will play a bunch of old EPL guys.

    I was perplexed watching the balcony videos. Did anyone see a microphone? How were there voices projected with such clarity? Methinks there might be lipsyncing. Don't get me wrong, it's top-notch lipsyncing. Then again, it seems too good, so maybe it's not lipsyncing. *shrug* Anyway, it was a very cute Hello to Jemma Fans. Aw, she misses Kasia :)

  • #428

    hoppe (Monday, 07 November 2011 09:19)

    @San + everyone else wondering, I heard that someone who was there said, it was playback.
    well, about the "she misses Kasia" - I think she just wanted to say something nice for the Jemma fans, surely she misses her a bit, but she loves her new old partners as well, sooo.... I heard a lot of peeps putting too much in this sentence (not you San!)
    @Kirsty thanks for enlighting me! :D I'm glad it's not my english which made me not understand it ;)

  • #429

    Kirsty (Monday, 07 November 2011 09:21)

    @San Yes, we have had plenty of pictures here of David Beckham looking happy to reach a final again.
    I'd been wondering about microphones too. I was looking at the top of Lucy's forehead because I assumed it'd be hanging down there but I couldn't see anything. Surely they wouldn't have been miming?!?

  • #430

    hoppe (Monday, 07 November 2011 09:23)

    I'm right now wondering if it's a bit to dangerous for their voices to perform life with temperatures of 5° celsius? dunno, does anyone know?

  • #431

    hoppe (Monday, 07 November 2011 09:24)

    oh, man!!! my english is getting worse! -- too dangerous + perform live :SSSS

  • #432

    Kirsty (Monday, 07 November 2011 09:37)

    @San I have started to catalogue the episodes for Jenny's accessories. Tried to put up a table but was a bit baffled by the box that came up. Help!! I need columns for episode number, scene description, accessories worn and comments.

  • #433

    Kirsty (Monday, 07 November 2011 09:39)

    @hoppe Now you have me busy on youtube checking! I'm not sure.. Yes, it was cold and yes there was an awful lot of dry ice around Lucy at the start so it can't have been easy or wise to perform live.. But her duet with Pia sounded as though it was live..well, it was a good show anyway :)

  • #434

    room234 (Monday, 07 November 2011 09:51)

    @Kirsty from hoppe: I just logged in, if you've chosen "table", you can click on the first icon, which inserts a new table, or you can also just use the one which is there, click on it to activate it and then you can add rows with the second group of icons (third one with red is delete) and add columns with the third group of icons. It depends where you have your cursor where a row or column is added or deleted.

  • #435

    room234 (Monday, 07 November 2011 09:59)

    @Kirsty: if you insert columns they look tiny, you have to click in it and write, then they get bigger ;) dunno if you need more to know, that what I found out for the moment ;)

  • #436

    San (Monday, 07 November 2011 10:02)

    Safe for their voices or not. I'd imagine that it would be unpredictable in such conditions.

    @hoppe Re: missing Kasia. I read nothing more into than it was sweet to say, like missing an old friend :)

    @Kirsty Bullet points might work as well. Tables are so cumbersome. We can section off the page into episodes and do an outline structure. For example:
    Episode # (heading)
    -Descriptive scene title
    -vampire neckless
    -comments, possible significance
    -next accessory
    -Star sweater
    - comments, possible significance
    -Camera shots
    And so forth...

    We can change and modify what we've entered as we find new things and significance.

  • #437

    Randy (Monday, 07 November 2011 10:04)

    @San #418, @hoppe #419, @Kirsty #423 I agree with you guys about focusing on a block of episodes at a time then commenting on them. It would definitely make it easier to catalog stuff, and the more of us looking at the same eps at the same time might help us to see more subtleties that otherwise could be missed (making the most of the JSI Team).

  • #438

    Kirsty (Monday, 07 November 2011 10:06)

    @hoppe thanks for your advice, @San's way seems simpler and easier to add to. I will, hopefully,try that

  • #439

    hoppe (Monday, 07 November 2011 10:24)

    so do we make a page per episode?
    I would recomment to use only plain text and pic elements (or galerie if we need more pics), no mixed text+pic ones - so that the pics stand on their own and we can add or delete parts more easily. this should be easier to handle. I don't think that it will be always so easy to list it like that, but well I'm willing to give it a try... (not a listing type ;))

  • #440

    San (Monday, 07 November 2011 10:38)

    @hoppe I started in JSI Team what I envision for the page. Changing some things that were already there. I thought we could just use one page or divide it up in blocks. But separate episode pages under JSI Team could work too.

  • #441

    Kirsty (Monday, 07 November 2011 10:41)

    Blimey, I turn my back for one minute looking for a screencap for ep73 and @San has been busyyy!! :)

  • #442

    Kirsty (Monday, 07 November 2011 10:47)

    @San!!! sorry, I seem to have lost your bullet points. Was trying to put a picture in between them and the ep73 title. Can you fix? sorry

  • #443

    San (Monday, 07 November 2011 10:48)

    @Kirsty Sorry, I just noticed the screencap was gone :) Oops, we're editing at the same time. I think I got it to what might be the easiest way to document. Heading 2 for Episodes, Heading 3 for scenes and items with a text box in between. I'm finished :) As you were.

  • #444

    hoppe (Monday, 07 November 2011 10:53)

    I think we at least needs blocks, like maybe 73-79, 80-89, 90-99 etc. so that the pages don't ge too long and things can be found? dunno

  • #445

    San (Monday, 07 November 2011 10:54)

    @Kirsty Don't worry I got rid of the bullets. Try the Heading idea #456 instead. Breaking everything up in different elements will probably be more manageable that one big text box. Sorry, again. I won't login again unless you need me to.

  • #446

    hoppe (Monday, 07 November 2011 10:59)

    I think we only should write something if we really see something otherwise we spend a lot of time, cataloguing scenes without having anything to say ... (just in general) and we can also use coloured lines in bold for headings - just as a reminder that there are more options to make things clear and well visible ;)

  • #447

    Kirsty (Monday, 07 November 2011 11:06)

    Ok, I'm done here just now.Going home from work. Feel free to tidy things up San, I fear I've not quite got the hang of this and bow to your expertise.

    @hoppe I think you're right, we should split this section up into blocks of episodes.

  • #448

    Kirsty (Monday, 07 November 2011 11:07)

    I always forget something I meant to say..
    @San who is that on your Facebook profile pic??

  • #449

    San (Monday, 07 November 2011 11:09)

    @hoppe Probably isn't a surprise that I'm a big fan of indexing everything. How else are we going to see patterns? Then again, I've tagged and indexed films down to the individual edits before, so I might not be the best judge.

  • #450

    San (Monday, 07 November 2011 11:12)

    @Kirsty It looks good! Very clear. Profile pic is Christina Applegate - my celebrity doppelganger :)

  • #451

    hoppe (Monday, 07 November 2011 11:18)

    yeah, well then try it like that ;)
    maybe we can put up a magazine-like designed outcome in the end?

  • #452

    San (Monday, 07 November 2011 11:24)

    @hoppe Exactly! Once we get all the data, we'll publish the report with top-notch graphic design :) I look at this raw data gathering stage like collaborating in a Wiki, like Wikipedia.

  • #453

    hoppe (Monday, 07 November 2011 11:30)

    well, I have really a blockade now, sorry. It's confusing me - althopugh in one way it looks clear.
    I would for example put pics up which are about the acessoires if this should be about the accessoires - like I did before in the other section...

  • #454

    San (Monday, 07 November 2011 13:01)

    @hoppe I over complicated the explanation. What I mean is keep it as simple as possible so everyone feels comfortable contributing. I'm sure we will naturally find the right structure as we go through the process.

  • #455

    Kirsty (Monday, 07 November 2011 13:43)

    @everyone - regarding the 'Rebecca' performance on Saturday. I asked @mmason20 who was there and she said it was a playback and directed me to 4.42 on this clip where you can see Lucy coming in late on her lines Doesn't she look cute there though :)

  • #456

    Libellule (Monday, 07 November 2011 21:27)

    Hello Leute,

    I can see everybody in the RSI (Rebecca Scene Investigation)has been wondering the same thing regarding the songs. ;p And it's quite clear it's playback when they talk (see clip in @Kirsty #469).
    I totally understand why they did that (and it's probably more than just weather-related) and the performance seemed amazing nonetheless.

    Now the Ingrid Jäger in me couldn't help processing the following :D :
    1.The whole cast started to rehearse together less than a month ago and wow!, they seem pretty ready already. Costumes, "choreography"/staging, singing (even more now knowing it was playback, it means they had to record these songs!)...

    2.Which led me to think: how many hours a day are they rehearsing? It must be a crazy tough discipline/rythm righ now.

    3.How did they manage to rehearse for this setting? The theatre in which the musical will open is different. So they couldn't rehearse this performance in this "castle" during the days, otherwise people would have stopped to watch already (as they play with the outdoor setting, balconies, etc...), and the word of an upcoming performance would have spred way before Lucy's announcement.

    4.The lightning on the building seemed amazing. Again, how did the light artists manage to rehearse on the building front without anybody noticing?

    5.Were the balconies re-decorated for the occasion, or is there just a lucky coincidence with the wrought letter? It shows a big R, like in Rebecca. ;)

    I'm really very impressed by the (clips I've seen of the) whole event. Not just by the Rebecca performance but also by all that comes around (I understood that it was part of the celebration of lights festival or something), everything seems top-notch, performed to perfection (fireworks, lightnings, staging...). And regarding Rebecca specifically, I'm really amazed by the work they seemed to have accomplished in such a short amount of time. Bow down!
    Also, such a one-time live performance, with all technical aspects implied...they do know how to market/advertise a musical in Germany! If this is not a teaser for the big opening of the show in December, then I don't know what could be. ;p I wish I could go to Stuttgart then, it seems vibrant!

  • #457

    San (Monday, 07 November 2011 21:28)

    @Kirsty Wow, I can understand singing but mouthing actual dialogue is tough.

    Watching the early eps, have to say STAG's performance of Genie in a Bottle in ep 18 is mesmerizingly brilliant! Sure, they're all really tired from Lohmann's diabolical circuit training, and they have trouble working up the energy. But the very smooth and synchronized movements and Kasia's well-timed wincing from sore muscles is amazing!

  • #458

    Libellule (Monday, 07 November 2011 21:50)

    @San #470
    I'm jealous, you can watch HaH first episodes! I'm looking forward when JI will put up early transcripts again. They've stopped at ep16 for now and there's a screenshot I love with the early STAG on stage in different dance poses ("photographically" it's brilliant). I'm craving to know the context of it. :)

    @hoppe #430
    Yes, that picture is impressive, masses at the event indeed!

    @Eyelesstrees #427
    I was waiting for that take #3. :D Welcome back! It seems we're just missing Prou now to complete the old Room 234 gathering.

    @San #449
    It's official, you're my favorite hotterian, I love how your mind structures things! :D

    I'm up for jemmanalyzing in episodes blocks, that sounds good, but maybe smaller chunks at once (like 5 episodes max?)?

  • #459

    Libellule (Monday, 07 November 2011 22:06)

    Oh and I love to pieces this clip where Lucy says hello to Jemma fans! It seems so genuine and it's very generous of her to take the time to do so. Also found her mention of Kasia adorable (and I understood it the same way as @San #449. It shows that she really liked to work with her and this kind of statements always make miss HaH dearly again, as we could clearly feel they all enjoyed playing together). :)

  • #460

    Libellule (Monday, 07 November 2011 22:08)

    ...make ME miss HaH dearly again...

  • #461

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 01:34)

    @Libellule You're right, regarding the performance. It was very impressive and does seem as though they've bonded together pretty well considering the time scale. I'd also noticed the wrought-iron R in the now looking up Neues Schloss photos but can't find any pictures that show a railing, I will continue to investigate. Also, you're right about Germans making a big deal over musicals, how cool is that! Don't think anything like that has been done in the UK.

  • #462

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 05:48)

    Sorry, this isn't Jemma related but it is Rebecca/Lucy/Wicked related...I've
    been following the coverage of the Dutch Wicked premiere which was on Sunday afternoon and I noticed that Pia Douwes was there! So she had her late night performance in Stuttgart on the Saturday night and then went up to Holland. In my head, it would have been nice if Lucy had gone too seeing as she and Willemijn Verkaik were Gelphie together for a few years. In my head actresses that work well together are best friends! Obviously it doesn't work like that :)

  • #463

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 08:50)

    @Libellule after extensive, and pointless, research I have determined that yes,the balconies were indeed specially decorated for the occasion. Here is my proof...

    Also, where is everyone today??

  • #464

    frananifan (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 09:11)

    Hi Kirsty. I've spent the morning trying to teach myself how to capture images from video of the sets I have built. I haven't gotten very far so you won't be seeing them in a sandbox anytime soon. ugh.
    I've also been thinking a lot about Wicked. When it opened in '03 it carried the burden of saving Broadway from the fear of post 9/11. Critics hated it so they did an extensive re-write because NY was so desperate to bring people back. They certainly got it re-right.

  • #465

    Libellule (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 09:19)

    @Kirsty #475
    "In my head actresses that work well together are best friends!" - :D

    @Kirsty #476
    Actually your picture shows that the R is always there (top middle balcony). Perfect coincidence then. Unless the production team planified the performance to take place in this building on last Saturday because of that?

    "Also, where is everyone today??" - I don't know for the others, but I'm seriously running late for work. I'll use "Vogel me!" today. ;p Tschüss!

  • #466

    San (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 09:59)

    @frananifan There are a couple of way to capture screen shots from video. One, you can try the print screen button and past it into a graphic program, like photoshop or powerpoint, and save it as a jpg image file. Two, which is by far the easiest, you can download the free video player VLC Media Player. This application allows you to capture stills (png format). I believe the option is under Video in the menu bar.

    @Libellule I like the 5 episode block idea for analysis. We'll have to come up with a schedule of some sort.

    Sorry, guys, I'm preparing for a big conference next week - organizing a workshop at the beginning and giving a presentation at the end, so I might be sporadically in and out for the next 2 weeks.

  • #467

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 10:42)

    @Libellule Ok, this is really bugging me now..I think my picture must be of the wrong balcony. If you look on this clip around 2.17-2.19 then you can see the patterns on either side are different. On the video they are almost like ladders inside circles and on the photo the 'ladders' are missing...

    @San I'd been meaning to ask you how do capture stills from videos, will try that,thanks.

  • #468

    San (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 11:11)

    @Kirsty Print Screen is what I use to capture stills from streaming video and DVDs. I use VLC Media Player to play and capture stills from video files on my computer.

  • #469

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 12:37)

    @San My computer got a bit scared when I tried to download VLC media player and said it might be bad ...I take it it's not??

  • #470

    San (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 13:05)

    @Kirsty Is it talking about "Unverified Publisher" or "Unknown Publisher? Computers are always cautious about .exe (executable) files, making sure you trust the publisher, and since did not specify a publisher, the computer freaks out a little. I can only say that I've installed the program on both my computers with no bad effects. If you're the least bit uncomfortable, don't run the installation. There might be a capture still function in Windows media player now - I haven't checked.

  • #471

    Eyelesstrees (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 15:10)

    Hi all, I cannot tell you how gutted I am to have seen that video of Lucy's missed cue. :(

    I was confident they'd used a general backing track but I wasn't sure they'd used live mics. As a result, before I posted about how good Lucy sounded, I had also had a look for 'loop' mics. (These are the tiny tear drop mics usually hidden at the top of the forhead, almost in the hair. The mic wire is looped around the head and then down the singers neck.) I couldn't see any either but as the show looks really slick I just assumed that they'd paid attention to detail and camouflaged them really well. I wondered if Lucy's hair clip might be serving as a toupee clip as there is something holding Lucy's hair back from her face just higher up from her hair clip. (A toupee clip is sometimes used with a mic rather than a loop.)

    I also thought that they had probably rehearsed just that performance until it was note perfect - messing it up badly wouldn't have been good for ticket sales.

    I assumed they weren't moving about much because they wanted to make sure that they were note perfect.

    So, having seen the missed cue it seems that they didn't have live mics and so Lucy didn't sing live the 'brilliant' finale to that duet! In her defence though she acted it brilliantly. The double breath she does prior to the high note in her duet with Pia is what finally convinced me, in the absence of any other evidence, to think that was live.

    I guess they used a recording as it took all the risk out if the performance. That doesn't explain the lack of movement though which I suppose is down to not rehearsing in that venue.

    I await further reports but in the meantime I am going back to reserving my judgement. :(

    I suppose if that's the only weakness in the ridiculously supertalented and impossibly good looking Lucy Scherer's skill set then she's not doing badly! It's not like I could sing note perfect, while flinging myself around a stage, 6 times a week for months on end, in front of crowds of thousands!

    Somewhere above you were discussing the move JBE made from left ear to right. I think that happended because for most of the car scene the camera was on Lucy's right side. If the earing had still been in her left ear it would have been lost to us. Does that sound plausable?

  • #472

    hoppe (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 16:02)

    okay... I'm trying to find out what's not working for me.
    I put a lot of time into doing those screenshots trying to find the perfect moment which covers best (most concentrated)what we talked about. I changed sometimes the levels so that they weren't so dark etc.
    For me it's important to stay concentrated with what we do and when I saw that JSI team page I was wondering why those pics were up there. There was no hint or explanation to it... and that is confusing to me. As I said before I'm a bit (maybe too) sensitive about all things visual. I also feel uncomfortable if all pics have different sizes etc.
    Maybe I feel a bit like the time I put in this other part (at pics) is just done for the dustbin. And I'm more a person who likes to play and put things together rather through intuition than making a scientific research of all parts which are there.
    So I'm not sure if I will take further part in this... I'm too much of a visual "nazi".... and I feel bad with being it, because that's not very nice to other contributors - maybe I'm just tired atm and this changes again, but well... dunno...
    so take care for the moment. greetz hoppe

  • #473

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 17:22)

    @San #483 Yes that's what it said. I will just go ahead with it anyway, thanks

  • #474

    frananifan (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 17:35)

    @Kirsty I just downloaded the program, captured so images and uploaded them to my about an hour...and I'm not so good at this. I say go for it

  • #475

    Randy (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 18:15)

    @frananifan Terrific images! Please add some words so that everyone will know what they are and what you did to make the plays look good. A lot of work went into those sets.

  • #476

    frananifan (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 18:26)

    Thanks Randy. I'm still trying to track down my personal favorite. The church scene from Footloose was killer! I mean...Hammer! there an elephant in the room?

  • #477

    Randy (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 18:38)

    @hoppe #485 You encouraged me to add some of my photographs to my sandbox, which I did, but because they are different sizes I'm concerned that you might not look at them. I can resize them so that they aren't visually distracting.

  • #478

    frananifan (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 18:42)

    <oh no you dient?!>

  • #479

    Randy (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 18:43)

    @frananifan #490 I don't understand. What "elephant in the room"?

  • #480

    frananifan (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 19:01)

    #488 is suspicious to me.

  • #481

    frananifan (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 19:08)

    @Kirsty I just love the chair dance you put up. I watch it several times a day.

  • #482

    San (Tuesday, 08 November 2011 22:36)

    I just deleted that creepy #488 comment. It went to some Russian SEO site or something. Now all comment references are one off.

    @frananifan Great sets!

    @Randy Thanks for sharing your photographs! Great nature shots. I love the Calla Lilies :)

  • #483

    Libellule (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 02:01)

    @Kirsty, RBSI (Rebecca Balcony Scene Investigation):

    Here are 2 other pics I found, you can also zoom in a bit on them but it's still not cristal clear. The middle medallion seems different though that the ones on the side so I still believe it's the R we saw in the performance.

    I tried to do a bit of research (meaning googling "history of Neues Schloss Schlossplatz Stuttgart Germany")on what the R stands for and I'm wondering if it has to do with: "The future German President, Baron Richard von Weizsäcker was born in the New Castle on April 15, 1920." (taken from Wikipedia).
    It's funny how we bug on some stuff, sometimes, and we can learn so many things in the process of sorting things out. Like for this one, I spent the last 30mn looking at castles architecture in Stuttgart. :D

  • #484

    Libellule (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 02:16)

    RSBI again:

    Now I might be reading way too much into this as I can't find reliable history resources to sustain my theory, but the full name of the Baron is Richard Karl Freiherr von Weizsäcker (Freiherr seems to be for Baron in german) and when you look at that video you (@Kirsty) sent @3:36, we can see a F intertwined with the R in that balcony medallion.

  • #485

    Libellule (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 02:31)

    RBSI re-again:

    If we can determine that this wrought R belongs to the initial castle, how perfect the choice of this location was for the Rebecca performance?
    Me say that there's a HaH writer behind the Rebecca musical. ;p

  • #486

    Libellule (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 02:39)

    And before leaving you all for the night, my dears, I'd like to point at that we're already very nearly half way through the next Jemmageddon. ;)

  • #487

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 03:36)

    @Libellule 'HaH writer behind the Rebecca musical' haha ...maybe. Going to check some more later. Hey,at least I will have some sightseeing/RBS investigating to do when I go there in February and can get definite proof either way! :)

    And yeayyyy!!!! 500!!

  • #488

    room234 (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 05:44)

    JSI Team: I was wondering what to do when Jenny is in more than one scene in each episode. Do we cram all the info under one heading/episode or split each scene up so we end up with, for example, five headings of episode 124. Hope you understand what I mean. I started episode 75 but realised Jenny was in more than one scene so I didn't really know what to do. It will look too messy if all the scenes are put into one text box.

  • #489

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 05:49)

    By the way that last post was me, didn't realise I would come up as room 234! I'm not trying to impersonate anyone!

    Last night I watched a programme and guess what song was playing in the background...Girl from Ipanema. And the character was on a dating site and had to come up with a username what did she choose...Girl from Ipanema.

    @Kirsty well done for getting post 500 I think another award will be coming your way! Grrr just missed out.

  • #490

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 06:20)

    @Clijsters3 heehee, just luck getting 500. How do you happen to come up as room234? I've seen hoppe do it a couple of times too. I'm not really sure how we work things if she is in more than one scene..guess it depends if she changes clothes/ accessories. Maybe we should wait 'til @San or @hoppe can organise things..they seem to be good at it ;)

    Oh, have you got the next DVD box set? It's on My Christmas List :) can't really justify buying it myself just now!

  • #491

    San (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 08:33)

    Hey guys! The JSI Team page looks great! I think adding a new heading and text box for each scene will be the way to go. I only went in and added horizontal lines in between the episodes.

    @Kirsty I got Box 3 in the mail this week. I probably should've waited to buy box 3 and 4 together because shipping is 14 euros! Super Saver Shipping Sandra cringes at that. My birthday's next week, so I guess I'm entitled a little extravagance. Ooo, and that's right! We'll have a RBSI operative on the ground, so that mystery will definitely be solved :)

  • #492

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 08:54)

    @San i) how did you make the gray lines? ii) Is it sad that I'm excited about being called any kind of 'operative'!? niiiiccee

  • #493

    Randy (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 10:13)

    @San #495 Glad you liked the nature shots. That's my main interest. The two scenic hot air balloon shots were fun to take (but also a little scary). Hey, we both have November birthdays (mine was last Saturday), and a gift to oneself is the best because you always get something you want.

  • #494

    hoppe (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 10:25)

    about Richard von Weizsäcker, the castle is a lot older and so I don't think the R has something to do with him.
    @Randy #490: Oh my god, no! surely I will look at your pics! Putting your things out is great and I don't want to discourage anyone, it's so important that you've got a save and welcoming place and no negative (unconstructive) criticism. It's just when I'm involved in creations with others together, then I need to find a way to deal with it. Because I can't tell people how to create things (play the boss), if we do something together. But maybe... well, maybe I can give some tips. I just don't want to come across as the boss on one side and on the other I'm well, not very good in compromizes there ;)
    I didn't mean all pics in one size in a rigid way, I more meant have a creation structure, which is clear and structures the content. Give spaces inbetween, have a line for the pics or have small pics against big ones and things like that.

  • #495

    hoppe (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 10:31)

    @Randy: birthday is noted ;) and @San will we be told when is yours too? and the others? In exchange here is mine: 9th of February

  • #496

    hoppe (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 10:38)

    @Kirsty there is a special element you can add which says line ;)

  • #497

    hoppe (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 10:40)

    how does that indenting work? with th normal tab key on the keyboard?

  • #498

    San (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 12:49)

    @Randy Hey, another Novi! I hope you had a wonderful birthday and pampered yourself with many extravagant gifts. Well, @hoppe, mine is next Friday the 18th. It promises to be a wonderful day filled with conference panels.

    @Kirsty Be excited. I wish I could be an operative. Perhaps, if I ever make it back to Vegas, I could be a Hotte Investigation (HI) operative :)

  • #499

    San (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 12:52)

    @hoppe There are an indent in and indent out buttons. The tab annoyingly doesn't do the job.

  • #500

    Randy (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 14:41)

    @hoppe #507 Danke for the explanation. I misunderstood your earlier post. I'm always willing to listen to constructive evaluations (the word "criticism" sounds too negative) so feel free to do so for anything I put in my sandbox. And @hoppe #507, your birthday goes on my happy birthday list.

    @San #511 It's nice to have another Novi/Scorp birthday person in the group. My extravagance was food . . . eating yummy things I don't usually eat. Bummer that you'll be at conference panels on your birthday. Maybe you could stand up and say "It's my birthday today, and I'm a proud Jemmaholic." That might liven up the day. :-)

  • #501

    hoppe (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 14:52)

    @Randy #513 (San#511) - stand up on the cair, do a Jennydance and say: "It's my birthday today, and I'm a proud Jemmaholic!" :D oh well, and you should treat yourself with Choco fresh and lots of HaHe music. Maybe one can hijack the place where announcements are made and send some nice "Ce-le-bra-tion!" music over the air ;)
    sorry Randy: I forgot to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  • #502

    Randy (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 15:14)

    @hoppe #514 "Celebration" would be perfect. Danke for the "Happy Birthday." I remembered that Kirsty had mentioned her birthday back on the JI Ep. 234 page so I checked. Her birthday is September 19.

  • #503

    San (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 16:06)

    @hoppe and @Randy LOL I can't promise any chair dancing. It is a really fun conference, and the day of panels will end with 16mm films being projected on fog - should be interesting. And I'll probably treat myself to a couple of birthday margaritas :)

  • #504

    hoppe (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 16:16)

    @Randy Kirsty's birthday is already noted, but thanks ;)
    @San, well then you shouldn't forget your margarita holsteria ;)

  • #505

    San (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 16:21)

    Lucy's plugging Box 4 on FB and still lamenting that Jenny isn't on the cover. (If I read it correctly). How funny! And seriously, who chooses the pics for the covers?

  • #506

    hoppe (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 16:38)

    Barbara Stelsek has a longer guest appearance on AudL, maybe it will lead into a longer role:

    Lucy said.... and Jemma didn't make it on the cover again :( But will will manage that as well!
    Who knows at one go in which episode the first Jemma kiss is?
    Lots of love/best wishes from cold Stuttgart, Lucy

  • #507

    Marie-Helene (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 17:09)

    @San @hoppe I think we should use our creativity and make our own Jemma cover, print it and sent it to Sat1, like I wrote on Lucy's FB. Maybe they will get the message at last...

  • #508

    hoppe (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 17:23)

    @Marie-Helene LOL! As far as I measure them up, they will tell us that this is not legal to use copyrighted material ;) They told JI not to use their pics (the created adds etc.) for the Flash mobs - how silly and shortsighted is that? I mean this would have been PR for them....

  • #509

    Marie-Helene (Wednesday, 09 November 2011 20:32)

    @hoppe: Well, I was serious my dear :-) I've already found a nice Jemma cover made by Hephylax on Jemma International, I will make a couple of photocopies in color and post them to SAT1 this weekend. If someone else is interested by the Jemma cover, this is the link:

  • #510

    Kirsty (Thursday, 10 November 2011 06:37)

    @Randy @hoppe you noted my birthday ?! :) and belated Happy Birthday Randy x

    I find it really odd that Jemma aren't going to be on any of the covers. Ok so they maybe designed the covers last year and they weren't to realise how popular Jenny and Emma would become. But really?? Emma was in the show from the start and Lucy was already quite a big name from Wicked so you'd have thought bunging her face on the front of something should shift a few extra copies! Silly SAT1!

    @Wicked fans I'm going to Holland on Saturday! :)) I'm going to see Willemijn Verkaik!! I am super excited. Also, have you heard anyone, especially Willemijn, speaking Dutch? Totally not-understandable-at-all but really sexy..

  • #511

    Kirsty (Thursday, 10 November 2011 06:50)

    ...and to illustrate my point check out the first 20 secs of this clip about the premiere of Dutch Wicked. And at 3.05.

    (and if you pause at 3.10 you can see the 'Break a Leg' good luck card I sent Willemijn :) On the left, at the back. She has it on her dressing table!- how cool is that! )

  • #512

    Randy (Thursday, 10 November 2011 09:01)

    @Kirsty #523 Thanks for the belated birthday wish. My birthday is on Bonfire Night (which used to be called Guy Fawkes Day in England). Is that recognized in Scotland? I think there are four birthdays on hoppe's list: yours, hers, San's, and mine.

  • #513

    Clijsters3 (Thursday, 10 November 2011 09:41)

    @Randy happy belated birthday! As the plot was to blow up Parliament and kill James I of England who was also James VI of Scotland, I would have thought it would be recognised in Scotland, but Kirsty is again our operative on the ground, this time our Scottish correspondant!

    @Kirsty I think I came up as room 234 because I was longed in that's the only reason I can come up with. I certainly didn't mean to be called that:) Hope you have a Wicked time in Holland, Dutch sexy? not sure about that!!! Es tut mir Leid.

  • #514

    Kirsty (Thursday, 10 November 2011 10:15)

    ahem.. ahem.. Scotland correspondant here! I can confirm we do have Bonfire Night. Any excuse for a party. And hell yeah, it was a plot to cause mayhem in the English capital, of course we were always going to celebrate it- apologies @Clijsters3 and @kittykatcop :)

    @Clijsters3 Ok I guess it depends on who's speaking in Dutch. My last girlfriend was French and I thought her speaking French was sexy too..hmm maybe it's the fact it's just a foreign language.

  • #515

    Randy (Thursday, 10 November 2011 10:23)

    @Clijsters3 Thanks for the birthday wishes. I learned loads of English history in school, but I'd forgotten who the king was. Do kids in England still make Guy Fawkes effigies and haul them around in small carts asking pennies for the Guy, or is that too old fashioned for today's kids? Can we call Kirsty our Scottish OOG (abbreviations are easier to type than operative on the ground)? :-)

  • #516

    frananifan (Thursday, 10 November 2011 10:56)

    @Kirsty We have a kick-ass party every Fourth of July

  • #517

    Kirsty (Thursday, 10 November 2011 11:32)

    @frananifan One day we might have one of those too! :)

    @Randy Kids just go round collecting old bits of wood for the bonfires I think. Some fires have a Guy but I don't think kids collect money any more..

  • #518

    Wired (Thursday, 10 November 2011 11:39)

    Hey Everyone!!! Wow you have been busy!! I can't believe we're at 530 posts already! Well as @Clijsters and @kittykatcop have been doing I've been lurking lately. Life sadly had gotten to the point of being so busy I couldn't comment! Then like @eyelesstrees I had to read all of the posts to catch up!

    Since so much has gone on I wont comment much on previous posts other then:
    1. everyone's sandbox is amazing! I am hoping to join in sometime soon with something, I just don't know what yet

    2. The RBSI team and the JSI team = awesome! Another t-shirt idee I think! (Like those CSI/FBI t-shirts I see everywhere) I would love to add insight but I will have to re-watch all of the episodes. The things I do for Jemma! (I'm trying to sound like it's a chore but really I just love another excuse to keep re-watching the shows)

    3. Happy birthday @Randy and @San! @Randy I always think eating yummy food you don't usually get/have is the best way to celebrate! @San the video projected on fog sounds amazing! Wish I could see that! Definitely have a margarita on your birthday and I hope your conference will be as fun as a Jemma conference in Vegas!

    Lastly: 4. @Kristy I'm 100% for accents - I think they are sexy as all get out!

  • #519

    Randy (Thursday, 10 November 2011 12:59)

    @Wired Thanks for the greetings and for your support of eating yummy and usually no-no food on birthdays. Maybe we can convince San to double her pleasure and do the same on her birthday. Those margaritas need company. :-) Also, will you be adding your email address to our contact list? I'd like to send you an idea you might like.

  • #520

    hoppe (Thursday, 10 November 2011 13:20)

    Kasia's FB post:
    I always liked St. Martin more than Nikolaus and Christmas! Ohhh, how exciting it was as a child to walk in the dark with a self-made lantern through the streets. Great! A lovely evening to you without creeps! :))))

  • #521

    Wired (Thursday, 10 November 2011 14:00)

    Hey @Randy! Yes I've contacted San to either get added on to the list or to send me the password to put my e-mail on the list. Either way it's happening! By the way I love your sandbox pictures!

    The cat is beyond cute and reminds me of mine. The Great Blue Heron is fantastic too. Hahaha! Yes @San will should have a well rounded experience on her birthday with tasty drinks and tastier food!

  • #522

    Randy (Thursday, 10 November 2011 14:29)

    @Wired OK! I'll send you an e-mail with an attachment to look at when you're on the list. Glad you enjoyed the photographs, which I love to take. And welcome back. I was beginning to worry about you.

  • #523

    Wired (Friday, 11 November 2011 07:02)

    @Randy ok I have added my e-mail address! I'm on the list now...I think. Thanks for thinking of me, I was away much longer then I thought I would be. Life does that right? Anyways I can't quit you guys or Jemma so I'll be around! Like @Hoppe LOL! Can't wait to see what you're sending!

  • #524

    frananifan (Friday, 11 November 2011 09:43)

    I now have three inches of snow! Do you know what that means? Not enough to have to deal with but too much to allow me to do other things outside. So I will be having a jemmisode weekend for sure. (Jenny dancing in my head)

  • #525

    San (Friday, 11 November 2011 10:56)

    I chuckled reading everyone's posts yesterday. Revolutions become very festive occassions, eh?

    @Randy and @Wired Any food suggestions to go with my margaritas? I usually just settle for chips and salsa (and, if available, creamy jalapeño ranch). Last year, I had Indian food under the stars from a food truck called G'Raj Mahal. Look it up, very classy :)

    @JemmaCon-PlanningCommittee I'll let you know how amazing it is, but for the convention we should really project Jemmasodes on fog.

    @frananifan Enjoy your Jemmasnowdes :)

  • #526

    Randy (Friday, 11 November 2011 11:12)

    @San Chocolate eclair. If it's "Mmmmmm" and "Wow" for Jenny and Emma, combined with a margarita or two it should be a jemmamagic/jemmaglow experience for you. You can emmabeam all through the conference and have a Jemmanami birthday.

  • #527

    hoppe (Friday, 11 November 2011)

    @San Jemmasnowdes LOL! :)
    @fran I second San's wishes for you :) - uhm, could you write a few words about your pics gallery? would love to have a bit background.
    @Randy do you have all these animals around you in free nature? yes, the cat is cute :) and love the squirrel - I was wondering about the light source, though. It's interesting with it's lights and shadows. And the one from inside the balloon (high in the sky) - I like the structures in it, it's a bit like the fur of the earth, right?
    @Wired great you're back and on the list
    @San and Randy (and @all), how is Novi in your area? I just thought a November in Texas which is much more south than Northern Germany, must be a lot different. November for me is much about the days getting very quick shorter (it's dark at 5:30 / 6pm), foggy mornings and nights, dark, dark - enjoying to be (and sometimes dissapear) in the dark, having it warm + cosy inside,... so Skorpi time in your area must be a lot different? How is it in Randyland? Frananiland seems to be quite cold already.. with snow? And @all-land , how does that look like? ;)

  • #528

    Kirsty (Friday, 11 November 2011 13:29)

    @San I'm with @Randy, chocolate eclairs- mmm! And Jemnasnowdes! :)

    @hoppe I only see my house in the daylight on Sundays just now! When I go to work and get home, it's dark:( Still, we have escaped any snow so far here in central Scotland. So November is just cold and dark. But it's the time of year I like the best. Everything looks pretty when it's cold and crisp. And it makes going inside so much nicer!

    @frananifan enjoy your weekend. I put a new Jenny/Lucy compilation vid in my sandbox - think it may have some chair dancing!

  • #529

    Kirsty (Friday, 11 November 2011 13:33)

    @San just looked up your Indian food trailer - looks awesome. A lot of the time the best food and the best experiences are to be had in little unpretentious places like this. I want some of that garlic naan bread, wow!

  • #530

    Randy (Friday, 11 November 2011 14:02)

    @hoppe Although there are various wild birds and animals in my urban environment (hawks, doves, hummingbirds, seagulls, crows, coyotes, raccoons, skunks, opossums etc.), the bird photographs were taken at the zoo, the cat was one of five I've had over the years, and the squirrel (along with many other squirrels) lived in a park near my house (and it was early morning light). The "high in the sky" picture is very structural (we were floating over farmland, and the waterhole was built for cows to drink (a couple of them are dots on the left side of the picture).

    Randyland is a city in Southern California that has wonderful weather (that's why I'm here). The average November daytime temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 Celsius) and the nighttime average is 54 F/12 C, rainfall is about 1.10 inches (2.79 cm), and 75% of the days are sunny. In the U.S. we turned our clocks back an hour last Sunday so it's dark by 5:30 pm but light by 6:30 am.

  • #531

    Randy (Friday, 11 November 2011 14:21)

    @San and @Kirsty garlic naan bread and samosas, please. Have either of you seen the movie "Nina's Heavenly Delights," which revolves around Glasgow's Indian curry houses?

  • #532

    Kirsty (Friday, 11 November 2011 16:03)

    @Randy I love that movie! And have you seen the new BBC series called 'Lip Service' which was billed as the UK 'L-Word'and set in Glasgow? It has the girl from 'NHD'in it. Laura Fraser is the actress's name, can't remember her character's name.The one who was 'going out' with the brother.

    @All It's official, we need to move to Randyland for the winter. Average temp of 21!! That's our summer temp!

    Right better get to sleep, up at 3am tomorrow for flight to Holland for Wicked. Back soon...

  • #533

    hoppe (Friday, 11 November 2011 16:13)

    oh, yes! go to Randyland at least for the three wintermonths :) why did Mr. Spock and team didn't tell us how beaming is working??? grrrr... then we could meet next weekend in Sanland-Houston for a Sanparty, dance on all her chairs our Jennydance and after that have an after(birthday)party in Randyland! :)

  • #534

    hoppe (Friday, 11 November 2011 16:15)

    @Kirsty have a wicked Wicked weekend! ;)

  • #535

    Randy (Friday, 11 November 2011 16:24)

    @Kirsty I saw season 1 of Lip Service and have seen Laura Fraser in a couple of other movies. Like her and Shelley Conn a lot. You and @hoppe and @all are welcome in my little bit of paradise. Hate to rub it in, but it's actually 76 degrees Fahrenheit now. And a Sanparty in Houston sounds like Jemmazillion loads of fun.

  • #536

    hoppe (Friday, 11 November 2011 16:54)

    @Randy well, we need to improve our emmabeaming or maybe we can get somewhere in Jemmaverse an upgrade which also supports supersonic changes of location! I reckon it should be found somewhere in Las Vegas ;) or our fellow Jemmaniacs from the Greater Milky Way can help us :D

  • #537

    Randy (Friday, 11 November 2011 17:16)

    @hoppe I was just thinking about emmabeaming as a way to transport across locations. Jemmaholics would all need to emmabeam simultaneously. Whabam!

  • #538

    frananifan (Friday, 11 November 2011 19:18)

    @San Your last birthday celebration sounds very romantische. (I would have had vindaloo and suffered appropriately).

    @Kirsty Enjoy the green! and safe travels to you.

    @Wired 531 #4 have you ever heard a western NY accent. Not so much sexy.

    @All I keep inviting you into my meditations so we can astral travel together..if you would just get on board...:) Meet me at the train station?

    I had an early dinner with friends followed by, not one, but two espressos. I will watch my hockey game and then onto my jemmasnowdes into the wee hours of this full moon evening.

  • #539

    San (Friday, 11 November 2011 21:25)

    @Randy and @Kirsty I don't know about chocolate eclairs. Perhaps, if they're on a silver platter and a cute blonde feeds me one.

    @Kirsty Have fun in Holland!

    @hoppe Hmmm, how to describe November in southeast Texas? Well, I'm pretty biased, but it probably is the best month of the year. It's when we put the long, hot summer of 100F temperatures and upwards of 80% humidity behind us and can finally look forward to cooler days. I excitedly take out my sweaters and pull on the jacket. And there's no need (well, at least less need) to turn on the AC, so my electricity bill is slashed in half. It's the time of the year when I love coming home from a long day and curling up in a warm blanket in front of the oscillating fan.

    When you figure out the emmabeam/meditation astral transport system (EmMATS), let me know, so I can vacuum and spruce up the place for the Sanparty :)

  • #540

    Randy (Friday, 11 November 2011 21:42)

    @San A silver platter AND a cute blonde? Life is about compromise, so you might have to settle for just the silver platter. :-) If we were talking about my birthday, I'd have to settle for just the eclairs. :-(

    Kudos for EmMATS.

  • #541

    hoppe (Saturday, 12 November 2011 11:18)

    oh San! I love your words! If we manage to figure out how EmMATS works, I'd even be willing to dye blonde my hair (although I'm not sure if it suits me) - just for you! so your wishes can come halfway true ;) LOL

  • #542

    Randy (Saturday, 12 November 2011 11:38)

    @San Is there going to be a specific time when we start watching the same batches of episodes then commenting on them?

  • #543

    hoppe (Saturday, 12 November 2011 13:19)

    man! just read that AudL aka Nina und das Starren has worse viewing figures than HaH now. Those idiots!!!
    @Randy, maybe we should start with it when San has time again and also JI starts with the entire eps from 73 on? dunno...

  • #544

    Marie-Helene (Saturday, 12 November 2011 15:38)

    @hoppe I read that too, if I understand rightly, they could cancel AudL as well. I hope the SAT1 executive(s)who decided to drop HaHe will get the sack for his sheer stupidity. I am sad for Kasia though, even if I know that she will find another project quickly, hopefully more worthy of her talent.

  • #545

    San (Sunday, 13 November 2011 00:38)

    @Randy Sorry it does have to be both for me to have a chocolate eclair :) I don't see myself going out and buying them, so they (a) need to be readily available (silver platter) and (b) forced into my mouth (cute blonde). @hoppe It's nice to know you would go to such lengths to make part of that happen :) However, I can only take credit for the "m" in EmMATS. The rest of it wrote itself.

    About the discussion: I was hoping to get some feedback on that. I guess we should have some sort of schedule (where's a good place to put it? I wonder). Waiting for JI, is a good idea. They said they were going to start posting the translations in mid-Nov, so it's coming up. Also, we can just all start watching the Jemmasodes 73-78, and have the conversation start naturally.

  • #546

    Libellule (Sunday, 13 November 2011 02:34)

    Hello everyone,

    I've been busy with some not-fun stuff. Like @San, I have a conference mid next week, but of the less fancy kind. And even if I'm just attenting, not preparing it, I still have some work to get done before I go.
    Yesterday I was working on some design for some documents and I chose a font called Berlin something. I've thought it will bring me luck. :D Well at least it made me smile.
    Anyway, all this to say that I'm currently clinging to any little HaH-related thing, as I don't have time to re-watch episodes in peace. And I think the lack of Jemma in my daily routine lately shows in my mood... I'm having a hard time at work and I feel aggressive when talking to people, which is quite unlike me. My director stupid comments/attitude grate on my nerves big time at the moment; that's not new, but usually I'm able to take a bit of a distance.
    So I was wondering if some of you would have any good advice for me in this situation. Since you @frananifan seem to do a lot of meditation, you might have a good trick to share? Breathing slowly is not enough, thinking about something nice either, I still feel like I'm about to implode.
    Basically every day I'm on the edge of slamming the door and singing "F*ck you" to my boss. Or vice versa. Maybe I should practice the choreography in the stairs... ;p

  • #547

    Libellule (Sunday, 13 November 2011 03:16)

    As I'm trying to set my mind at peace for the night, I'm re-watching a few Jemma clips. Not in-depth, but just enough to start dreaming serenely.
    And I have a question for ep. 117:

    Before Emma reaches the auditorium (where Jenny sings Be Mine), she has a flashback of Hotte and her on the school couch discussing the fact that Jenny kisses whenever she feels like it. Is this scene really in a previous episode? I don't remember it (but it's certainly due to the fact that before ep.161, I was only able to see clips, not the full HaH episodes). I'm trying to make sense out of it, I mean understanding in which context this exchange (flashback) happened:
    -Hotte: Jenny kisses simply whenever she feels like it. Amazing!
    -Emma: That means it meant nothing to her at all.

    Of course Emma statement is in regards of her being kissed by Jenny, even though Hotte can't have a clue. But I'm just wondering at what moment Hotte had discussed with Emma what Jenny said to him (=kissing him at the carnival party was just a whim). Right after it happened seems implausible as he left a bewildered Ben because he was too hurt by Jenny's confession (he even forgot his bag on the cafeteria low wall, btw. ;p).
    Also did this conversation between Hotte and Emma happen before or after the scene (in ep.116, I think) where Luzi answers to Emma that yes, Jenny could experiment with a girl if she felt like it (afterall "she's from London, she's not like them". :D)?

    On a side note, did anyone notice that in ep.117, when we see Ben observing Caro reading, Caro seems to read an actual book? I mean something that's not a fashion magazine. Who would have thought? :p It seems to be some geography book. About Autralia maybe? Did Ben and her have plan to go there together, while they were a couple?
    That's when it's frustating to not be able to access the full early HaH episodes. Sat1 could ungeoblock-broadcast them on their website from the beginning, that would be Beschenko!

  • #548

    hoppe (Sunday, 13 November 2011 07:40)

    @Libelulle no this scene was never broadcasted. We all wre wondering about it. So we can ourselves think where this exactly happened. I think it's after the scene, where confused and wondering Emma runs into Hotte on the corridor. He wants to go for a coffee with her, but this is not shown anymore.
    And yes, Ben always dreamed to go to Australia and start a surf school over there. Ben and Caro made plans in this direction, after Caro had tricked Mr. Bergmann to give her 100,000 Euro. She was pregnant from him and said she would tell Ben. Mr. Bergmann gave her th money under the condition that she'll dissapear out of Ben's life and also gets an abortion. She just stays and tells Ben that his father has changed and gave them the money as a gift for their little family.
    okay... not sure if I'll be around that much... you will see.

  • #549

    hoppe (Sunday, 13 November 2011 07:46)

    @San well, I just saw what EMATS is ;) and I have to say that you just made a tiny, subtle, but most important difference with including the little m and reinterpreting the letters :)

  • #550

    frananifan (Sunday, 13 November 2011 09:02)

    @Libellule You need this to be fun. Let us begin by imagining what will become your chosen Jemma outfit combination. Build one that displays the strengths you need. Draw from all Hah, not just Jenny and Emma. Will you include blue running shoes that can quickly transport you to the other side of the aggravation that you have to endure? Will you choose rainbow wedges that will raise you above your volatile emotions and walk you gracefully through what is unstable and difficult? electric blue leggings? ripped up faded jeans? giraffe top? stripes? bodot? black Luzi spiked heal boots (how does she ever ride her bicycle? But she does! or does she? anyway...)

    Imagine this ensemble with your favorite power pieces, accessorized of course. You might keep some imaginary sushi in your pocket to throw to the 'dogs' while you carefully backout of the room.(in extreme cases, my best accessory is a Xena/Star Wars-like Emmabeam laser tucked into my belt. It swirls rainbow colors and a touch of the tip will temporarily turn any Giftzwerg-minded adversary to a pretty gay purple and soften them with love, love, love. I must smile while using it or it won't work). At first look you will appear hideous, indeed, but coming out is often uncomfortable at first. Once you have thrown together your superhero outfit you will be ready for the next step.

    Now, if you have the opportunity, go to sleep in your imagined outfit. Most superheroes do this. When you wake up, adjust yourself accordingly. Swap out what you need for the day ahead and then wear it all proudly because a) you made it from Jemma and you know exactly how powerful it is, and b) no one else has this outfit, nor can they see it. It is necessary that you take a pen and mark a very small J, very small, onto the palm of your hand. This will remind you that you are wearing your ridiculous looking, and all powerful case you forget to see it yourself. It is usually at this point when all of the things you really need for yourself are triggered. The trigger should bring forth the feelings of joy, love, confidence, tolerance, patience, beautiful voices, beautiful stares, 234companionship, all things jemma. Do not use this force cautiously. Use it with reckless abandon.

    And last, please know that I will send to you all of my peaceful, calming, uplifting, assuring energy. You will recognize it when you look for it. Please accept it.

  • #551

    frananifan (Sunday, 13 November 2011 09:23)

    @San I have to say it again. The picture at the top of this page just KILLS me!!

  • #552

    Prou (Sunday, 13 November 2011 10:20)

    Hi everyone
    it's been a while since i last posted, but no matter how busy still very much in need of my Jemma fix, really miss them a lot, and it's so great you guys are still around... Wow! you're on your way to the 2000 posts!!! Beschenkwards for that ;)

  • #553

    Randy (Sunday, 13 November 2011 12:17)

    @Libellule #559 Along with @frananifan's suggestions you might consider what I used to do. While smiling at the arschloch, I would calmly say "That's a different perspective." Then I would start to walk away, turn to look back at him or her, and smile again. Your smile will drive that person crazy for hours trying to figure out what made you smile. And you'll feel better knowing you've disoriented that person and regained control of a situation that causes you so much stress. In my experience, most arschlochs want to control others and exert their "power." And they get off on seeing others' discomfort or anger. An unexpected smile throws them for a loop. And if the person demands to know why you're smiling, say "Private thoughts" and smile again.

  • #554

    Randy (Sunday, 13 November 2011 12:40)

    @all Off topic, if anyone wants to see a WOW hot gals' performance that will make your heart race and your feet stomp check out

  • #555

    frananifan (Sunday, 13 November 2011 13:34)

    @Randy #567 RIGHT!!? Amazing. I can't get enough of that one.

  • #556

    Libellule (Sunday, 13 November 2011 14:19)

    @hoppe #561
    Thx for these infos! Like you, that's also when I was picturing this flashback to have happened. This show keeps amazing me: we're able to perfectly fit in the story a flashback that was not broadcasted as an actual scene, and in my case, since I was not sure if it was broadcasted or not, even "adjust my memories" of the story in consequence. Oh HaH, how I miss you! There's nothing of that substance, of that depth, of that chemistry on our screens, nothing compares.
    Like @Randy #567, I've seen that clip many times, it's mesmerizing, beautiful performance, but people are currently praising Naya Rivera (=Santana) for the intensity of her stares and I'm sorry but however well acted, it's still not in the same league as Jemma stares. All pretender to stares supremacy have still a long way to go to reach what Lucy and Kasia created in that matter. ;)

    @frananifan #563
    Thank you so much for these wise advice. I shall prepare my mental outfit and J concrete tattoo tonight, and tomorrow I'll be ready to welcome your glorious energy to guide me. Every bad vibe I get from people that day will turn them into purple (I'm laughing right now just imagining that!). And instead of the finger song, I shall do a heart sign with my hands. Also if I really must talk with my director, I'll use @Randy #566 suggestion that already makes me emmabeam.
    Thx a lot to both of you! :)

  • #557

    Randy (Sunday, 13 November 2011 15:18)

    @frananifan I've lost count of how many times I've watched it over the past 3 days. The Adele songs are great, the music makes your body move, the choreography is terrific, the whole performance is outstanding. As Jenny might say, "they rock."
    @Libellule #569 I think the praise for Naya Rivera is more about how far she's come as an actress who is now able to convey more with her eyes than she could before. And the people raving about her stare ability might not have seen Jemma stares. They can't be beat.

  • #558

    Eyelesstress (Sunday, 13 November 2011 16:12)

    Evening all.

    @Kirsty, hope you had a wonderful weekend.

    @Clijster3 #502 - parts of The Jury were filmed in the building I work in! I also chuckled when Girl from Ipanema played in the background. (@all this relates to a TV mini-series that was on in the UK last week.)

    @Libellule - great advice!

    @frananifan I find saying to myself 'I'm way too hot for this sh_t' while dismissing the idiots from my thoughts works well! I'll be forever grateful to whoever did that screenshot of Jenny with that caption. I'd love a copy for my office but I haven't been able to find a copy again.

    @all, have you seen Kasia's Facebook post today of the letter she received? It's great that Kasia was touched by that but I hope she doesn't get put off ever doing more Jemma; a '5 years later' for example. I hope Kasia doesn't think everyone thinks that Jemma should be left as it is. I can't have a FB account because of my job but if I had one I'd be asking Kasia to do more Jemma if the project was right!

  • #559

    Marie-Helene (Sunday, 13 November 2011 17:08)

    @Eyelesstrees About this letter on Kasia's Facebook, it seems very well written but at the end, it's just the same old fatalistic point of view that we heard too much when we fought for a second season (from Heather Hogan, for instance). Some fans even wrote on her FB that the cancellation was the right thing to do... We can keep our good memories... Oh boy! Well, Sat1 will be glad to hear that. I can understand that Kasia is trying to find some meaning right now but the fan's response is hopeless.

  • #560

    Libellule (Sunday, 13 November 2011 20:40)

    @Eyelesstress and @Marie-Helene
    What?!! Ok, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and with HaH and Jemma, it seems to always be expressed with a lot of respect; but honestly, how can someone who's been touched to their core by HaH, by the Jemma storyline and by its acting, seriously believe that cancelling this show or not having a second season is better that way?
    Yes, there would have been risks that we would have been disappointed but 1) isn't it always the case in any serie?, and 2)isn't it well worth a try? Because chances are (way higher) that we would have been in awe all over again. When it abruptly ended, all actors were at the top of their game, in perfect "mastery" of their respective character, and the writing team was still amazing us (me for sure) with some elements that would have undoubtedly kicked off a second season brilliantly. So many wonderful possibilities...

    I have never, ever, felt such an inspiring spirit or a generous bound diffused to this extent in any show that I've admired so far. The entire HaH team seemed to wholeheartedly care for the show, they all seemed to respect each other work and contribution in giving life to this jem. They created pure beauty, for Jemma's sake!

    Can someone who has a FB account send these links to Kasia?
    -Old Room 234
    -New Room 234
    so that she knows Jemma is still fully alive in so many of us, that the end dictated by Sat1 felt disrespectful and incomplete, that we're aware of Emma's journey being far from finished, and that we are numbered strong believers patiently waiting for HaH to find another venue, for this incredible opportunity that would gather the whole team again...

  • #561

    Marie-Helene (Sunday, 13 November 2011 21:07)

    @Libellule You're so right. I find their attitude very sad, it lacks ambition and vision. It's like to be in love and you stop it because you don't have the courage to see what will happen next, you want to keep your good memories. Maybe it will be disappointing, maybe it will be great, it's the kind of risk you have to take in life. I know Kasia found comfort in this letter and I'm happy for her but for me, it is contrary to life and art.

  • #562

    San (Sunday, 13 November 2011 21:32)

    Re: Glee Amazing Adele Glee Clip - I think the intensity of Naya Rivera's stares are in their introspection more than passion for someone, so it is completely different from Jemma. It's beautiful even in scenes that aren't dealing with her arch (like the last episode), you can still see Santana is thinking about coming to terms with herself. Excuse me while I watch the clip a few more times to make sure :)

  • #563

    Libellule (Sunday, 13 November 2011 23:36)

    @San #575
    When I think about Jemma stares, I don't necessarily think about passion, but I necessarily think about intensity. Lucy and Kasia were masters in conveying a wide range of emotions through these stares, whether for a Jemma scene or for their respective character alone. For example the look Jenny has when she's been rejeced by Emma (after Timo surprised them kissing) always rips my heart apart. Each time I see it, it gets me.
    Don't get me wrong, I've played that Glee clip on repeat, I love it and Naya's acting in that scene is amazing, but I just think nobody can reach stares virtuosity as Lucy and Kasia did. :p

    @Marie-Helene #574
    I really like your "being in love" analogy.
    I've just read this letter translation, and it's indeed very well written. I completely understand that in an unexpected situation where you're not given the choice but to grieve, you cling to anything that would ease the process. That's when you convince yourself that maybe it's just better that way, or in this case, that the show ending might have been for the best. That's a very human reaction, basically to allow yourself to move forward.
    But the thing is, for HaH, I don't believe you can really cling to that "justification" on the long run because there were true other options for the show and the way the cancellation was "managed" just sounds like a big mistake.
    But above all, none of the team members seemed to actually be done with it. I mean, I remember Kasia saying in an interview (before the cancellation fiasco) something like she would consider quitting playing Emma when there would be nothing left to be said through the character (when it would feel boring or redundant) and clearly she didn't think it was the case at the time.
    And as far as Lucy is concerned, she stated that she would like to do both the serie and musicals (and it is totally manageable production-wise, many artists do so. That's the writing team's role to come up with plausible plots then, and HaH's one was gifted enough to not disappoint in that matter. That is the same with every serie to cover any kind of actor's absence, a maternity leave for example), she didn't seem to be willing to definitely quit HaH either.
    The person who wrote that letter is right when saying HaH "left its handprint a little on each and every one of us, and maybe changed the one or other fundamentally, in his or her very being.", she's also right when saying that HaH was a very positive project that can serve as a launch point for all actors for further tv (or other) projects.
    ABER BITTE, nicht HaH-cancellation-might-be-for-the-best type of assertion! Because as Jenny said to Emma when she's been rejected: "Sowas geht gar nicht!" ;p
    Don't get me wrong on this one either, we're all very eager to follow Kasia and Lucy in whichever new projects they have, it doesn't mean that HaH had to end, certainly not the way it did. Both actresses could have played Jenny and Emma with their hearts till they would have felt it would have been the right moment to quit, and still have other wonderful projects on the side at the same time.

    So Kasia and Lucy, if you stumble upon those lines, rest assured that we will wholeheartedly give a cheer if you find a good opportunity to bring Emma and Jenny back to life. We miss Jemma deeply, as HaH. :)

  • #564

    Libellule (Sunday, 13 November 2011 23:46)

    rejecTed, not rejeced.

  • #565

    hoppe (Monday, 14 November 2011 08:15)

    oh dear! you were busy! I just wanted to write the same thought about that letter as you did @Marie-Helene #574. It's like rejecting love, because it could turn out in a bad way one day in distant future. And I think it's not at all Kasia's way to look at life. I hope a lot people disagreed on that part of the letter in the comments.
    Guys, it turned out that actually my monitor is part of my skin problems, pouring out to much electromagnitic radiation. So I really have to stop for some time untill I get a new one...really have an aversion to even turn it on atm :(
    In addition there's some creative work waiting (card,...) for a healer, which sounds quite interesting, where I also need to spend time "onscreen" - so I have to budget it "wisely" ;)
    @fran loved your suggestions for @Libellule and Randy's
    @Eyelesstrees, not sure but could it have been Spoony as well? maybe have look at her tumblr?

  • #566

    Marie-Helene (Monday, 14 November 2011 09:37)

    @hoppe Maybe a lot of people disagree with this part of the letter but I am quite alone on Kasia's FB right now and I begin to get some 'not so kind' posts. But anyway, it's what I think and I wrote it very respectfully but obviously, it's not enough.

  • #567

    Kirsty (Monday, 14 November 2011 09:44)

    Yeay, back from Holland. Went to 2 showings of Wicked in the end. Met Willemijn Verkaik but I turned into a stammering idiot so she just signed my programme and ran.. The other girl playing Elphaba yesterday afternoon was pretty good too, Renee van Wegberg. Especially as it was her debut and the lift thing for 'Defying Gravity' didn't work.

    @eyelesstrees the only screenshot I could find of Jenny with 'I'm way too hot for this shit' on it was in the 'hut in the woods' scene and it also had something about mosquitoos and chemical toilets on it and Jenny's face is all screwed up- is this the one?

    I don't quite know what to make of Kasia posting that letter up for us all to see. She's obviously wanting to let us know how much it all meant to her and that she still thinks about HaH and Jemma. Which gives me hope that it's not over, something could still happen with Jemma. I wonder if Sat1 would consider Jemma DVD ?

    @Marie-Helene I agree about the unnecessarily fatalistic point of view that some fans had about the HaH cancellation. By saying it was best they stopped then and not carrying on and potentially ruining the series they are basically running down the writers and production staff. And cast. This show had great writers who knew and loved their show, there was no way they would have let it run on and on past its best. There were enough decent storylines to keep on going and plenty potential storylines to go with..grrrr now I'm getting cross again when I realise again how stupid Sat1 were. And is it wrong of my that I am slightly happy Audl isn't going so well. I want it to do well for Kasia's sake but there were a lot of Audl fans who took great delight in slagging off HaH and were happy when it finished..
    Ok, rant over.

    Btw, I found no Chocofresh in Holland. I did however find some Kinder Country life- you know the advert..Hunky guy striding through the corn fields,saying 'I love my Country!' :)

  • #568

    Kirsty (Monday, 14 November 2011 10:30)

    So, I went to watch the clip of Santana and Mercedes singing Adele but got sidetracked by this headline/article Have you all seen this movie? 'I Can't Think Straight' It's a funny, lesbian romcom with two GORGEOUS actresses. And basically the team behind the movie were pitching a continuation of the movie as a tv series to tv stations but they were having no luck. The romance is between a Lebanese girl(as in, actual Lebanese :) )and an British girl of Indian descent but the tv stations wanted the ethnicity toned down or other tweaks that the producers/writers didn't like. So they are now trying to raise funds to make a web series. This could be interesting to keep and eye on, in case Sat1 ever feel the need to re-visit Jemma...

  • #569

    Wired (Monday, 14 November 2011 11:12)

    Hi all!

    @Kristy Did you have a good time in Holland? Great you got to see two performances of Wicked and you pretty much reacted the same way I would have if I met a stage performer. I myself am terrible for babbling when I'm nervous!

    @Randy #567 that clip is AMAZING! I've watched that repeatedly and am looking forward to that episode. I also think Naya Rivera has come a long with her character and her non verbal acting is nearly on par with Lucy Scherer. Pairing Lucy with Kasia does bump up the intensity of her looks and subtle touches but I think Naya is getting there. With her storyline I find it hard to compare as she has to keep it "in the closet" as it were.

    @Frananifan fantastic advice for @Libellule #563. I may have to try that one day! @Libellule I hope you are able to find the stength, peace and patience to get through to the giftzwergs at your job. As they say sometimes killing them with kindness is the way to go...

    @hoppe regarding November where I am - it's defintely not Sanland or Randyland! We have an average temperature of 10 degrees celcius during the day and around 2-3 degrees celcius at night. It's cool, crisp and sunny though we can have a freak snowstorm too in November. @frananifan I can't believe you got snow and I didn't! I"m north of you and we received torrential rain on Friday. Hopefully you enjoyed the Jemmasodes and the hockey game all cozy and warm! The leaves where I am turn brilliant colors in October and start falling in November. I absolutely love fall because of our beautiful foliage and it makes me want hot apple crisp, apple cider and/or hot chocolate!

  • #570

    hoppe (Monday, 14 November 2011 12:37)

    @Marie-Helene What???? you wrote it in a very nice way - well, Jemmafandom isn't as "holy" as they all are stating. We had to deal with some unpleasant people as well. Man, I'm always rethinking of joimimg FB - now again, to give you some backup ;)

  • #571

    Randy (Monday, 14 November 2011 12:55)

    @San #575 I think you're spot on about Santana's stares being introspection rather than passion. However, in the Adele song, passion comes through but not via the stares.

    @Wired What I find amazing about the Glee Adele mashup song is that the whole routine is simple, from the black dresses, to the hairstyles, to the choreography, to the mainly drums/cymbals accompaniment, to the harmonious singing voices, yet that simplicity creates a powerful performance.

  • #572

    Wired (Monday, 14 November 2011 21:14)

    @Randy I absolutely agree! I think that sparseness also keeps with Adele. She. Can sing on a stage just on a stool with nothing else and blow you away with her voice. I've been listening to 21 a lot lately!

    @Marie-Helene @Hoppe that is one reason why I like rm 234 it's a much more supportive environment! FB can be pretty petty I think sometimes.

  • #573

    Randy (Monday, 14 November 2011 21:41)

    @Wired She has a wonderfully pure voice, and the lilting cadence reminds me of Patsy Kline. Not too many singers can sound so good with so little instrumental accompaniment and lack of mechanical acoustical help.

  • #574

    San (Monday, 14 November 2011 23:09)

    @Kirsty Sounds like you made the best of your trip to Holland! 2 performances of Wicked? Meeting actresses? Kinder Country Life? There has to be ChocoFresh in Stuttgart! I saw that piece about "I Can't Think Straight" as well. It would be a good series. It has such great characters that the movie just wasn't able to do them justice. And I like that they'll just take it through the love story again, so the absence of Lisa Ray won't be so glaring. I bought the DVD of this and it came with the soundtrack. I listen to it ALL the time! I also like listening to the director's commentary track - very interesting filmmaking anecdotes.

    Ok, guys, film archiving workshop in the morning. Wish us luck and limited chaos :)

  • #575

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 03:21)

    @San all the best with your archiving workshop!! :)

    @All BSI Investigation Team!!! I e-mailed the schloss in Stuttgart about the letters in the railings(told you it was bugging me!) and this is the reply I got..

    'The signs means F. and R., the short form for Fridericus Rex, translated to german König Friedrich. That´s the way König Friedrich, the first king to Württemberg, immortaliced his self were ever he had been, also at the Neuem Schloss.' now we know! :)

  • #576

    Libellule (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 04:03)

    A quick hello to everyone just to say I won't be able to join for the next 4 days (going to this conference, unfortunately not San's one ;p).

    @San: May your workshop be Beschenko! I'm just picturing Jenny doing her chick dance showcased on a cloud. Or a melting Jemma stare.
    I'm really curious about the technicality of such a thing, so if you get any picture to share afterwards, it would be great. I'll think about it while flying, when I look at the clouds through the plane's window. :D

    @frananifan: Your technique worked wonders! I did it all the way you suggested, and I had fun doing it (emmabeaming this morning while putting a little -but so powerful- J on my left hand's palm) in addition of being way more serene through the day.
    Also my director was incredibly nice today and I'm pretty sure it has to do with the jemmanergy full of amazing vibes you sent my way. :)

    @hoppe: Take care of yourself! And you're right to "budget your monitor time wisely" because you'll need it fully for Room 234 when we start analyzing and processing everything Jemma in depth again. ;p

    @all: Wish you all a brilliant week, "see" you on Sunday! :)

  • #577

    Libellule (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 04:13)

    I love your resiliency in this investigation! You are definitely an OTG (operative on the ground) of the best kind. I look forward to all the precious infos you gonna bring back after your Stuttgart trip in February! :D
    Oh, and a big thank you for RBSI, I feel at peace knowing now what the letters mean. And for the performance we saw there (in person or via clips of the event), we could say it meant Rebecca Forever that day. :p

  • #578

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 04:34)

    @Lbellule Hope your conference goes well. Jemma power will help you through. It helps with so many things. :)

  • #579

    Wired (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 06:43)

    @Libellule Have a good time at your conference and we'll be waiting for you on Sunday!

    @frananifan heard what is happening in New York. Hope you are ok and your friends as well!

  • #580

    frananifan (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 10:05)

    @Wired Thanks. As much as I love NYC I do not live close to Manhattan where the recent action has taken place. In my city things are very mellow. In fact, last night, the Occupiers in Buffalo had homebaked cookies sent to the Buffalo Police Department as a gesture of thanks for their mutually peaceful consideration.

    I had a JRM of the worst kind this morning. I worked late in the office last night and as I was leaving I told the last person left that the alarm was activated so they just needed to close the door behind them. It was my responsibility. When I came in this morning I was greeted with "YOU DIDN'T TURN THE ALARM ON WHEN YOU LEFT!". Apparently the last remaining arschloch went out to his car and deactivated it to re-enter the building. I ripped him a new one in grand fashion before the idea to turn him a pretty gay purple ever crossed my mind. Not my best moment. I didn't even recognize the jemma event until just now. The universe is telling me I need to make time to watch more episodes. Like...right now.

  • #581

    frananifan (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 10:39)

    OH!! OH!!! San you are a healer! I just clicked on the image at the top of the page. That never happened before. When did you do that? My mood has been immensely improved by this. Weenusing.

  • #582

    Wired (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 12:36)

    @frananifan Glad the action hasn't affected you at all and all is peaceful! Well...except for that Jemmacident. That was right out of the show!

    @all speaking of watching more episodes...are we setting up a time to uber-emmanate about the episodes? Just wondering...

  • #583

    Kykky (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 13:27)

    A great hallo to' everyone here. I' m reading all of u even if i did not write ao much in the past days!

  • #584

    Randy (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 14:39)

    @Wired #595 I asked that question i n #555. See @hoppe #556 and @San #558 for responses.

  • #585

    Eyelesstrees (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 16:32)

    Is anyone following 'Lost Girl'? In the most recent episode (2.08) there is a kiss that is like the Jemma bathroom kiss (but not as good!) I think the 'Lost Girl' crew have watched Jemma!

  • #586

    frananifan (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 17:12)

    miss piss kiss. going to go and find it now.

  • #587

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 17:36)

    @frananifan woah! I just clicked the picture, how cool is that? Well, I'm not surprised that made you feel better after your alarm fiasco this morning :)

    @Eyelesstrees ?? I don't know what 'Lost Girl' is, but I an certainly going to find out now.

    Also, I don't have the DVD Boxset 3 (yet) but I presume when everyone starts examing the first batch of eps I can just look at the online clips.

    @Kykky hi! :)

  • #588

    Wired (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 18:38)

    @San ah ha! Thanks for the reference posts. Ok sounds good to me: wait for JI and start in batches. Is it wrong I'm excited to do this soon? :)

    @eyelesstrees I have read the snap caps on AE but haven't watched it yet. I can't wait to start though! It looks really good!

  • #589

    Wired (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 20:08)

    @Randy - sorry you set me straight in #597! My bad! Sorry!

  • #590

    San (Tuesday, 15 November 2011 20:54)

    @frananifan How did you know it was me?!?! It's was the least I could do this morning over coffee before a long day. I'm surprised how big it is when you click on it :) I'm glad it made your day better.

  • #591

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 16 November 2011 03:56)

    Hi Leute!

    @Eyelesstresss glad someone knew what I was going on about! Just think out of all the songs in all the world and they chose Girl from Impanema. Hey, you're not a judge are you?!!!

    @Kirsty glad you had a super time in Holland and met Willemijn Verkaik. Not surprised you stuttered as @Wired said I would have done the same. Talking of Wired glad to see you're back!

    @Kirsty I can't believe you emailed the castle people, well you certainly are dedicated!

    @San and @Libellule you might not see this but enjoy your conferences and look out for any JRM's hopefully better ones than @Frananifan. That's quite weird really totally out HaH.

  • #592

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 16 November 2011 03:57)

    *totally out OF HaH*

  • #593

    Wired (Wednesday, 16 November 2011 18:45)

    Wow I"m back and everybody is away! ;) Oh well, hope everyone is having a Jemma terrific day/week! Jemma thought of the day: Lucy Scherer has the best facial expressions! The whole love shack reaction is beyond funny while Kasia acts all excited about it. Everytime I watch that scene it makes me smile!

  • #594

    frananifan (Wednesday, 16 November 2011 20:57)

    @Wired I think Lucy has more expressions than I can keep track of. She has so many different looks to me. Her story comes through in different combinations of smiles, eyes, brows. Endless. Never exaggerated, unless she is supposed to be. Such a gift.

  • #595

    San (Thursday, 17 November 2011 07:56)

    OMJ! @Kirsty Did you add another gif to the Gifosphere? A wonderful way to start the day :)

  • #596

    Clijsters3 (Thursday, 17 November 2011 08:53)

    Wowsers!!! Vielen dank to whoever put the wonderful gif which beautifully shows the many expressions of Lucy Scherer. Everything is moving in that shot; the eyebrows, the lips, the jimples and it looks as though her eyeballs are going to pop out.

  • #597

    Kirsty (Thursday, 17 November 2011 10:16)

    Man, you guys are on the ball! I was just about to tell you about it...there's also some pics at the bottom of my sandbox :)

  • #598

    Wired (Thursday, 17 November 2011 10:33)

    @Kirsty Awesome!! That is exactly the face I was thinking of in #606. You are fast! I'm still smiling seeing that!

    @frananifan Yes she is exceptional in that department isn't she? I think it might have to do with her stage acting that helped her hone her expressions? Either way you're right it's a gift!

  • #599

    frananifan (Thursday, 17 November 2011 10:44)

    Well. Those last two warmed me up on a cold cold day.

  • #600

    Kirsty (Thursday, 17 November 2011 10:59)

    For those of you with Facebook, Kasia has put up the new video she promised. She is so sweet, she obviously cares what we think of her and her new role and she seems to be speaking very honestly. and she looks awesome! I've just checked, it's not on youtube yet but I'm sure it will be soon. I think I can e-mail to anyone if they would like.

  • #601

    Randy (Thursday, 17 November 2011 11:05)

    @Kirsty I'd like to receive the video.

  • #602

    Kirsty (Thursday, 17 November 2011 11:19)

    I'll send it to everyone, may take a wee while. I'm not super techy :)

  • #603

    Randy (Thursday, 17 November 2011 12:07)

    @Kirsty I don't mind waiting a "wee" while. (Love Scottish idioms.) You're more techy than I'll ever be, as shown by your gifs. But I've improved since being part of Jemmaholics Anonymous, another unforeseen benefit of being here.

  • #604

    Wired (Thursday, 17 November 2011 18:07)

    Would love to get this Kirsty! I really like how Kasia interacts with her fans in such a genuine way.

  • #605

    Kirsty (Friday, 18 November 2011 00:04)

    Yeay, I was having trouble sending it so non-facebook people could see it but now it's on youtube and @hoppe has sent it to everyone, thanks @hoppe.

  • #606

    Kirsty (Friday, 18 November 2011 00:51)

    @San Happy Birthday, hope you have a good day. Here, let the STag sing you a special birthday song! :)

  • #607

    San (Friday, 18 November 2011 00:59)

    @Kirsty Thanks!!! I had to get out my headphones and watch the clip before going to bed. I totally need some serious Jemmatime after this week.

  • #608

    Marie-Helene (Friday, 18 November 2011 06:02)

    @San Happy Birthday to you! I wish you a wonderful day with your loved ones.

  • #609

    Randy (Friday, 18 November 2011 07:32)

    @San Happy birthday! Celebrate good times. Enjoy!

  • #610

    Eyelesstrees (Friday, 18 November 2011 13:24)

    @San, many happy returns!

    @Clijsters3, :) no, I'm not a judge! Right profession tho ;)

    @Kirsty and @Hoppe - thanks for the pointers about the screencap. I've searched everywhere. I guess it was just a one off and whoever did it hasn't put it on their Tumblr. From memory, Jenny was either in her sand digging hat and green coat or at the Bergmans. I cried laughing when I saw it!

    @Kirsty, I saw the 'I can't think straight' post too. I don't know why production teams don't just make the content and then sell it to someone like OML. That way they wouldn't have to manage the web platform and subscription side of things. Crystal Chappell has had to set herself up from scratch and the 'ICTS' team will have to as well. Even SAT1, who had the web platform didn't have a system for pay-per-view. It would be great to see more content being made - maybe this would be one way to make that easier? P.S., OML or CC, if you read this and act on it I want my cut!!

    Also @Kirsty, @Marie-Helene, @Hoppe I've been reviewing my position about Lucy's singing. For now I'm stopping at; she can clearly sing. I love 'Be mine,' 'Ave Maria,' and the duet with Pia Douwes, but they were done in a studio. So, @Kirsty, I'm leaving it at 'she can clearly sing' until you see R and report back about whether she can sing live. (No pressure!)

    @all is it me or did Kasia seem like a bit of a lost soul in her thank you video?! She seems like a really nice, genuine person. I love that about this whole fandom - in as much as we can tell, Kasia and Lucy seem to be nice people who are worth supporting and following. I'm always wary about this kind of stuff though. There's a good recent example of some fans whose star hasn't lived up to their expectations. Does anyone follow handball? On AE there is/was a thread about Gro Hammerseng the Norwegian captain and her partner at the time. One of the first comments is from someone saying they can't believe everyone is praising GH becuase in the posters view GH isn't worthy and the truth will out. Several months and hundreds of adoring posts later and it turns out that the poster, who was really slated, was probably right!

    Until I hear othewise I'm happy to assume that Lucy and Kasia are both really nice people! They're certainly both supertalented and great to look at!

    Happy weekend to all!

  • #611

    Wired (Friday, 18 November 2011 13:31)

    @San happy birthday!!! Remember to enjoy those margaritas and if you can't find the blonde with the silver platter for the eclairs then how about enjoying some great nachos or mexican food? Keep with the theme if anything!

  • #612

    hoppe (Friday, 18 November 2011 14:50)

    short visit
    loved Kasias video! yes, she appears quite vulnerable, but did it in the one before too. She has a total different charisma than in her roles. I'm always amazed. She is pouring out so much tenderness... and orange ;)
    Another happy birthday to San again...
    Eyelesstrees, are you already on our email-list?
    okay girls, have to say goodbye again, not sure that my absence will change in the next future...
    take care!

  • #613

    Randy (Friday, 18 November 2011)

    @all There are some screenshots in my sandbox of some of my favorite Jemma moments. Perhaps they're some of yours too.

  • #614

    Claudia (Friday, 18 November 2011 16:15)

    Jenny- I'm way too hot for this (don't know whose it is)

  • #615

    Kirsty (Friday, 18 November 2011 16:17)

    @Randy Cool pictures in your sandbox. I love the part after Bodo has caught them kissing where Jenny lets Emma try and explain away their situation before coming in to help her out-her knight in shining armour, and the start of her Girlfriend of The Year Awards!. Also love the scene back at Raumzeit Records after Emma has stopped the plane- so much cuteness there!

    @Eyelesstrees I was surprised how lost Kasia seemed. It was as if she was unsure how we still felt about her and was hoping we still liked her, in a way. She knew what great love there was for Emma and Jemma and hoped she hadn't lost that support.. And how good does she look?!! :)
    Also, although I wasn't there in person, I have seen youtube clips of Lucy in Wicked and she was pretty darn good there. I'll admit that maybe her voice isn't to everyone's taste though and maybe it wasn't best suited to some of the HaH songs.

    @hoppe I've probably missed you but Hi! And good idea re contacting Amidola about the Rebecca ticket return,thanks.

  • #616

    frananifan (Friday, 18 November 2011 16:28)

    @Eyelesstrees Kasia breaks my heart a little. She seems so worried about what everyone thinks. She should be using that big soft heart of hers on herself first. I need to hug her or something.
    I remember enjoying that screencap as well way back when. I will keep my eyes open for for you. Btw-One of my 'bridesmaids' was/is a judge who serves the Queen. And he IS a queen too! (maybe you know him;) I hope to come over the pond and visit him in a year. We will have a big gay party, get into trouble and start a controversy (I just LOVE to hear him say that word!!) You will join us for the fun!?

    @Randy Yummy. and yummy. I'm staring and need to stop before I have to explain to someone why.

    Off to make my pesto(lozzi) and pasta for dinner.

  • #617

    frananifan (Friday, 18 November 2011 16:31)

    @Claudia Danke! Eyelesstrees?

  • #618

    Randy (Friday, 18 November 2011 17:23)

    @Kirsty Emma's fumbling attempt to explain the kiss to Bodo is hilarious because her explanation becomes more implausible, and he doesn't believe any of it. When Jenny finally rescues Emma, she's so relieved. The scene at Raumzeit Records that I like most is where Jenny has her hand on Emma's shoulder. That simple gesture says so much.

    @Eyelesstrees and @Kirsty I think Lucy sang all of the HaH songs well. The times she sang in public when her voice didn't sound good might have been because of a sore throat or strained vocal folds from too much singing. And singing in the open where the acoustics aren't the best isn't easy. If she didn't have a good singing voice, she wouldn't be the successful musical stage singer that she is.

    @frananifan Yum! Can I come for dinner?

  • #619

    Eyelesstrees (Friday, 18 November 2011 17:34)

    @Kirsty, it's Lucy being late to notes that I don't get. She seems to be someone who is very much in the moment so that really shouldn't be a problem for her. It's almost as if she isn't concentrating. I soooo want you to come back and say she was great!!

    @frananifan - I'm always up for fun!

    @Claudia OMG, THAT'S IT!!!! Thank you so much!! (Anyone any good at making pictures from a Gif?!)

    @all, collective reassuring e-mail to Kasia or team post to her FB maybe?

  • #620

    Randy (Friday, 18 November 2011 17:34)

    @all I just read that in the New Year Glee will do a mashup of "I Will Survive" and "I'm a Survivor," two songs done so well by STAG.

  • #621

    Eyelesstrees (Friday, 18 November 2011 17:47)

    @Randy, sorry - I didn't see your #631 post before my #632 went up. I agree about Lucy -she wouldn't be a successful musical stage singer if she didn't have a good singing voice. There just seem to be a few clips of her live where she misses notes. I agree that there could be all sorts of reasons for this but it's just strange given that she is a successful professional. I sing a bit and I've thought a lot about this - my guess is that Lucy loses concentration. (That doesn't explain the 'Talkin 'bout a revolution' thing which I suspect was under rehearsed and maybe because of nerves she couldn't find the right key.)

    I want to be clear - I'm interested in this rather than critical. The day I can do what Lucy does for even one night, never mind months on end, is the day I'll feel qualified to criticise her!

  • #622

    Randy (Friday, 18 November 2011 18:07)

    @Eyelesstrees I believe none of us is being critical with our comments. We're simply analyzing our observations. That's the wonderful spirit of Room 234. There's no meanness here.

  • #623

    frananifan (Friday, 18 November 2011 18:56)

    @Eyelesstrees I have no argument with your observations. I hear what you've heard. I don't get it either and I am convinced I should hear her for myself but alas, Kirsty will be the tuthrefore blessed with this mission. Now, please tell us more about this singing you do.

  • #624

    Eyelesstrees (Friday, 18 November 2011 19:06)

    @Randy :)

    @all, I forgot to put this in my #632 post I also wonder if the issue for Lucy in the clips I've seen might be a 'chest voice'/'head voice' thing. If she sang the top line in 'Ave Maria' then she's got a beautiful soprano 'head voice' (assuming she could do it live!) From memory, I think in all the live clips I haven't liked she has been using her 'chest voice.' I've got a friend who trained as an opera singer; she's got a lovely opera 'head' voice but she can't sing a note using her chest voice - it's as if she doesn't know what to do to sing. It's the strangest thing. So if it's a 'chest voice'/'head voice' thing then Lucy is doing plenty better than my friend!

  • #625

    Eyelesstrees (Friday, 18 November 2011 19:14)

    @frananifan - crossing posts!

    Pub/camp fire singer and guitar player! Currently v grateful to HaH for Aimee Mann's 'Save me,' Glee for reminding me about 'Landslide' and Christina Perri for 'Jar of hearts.' They are all capo'd at the 3rd fret which is a bit unusual so I'm certain it's fate that this little set list has come to me from three different places all at once!

  • #626

    frananifan (Friday, 18 November 2011 20:49)

    San's jalapeno word cloud has inspired my menu plans for tomorrow.

  • #627

    Marie-Helene (Friday, 18 November 2011 21:54)

    @all I agree about Kasia's video, it was sad to see her so vulnerable, even her voice seemed different. Maybe it was also because she chose to speak in English and she was searching for words. By the way, I was surprised she spoke in English, it was like she wanted to justify herself toward her international fans.

    @frananifan It's so strange this virtual world, on your computer you have this wonderful girl talking and you feel her sadness and you would like to do something, hug her and tell her: "Hey Kasia you're so great, don't lose faith in you" but this person is a perfect stranger and you can do nothing at all. It breaks my heart.

    @Eyelesstrees I bought the Wicked CD and believe me, Lucy has a fantastic voice, expressive and powerful. Like I wrote before, she doesn't have a versatile voice like Kasia but Wicked was really perfect for her as a soprano. I think the Ich character suits her perfectly as well.

    I am curious about what you think about Pia Douwes in Rebecca. I already wrote that Susan Rigvava-Dumas would have been a better choice for Mrs Danvers in my view but voice apart, I was a bit surprised to see Pia Douwes played Mrs Danvers as a crazy woman. I don't see Mrs Danvers like that. She's certainly lost since Rebecca's death, she's a bitch, but crazy, I don't think so. For me, Mrs Danvers is the most interesting character in this piece, a proud lesbian, very loyal. Compare to that, Ich's story and her paternalistic husband is very conventional.

  • #628

    Kirsty (Saturday, 19 November 2011 00:23)

    @Claudia Hi! Love that gif! If it's ok with you, I'm going to move it over and put it in our gifosphere in the Jemmagerie section..

    @Lucy's Singing Investigation Team(LSI) Apart from the performance the other week in Stuttgart I haven't been aware of Lucy being late into notes/lines. But I guess this is because I'm not that musically minded, I will do some clip-watching at the weekend and try and concentrate more. It can only be because she wasn't concentrating, which shouldn't happen but I guess mistakes occasionally happen.

    I got a signed photo from Kasia in the post yesterday.And a little written note, she is unbelievably sweet. I'd written to her a couple of months ago but she has understandably been busy. I will take a picture of the note later and put it in my sandbox.

  • #629

    Clijsters3 (Saturday, 19 November 2011 04:14)

    @San belated happy birthday! Hope you had a great time.

    Thanks for emailing Kasia's message to us who are not on FB. She did seem to be looking for our approval, which shows how much she wants to please her fans. But like she said she is an actress and should be looking for different roles to stretch herself and take chances. I still feel this Olivia role is not good for her, it's on a low quality soap and we know she is better than this.

    @Eyelesstress #623 I'm intrigued now!

    @Kirsty Can't wait to see your note from Kasia, I'm nosy like that:)

  • #630

    Kirsty (Saturday, 19 November 2011 04:23)

    @Clijsters3 :) working just now, will take photo when I get home. Assuming I remember.. I agree with Kasia being too good for Audl. The role of Olivia is ok, I like it but I don't particularly like what I've seen of the programme or the majority of the other actors. Some kind of Olivia/Nina spin-off might be better.. But I guess it's a good, regular job for Kasia just now and in her home town. I often think it must be a weird life being..well..Lucy, living for months in Stuttgart then at home(?) near Berlin, then in Stuttgart again. Don't think I would like that kind of almost nomadic existence.
    Aargh, got distracted here in room234, must get some work done!

  • #631

    Clijsters3 (Saturday, 19 November 2011)

    Have you seen the interview Lucy Scherer has done? There's a link to it over on Mel's blog. There's quite a few questions on HaH as well as Rebecca.

  • #632

    Kirsty (Saturday, 19 November 2011 04:56)

    Oh, haven't looked there. JI mentioned it but said they hadn't done a translation yet... will check it out. Ta

  • #633

    Clijsters3 (Saturday, 19 November 2011 05:45)

    @Kirsty The link is in German so I had to use our friend Google Translate, but the translation wasn't that bad for once, so you can understand a lot things she says. Will be better with the JI translation though and I'm sure we'll get some added comments!

  • #634

    Kirsty (Saturday, 19 November 2011 06:52)

    @Clijsters3 Started to look for it but was distracted by an article charting the story of Carla and Stella from 'Verbotene Liebe' !

  • #635

    Claudia (Saturday, 19 November 2011 11:07)

    @Kirsty - no problem with the gif! It comes from LChat and I can't remember anymore who made it.

  • #636

    Randy (Saturday, 19 November 2011 12:06)

    @all Ten new favorite Jemma moments are in my sandbox. Enjoy!

  • #637

    hoppe (Saturday, 19 November 2011 13:51)

    Some new poster here? Claudia? Welcome!
    about Kasia's message - I don't see what most of you see in it (lost or too vulnerable or sad etc.). It might be that she is a bit sad about having lost HaH what was accompanying it (but that also might be just our projection). I don't feel that she fears to dissapoint her fans or that they might not like her. For me her explanations feel more like ... hm... "like a mother or a sherpard who tries to tame all her followers. She comes across quite confident and sure to me. I'm more amazed that she dares to show this love and tenderness so much, I only know this from satsangs or other meditation things that people dare to show so much of their heart and this vulnerability in front of strangers... you just can't hide it sometimes because it's too strong and this can be quite well.. unfamiliar? ...
    For me she seems to be definitely a very spiritual and "guided" person.

  • #638

    hoppe (Saturday, 19 November 2011 14:00)

    @San love your wordclouds!
    @Eyelesstrees you sing? Oh dear! Why I hadn't the courage for my artproject back then.... I saw that there is also a sound editress among the Jemmafans - I wanted to invite everyone, fans, actors, writers, filmers, housecleaners of HaH to take part and have one big "love song" in audio and pics about the topic "Hand aufs Herz" (in the general meaning, but also about the soap) - well.... I wasn't ready ;)
    Can we hear you singing, Eyelesstrees?

  • #639

    hoppe (Saturday, 19 November 2011 14:08)

    I agree about AudL not being the best quality for Kasia + that she deserves better. This show is so shallow. Nearly everyone is making intrigues and being dishonest in some way, some appear to be quite snobish. There's no storyline I can relate to (better was, as I only see sometimes those little clips)

  • #640

    Clijsters3 (Sunday, 20 November 2011 04:54)

    @Randy I nearly fainted when I saw your sandbox! I love all the pictures of course, no.6 looks like Lucy wants to burst out laughing and who could blame her with kasia looking at her like that. I could look at them all day long.

    @Hoppe It's strange that you see Kasia as being confident in that new clip, I really don't see that. Perhaps it's because she's speaking in English and so struggling to find the right words, but she comes across as quite vulnerable to me. The way she is speaking makes me feel sad and even makes me worry for her a bit. However, I applaud her for communicating with her fans and letting us know how she feels.
    'Shallow' - good word for describing AudL.

  • #641

    Clijsters3 (Sunday, 20 November 2011 04:59)

    @Kirsty just seen the new stuff you've put in your sandbox. Lovely message from Kasia nice to see it is handwritten as well. Your breakfast looks interesting! I like bacon and I like pancakes so I guess I might like it, just not sure on the presentation!

  • #642

    Randy (Sunday, 20 November 2011 08:17)

    @Clijsters3 Glad you like the pictures. There are so many wonderful Jemma scenes in every episode. No. 6 shows Emma and Jenny's reactions after Caro put her arm around Emma and declared they should all stick together regarding Luzi's sole invitation to the Raumzeit's party. Emma's horrified that Caro gave her a shoulder hug and Jenny's amused at the hug and Emma's reaction. Now that I've learned how to take screenshots, I'm checking every episode for favorite Jemma moments.

    @Kirsty Kasia's handwritten message to you and autographed picture show what a wonderful person she is. You've got personal treasures now. The Dutch breakfast is different from American pancakes and bacon, but it looks yummy. It's always interesting to see what food is like in other countries. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  • #643

    Randy (Sunday, 20 November 2011 08:28)

    @All There's a picture in my sandbox that I think shows the first time Jenny is aware that she's falling for Emma. The expression in her eyes shows it. It's in the second last row from the bottom, picture no. 4, one of the scenes in the SUV. What do you think?

  • #644

    Kirsty (Sunday, 20 November 2011 11:30)

    @Randy regarding the pancake, I know! I was expecting a stack of pancakes and maple syrup. I thought at first glance they'd brought me a pizza by mistake!
    Loving your screenshots. One of my favourites is the two of them grinning when they are in the auditorium with Bodo. He has just interrupted one of their cutest kissing scenes to tell them he has a date with Lara and they are talking about helping him. So sweet together.

  • #645

    Randy (Sunday, 20 November 2011 11:55)

    @Kirsty A pizza was my first impression too. But it's certainly a creative way to serve pancakes and bacon.

    As for the screenshots, I think the earlier episodes showing the beginning of the relationship have some of the sweetest moments. Everything is new for Emma, and even though Jenny has had other relationships she knows this one is special.

  • #646

    San (Sunday, 20 November 2011 12:31)

    I'm back! It was great reading your comments throughout the week even though I couldn't participate in any depth.

    Anyways a big thank you to everyone! I had a great birthday filled with best wishes and that's more than anyone should hope for. There was a pastry spread in the morning before the sessions started, but there wasn't any eclairs, though. I had to settle for a blueberry muffin and danish. I posted some conference pics in my sandbox. It was a really fun and tiring conference. Some highlights: placed 8th in the trivia throwdown due to no small part of the lone-Canadian amongst the group of Texans, watched home movies of silent film stars, saw film on fog (not as impressive as it sounds), and watched a screening of "Nothing Sacred" (1937) newly restored in glorious Technicolor in the 80-year-old Paramount Theater - with a Mickey Mouse short before the feature (just as impressive as it sounds).

    Now, I need to get back home and watch me some Jemma! I'm seriously going through some withdrawals. @Randy the screenshots have helped :)

  • #647

    Randy (Sunday, 20 November 2011 13:07)

    @San Welcome back! The John Barrymore home movie must have been interesting. Was it from the 1930s? Also, what was your presentation about? That city skyline isn't familiar to me, so which is it?

    I'm glad the screenshots helped. Thank you for giving me the incentive to learn how to do more with my computer. However, now I'm spending way too much time making screenshots. :-)

  • #648

    frananifan (Sunday, 20 November 2011 13:16)

    @San Austin

  • #649

    Kirsty (Sunday, 20 November 2011 14:46)

    @San Thanks for putting up your pictures, it looked like an interesting week! Would like to have seen the film on fog, it looked cool. The third picture kind of shows an alien face though, maybe that was on the film, or just a spoooky coincidence or you had an uninvited guest.. Also, I am completely in awe of anyone who stands up in front of people and gives a talk, that is my worst nightmare :) Glad you had a good time.

  • #650

    Eyelesstrees (Sunday, 20 November 2011 16:33)

    @ Marie-Helene, I bet the CD is great. I'm such a sceptic though becuase most studio recordings now are pieced together line by line using the best takes and also put through an auto-tuner. Years ago I went to a gig because the artist had just won an award. She was terrible live and I vowed never to be taken in again! Since then I've always been interested to know if people can sing/perform live.

    @Kirsty #641 I'm not musically minded either, honestly! I was talking to a friend who works as a producer. He wonders if Lucy just overthinks or takes a while to get into a song if she is just performing single pieces rather than a whole show.

    @San, the film on the fog was an interesting concept! You'd have been well away in London today - we had a near 'pea souper' (ie. can't see hand in front of face!)

    A few years ago two large milk churns full of old Edwardian and Victorian films were found in the basement of an old photography shop in England. The BFI in London have been restoring and archiving it all. Unesco added it to their world heritage list. Here's a link if you are interested
    @Kirsty, amongst the footage in the archive is a United match from 1902!

    @hoppe #652 - only if you come to England, I'm no internet sensation I assure you!

    @Clijsters3 #342 - it isn't anything exciting I promise you!

    @all the JemMonopoly board is brilliant! I've got a few suggestions; what if the Brown areas were 'brown sites' as they are known in the UK (urban and in need of re-development,) like the alleyway Jenny found Emma in and the alley at the back of Chulos where Jenny waited for Sophie and Frank was attacked. That would free up Chulos and Saal1 to be used further along? Also what about using these places somewhere: the theatre where STAG performed Sister Act; the hotel they stayed in; the Beschenko's house; Emma's home; the hospital they went to after the bus crash?

    How about 'the sheet' or Jenny's water bottle (that Lucy nearly maimed someone with!) for the final playing piece?

    @Randy - screenshots of 102; swoon, thud

  • #651

    Marie-Helene (Sunday, 20 November 2011 17:13)

    @Eyelestrees Ok,fair enough then try this on youtube, it's Lucy who sang LIVE a very difficult French song called "Je suis malade" at the Dinslaken Festival in 2010. If you are not convinced after that, I don't know what to do :-) It's a wonderful rendition, enjoy!

  • #652

    Randy (Sunday, 20 November 2011 18:25)

    @Eyelesstrees Pick yourself up and take a look at the 5 screenshots I just uploaded. They're the first row. This is a most enjoyable way to spend a Sunday.

  • #653

    Libellule (Monday, 21 November 2011 00:24)

    Hello me lovelies,

    Just a quick note to say I'm back and happy to find Room 234 again. I missed you. And 4 days of web starvation, you can guess how I gonna spend tomorrow evening! ;p

    @San: I'm a few days late but happy birthday nonetheless! Thanks to your sandbox, I can see that you killed the strawberries for the occasion; hope you had a jemmanami!

    Wish you all a good start for this new week. Nite nite!

  • #654

    Kirsty (Monday, 21 November 2011 03:04)

    Just had to write something...didn't like there being 666 comments on here :o

  • #655

    San (Monday, 21 November 2011 09:59)

    @frananifan ding ding ding! It was great having it in Austin this year, especially since I had to be there the whole week with a car full of film equipment. I stayed with a very generous friend. Next year it's going to be in the NW US somewhere, so the generous friend and car options are out.

    @Randy The Barrymore home movies where from the 20's. They were quite interesting because it was filmed and edited like an epic sea voyage tale complete with the inter-title plates that you see in silent movies. He wrestled an elephant seal! Oh, my presentation was on the video archive project that I'm working on for a media arts center.

    @Kirsty I gave so many presentations in grad school that I had my share of good and bad experiences. The good experiences gave me the confidence to do more. I still get nervous. I read off a script that I load onto my Kindle (pictured in the purple case) and sprinkle in entertaining video clips. People seem to enjoy it.

    @Eyelesstrees Oo, I think film IN fog would be interesting. BFI had a couple of panels at the conference discussing the Master Collection and some datastructure machine or something. I didn't get a chance to go to them. I love stories of finding film! It's a pretty resilient medium. Thanks for the link!

    I'm disappointed that I didn't see the screening of "The Word is Out" a documentary from the 70s that OutFest helped restore. It was at the same time as the general membership meeting, and I had a feeling there might be some drama there. And Oh My! if it was AudL there would've been double zoom-ins EVERYWHERE! A lot of silent tension.

  • #656

    Kirsty (Monday, 21 November 2011 10:38)

    @Eyelesstrees I looked up that link regarding the old film that was discovered.Then I some of the clips, including the man united one, on youtube. It's amazing that they were able to be restored to such a high quality, so interesting to see.

    JI have the translation of Lucy's recent interview up on their website now. There is also a photo of Frank 'Bodo' Ziegler in his new role on Audl. And he might be a new love interest for Olivia. What? Emma and Bodo? Are they trying to mess with our heads??

  • #657

    hoppe (Monday, 21 November 2011 11:29)

    short visit again - LOL at Bodo and Emma - better than Olivia + Luca. Bodo was one of my fav male characters on HaH :) So if someone for Olivia (I doubt she will be bi or lesbian) this is one of the best choices.
    Thanks for your pics San! I loved to be taken with you on your conference and get an impression of it. Foog screening looks still interesting - even if it wasn't what you expected... I assume you couldn't really follow the content of the films but it's still an interesting visual impression.
    @eyelesstrees, well, I'll take you at your word, if I ever come to England again ;) I'm not "good" as well, but my idea was more about the fun together ;)
    @all I miss you! but still have to stay away from the screen - I just did too much online + with the compi the last months and months :(

  • #658

    Wired (Monday, 21 November 2011 13:08)

    Hi Everyone! Gorgeous day here in Halifax but it is definitely cold: 3 degrees celcius. I think winter is coming!

    So I have finally watched Kasia’s video and I also feel that she feels a bit lost and vulnerable. Mostly because she herself says, after a pause, that she is still searching for a direction for her character on Audl. This makes me wonder in a storyline sense how Audl sees her character going forward. It seems to me she doesn’t have any direction from them and is trying to find one herself and it doesn’t seem easy. Maybe I’m reading way to much into it but I’ve heard her talk about Emma previously and she was much more animated and sure of where Emma was going and where she was then she does with Olivia. It’s like Audl signed her on to maybe capitalize on her popularity, AND she’s a great actress, but maybe they really didn’t think of her character?

    @Randy I love your sandbox pictures!!! I can’t look at your sandbox during work though because I just become mesmerized, think of the episodes they come from and get no work done! I just stare at the screen with a goofy grin on my face!

    @San & @Libellule Welcome back and happy post conference! @San your conference looked fun, though disappointing with the fog. Margarita looked tasty though and I’m glad more people showed up for your conference. That picture made it look kind of…lonely.

    @Kirsty wow interesting pancake/bacon! What threw me was the shape of the bacon. I haven’t seen round bacon before. Also scene where Bodo interrupts Emma and Jenny. Love it! I love how Emma introduces Jenny so reluctantly like she’s giving up on trying to keep Jenny all to herself. Also how cool is that note from Kasia? Very jealous here!

    @all LSI regarding Lucy singing, I can’t sing (unless you want broken glass) and I’m not the best in terms of pitch etc. but my first take on Lucy singing during HaH was that she definitely sang better with higher notes then lower. Personally I like a slightly lower voice so I had some trouble getting “into” some of Lucy’s songs. Kasia has a lower voice which I liked better and I think because of that it sounded fuller to me. I really think Lucy is cut out for musical/theatrical singing though and am dying to hear more from her other shows besides what I’ve seen from Wicked clips and Rebecca. @Kirsty looking forward to your RBSI Operative report.

    @Hoppe Bummer you still have to stay away from the Room (though glad you are checking in) but definitely understand you need to be healthy first and foremost!

    Lastly I see that Ami and her crew of merry elves on JI will be starting their recap of the Jenny episodes (#73) on November 28th (hopefully). Exciting!

  • #659

    Kirsty (Monday, 21 November 2011 15:38)

    @hoppe You're right, at least Liv and Bodo is better than Liv and Luca. And, good to have you popping in every now and then :)

    @Wired You would not believe how excited I was to get the wee note from Kasia. Felt like a little kid again. It's the first time I've had a letter from a celebrity!Also, I think you're right about Kasia and her character lacking direction.It's like Sat1/Audl just snapped her up quickly so no-one else could get her and ,yes,to capitalise on her popularity. I don't know what Petra's doing on the show but I think she and Kasia need to get together and sort Liv out. I actually like the character but she needs the right storylines and the right actors to work with. That's the difference between Audl and HaH.

  • #660

    Randy (Monday, 21 November 2011 15:46)

    @San Could we expect anything less from that Barrymore icon than a home movie filmed and edited like an epic sea saga? At least it must have been an interesting home movie.

    @Wired I can remove the sandbox pictures if they're too disruptive. :-) Nah! Then I'd be denying myself the pleasure of searching for all these mesmerizing shots.

  • #661

    frananifan (Monday, 21 November 2011 17:06)

    November 21, 2011 is the 39th annual World Hello Day.
    "Hello World!"

  • #662

    Wired (Monday, 21 November 2011 18:31)

    @Kirsty The most I've gotten from a celebrity was an autograph and an ice cream order (well semi celebrity Loreena McKennitt ordered ice cream from me while I was working at an ice cream counter)! It would be great it Petra got together with Kasia more! Also from some of our JSI work it seems HaH had more of a plot plan from the beginning instead of inserting all of these new characters Audl is doing. Of course I haven't really seen the show so I probably shouldn't comment much more on it.

    @Randy I would not be able to do the searching you are doing because I would never make it to work or out of the house! Of course I'm greatful for your hard hard work! ;)

    @frananifan I did not even know about World Hello Day! I love that you show us these special days! Thank you and here's to world peace one day!

  • #663

    frananifan (Monday, 21 November 2011 19:53)

    @Wired You are kidding about the round bacon, right?

  • #664

    Wired (Monday, 21 November 2011 20:58)

    hey @frananifan well I've seen round bacon not quite like that though, especially not in a pancake. It did make the pancake look like a pizza! Peameal bacon was as round as I've seen bacon.

  • #665

    frananifan (Monday, 21 November 2011 21:14)

    Where I come from round bacon=Canadian bacon:)

  • #666

    Wired (Monday, 21 November 2011 21:52)

    Hahaha! Funny enough that's actually more prevalent in Ontario but yeah that's how we make it sometimes! In the Maritimes we like our maple sausages more! See the bacon IN the pancake threw me. Peameal isn't usually served like that. Man I never thought I'd be talking bacon!

  • #667

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 00:39)

    In Scotland we call round bacon Ayrshire bacon, no idea why they only do round bacon down there.. @Wired Maple sausages! I'm liking the sound of those!

  • #668

    hoppe (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 07:38)

    about Kasia being unsure where to direct the role ... you need to keep in mind that when we heard Kasia talking about Emmma she already played that role for more than half a year. And tbh I didn't really understood that sentence about directing her role. Sure - it might be (surely it is like that) that she loved HaH a lot more and that there was a good chemistry between the actors, but for me this sounds a bit too much of seeing in it. If you look at the video she posted inbetween where she sang for the fans - you find in the song the same vulnerability and tenderness.

  • #669

    hoppe (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 07:40)

    @Wired and Kirsty thanks! :) <3

  • #670

    Wired (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 07:41)

    Kirsty if you like maple flavouring this is the place to be! We have a lot of maple farms here the syrup is plentiful!

  • #671

    hoppe (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 08:38)

    Hi guys, I just received this info:
    "Political leaders in St. Petersburg are about to vote on law that will make it illegal for any person to write a book, publish an article or speak in public about being gay, lesbian or transgender. The ruling party led by President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin could make millions of people invisible with the stroke of a pen ..."
    So could you take a minute to sign this and spread the word?

  • #672

    frananifan (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 11:39)

    @hoppe #685 Done.

    @Wired Maple sausage...mouth watering. I don't suppose you have a Tim Hortons way out there?

    @San I love trivia. I've seen similar photos that my "slap-your-momma" friend has on her walls. She is former Austonian. Forget NW next year. Come to NE and I'll set you up. (HA-would you like to snowtube?! It's nothing like Youtube)

    @Randy Your pics are deliteful little pickmeups. Like a bowl full of Skittles:)

  • #673

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 11:43)

    @hoppe What?? That's ridiculous, especially in this day and age in a country that is trying to become more modern. Very worrying.. I will certainly follow that link and sign. Thanks for bringing it to our attention

  • #674

    Randy (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 13:02)

    @frananifan Row 1 in my sandbox has 5 new tasty Jemma moments to enjoy. Skittles are good to nosh while swooning.

  • #675

    frananifan (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 13:07)

    ...taste the rainbow...

  • #676

    Wired (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 13:41)

    Must resist looking at all of the pictures in @Randy's sandbox...must resist...much like skittles....

    @frananifan you know Tim's! Are you a transplanted Canadian? We have Tim's here all over. Also maple sausages are as good as they sound. I want breakfast for dinner tonight...

  • #677

    frananifan (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 14:00)

    Breakfast for dinner? Doing it! No Wired, not Canadian. You see I live in Buffalo which most Americans outside of New York State think is actually part of Canada. And so, to confuse the matter, Canada has given us a Timmy Ho's on every corner. Drinking TH right now.

  • #678

    Randy (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 15:17)

    @Wired Live dangerously. Look. Swoon. Eat skittles. Or have breakfast for dinner.

    @frananifan Buffalo ISN'T part of Canada? Gosh! :-)

  • #679

    San (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 15:35)

    I'm thankful for short work weeks, but they're only short after they end. Ugh!

    @frananifan Well, your friend and I have something in common. I lived there for 3 years in my cute apartment 5 or so blocks away from the Elizabeth Ney Museum - name that neighborhood :) It took me 30 years to find out they call themselves Austinites *shrug*. However, the tallest building in town (in the picture) is The Austonian *shrug* - I guess "The Austinite" is a terrible name for a luxury highrise. I would love to visit the NE again! But in November, that might be pushing my wardrobe to its wintry limits. Hell, most places push it to the limits. Snowtubing sounds like a network of tunnels curved in the snow through which people can innertube. Am I right??? Or is it just a snow hill people slide down in an innertube? If snow and innertubes are not involved, I can't think of anything more awesome.

    I finally saw Kasia's video. I don't think she's sad or lost. I think it's more her trying to be diplomatic. It seemed to me that she has feelings about her role, and she probably expresses them freely amongst her friends in a bar (or grocery store). But it looked like she was trying to find the right words to express her feelings to the fans as honsetly as she could in such a public forum. It reminds me if someone asks me what I think about an outfit. It maybe the awfulest thing in the world, but I'll try to sugarcoat it, like "Well, it certainly is an interesting shade of brown. Completely different from the pink dress you tried on earlier. But they both have ruffles. That's something. Once you find the right accessory, I'm sure it'll look less like a potato sack."

  • #680

    San (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 15:37)

    Chiming in on the Lucy's voice or just voices in general: @Eyelesstrees is right about the difference between head (through your nose) and chest (from your diaphram) singing. They are two different animals, and it takes great technique to switch effortless between them. Think about the voice spectrum of Sarah Vaughn (mostly chest) Ella Fitzgerald (seamless chest/head transition) and Billie Holliday (mostly head). When I sing from my diaphram, the pitch and tone are smooth and more melodic - great for choral music and opera. But if I want to have more of an edge, that's when I have to switch to the head. I think a lot of actors/dancers who sing usually rely on their head voice because it's easier to control - at least in my experience it's easier to control. To find out where your singing from, hold your nose the next time you're singing a song. If it sounds like you're holding your nose, the you're singing from the head. If there isn't a change in your sound quality, you're singing from the chest. And try to switch between the two - it's fun!!!

  • #681

    Randy (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 16:08)

    @San #692 I'm still laughing at your "potato sack" punchline. A true novi/scorp comment, deadpan of course. None of us should ask for your opinion on any outfits we buy. :-)

  • #682

    Wired (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 19:10)

    @frananifan @Randy Bwahahaha Canada is slowly spreading south and will take over the US via our Tim Horton coffeeshops! The confusion regarding Buffalo being part of Canada is part of our giant plan!

    @San @eyelesstrees wow I really need to learn more about singing. I did not know about the head/chest singing and find it very interesting. @san the most I can say about Sarah, Ella and Billie are that they are amazing jazz singers, the greats! I can't wait to compare them!

    Hmmm...I'm with @Randy on #695...San you are too good with the sugar!

  • #683

    frananifan (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 20:44)

    @Wired Love Canadians! But not the Canadiens:) @All that's a hockey joke. So if you could just get Canada all the way to Mexico I would move there (not the first time I've said that)

    @San I do not know the name of any neighborhoods (loser). The Ex Austonian/Austinite is currently in Italy so I can't even cheat. You are having a hardtime getting your head around why anyone would leave Austin and move to Buffalo, right? It's our proximity to round bacon and maple sausage. That and a fine woman, of course.

  • #684

    Randy (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 21:09)

    @Wired Sneaky lovable Canadians! I'll be the first to give up if you entice me with maple sausage and peameal. San and eyelesstrees will have to teach us how to sing "Oh Canada" from the head and chest.

  • #685

    San (Tuesday, 22 November 2011 23:40)

    No Tim Hortons down here yet. The streets are still lined with the traditional piñata stands, taco trucks, and el mercados. Oh, wait a minute...

    @frananifan Hyde Park, but nobody should really know that. And you're right, I'm very perplexed and confused about Texans moving up north. It's usually the other way around :\ I'm sure once you learn how to layer and wear a coat properly, it's not that bad.

    @Randy and @Wired Would you prefer, "the dress looks like baby poop and puke exploded on a doily."?

  • #686

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 00:17)

    @San #698 oh my gosh, your baby poop comment is too funny! I have filed it away in case I may need to use a comment like that :)

    Have googled Tim Hortons so I know what y'all are talking about...and now I'm hungry!!! mmm

  • #687

    Marie-Helene (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 06:25)

    I didn't know there were so many Canadians on this board! We should have a little map to know where we come from.

    In direct from the French part of Canada,Quebec City, where the bacon is definitely not round, and the snow just begins to fall.

  • #688

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 07:15)

    Think I'll have to Google Tim Hortons as well Kirsty, I'm completely at a loss!

    @Randy Those pics are gorgeous, I want to stare at them all day, think I may have said that last time you put new pictures up.

    Well I'm off to London to watch the tennis at the O2 so I won't be on for a few days.

  • #689

    Wired (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 08:26)

    Hey all! Sorry about all of the Tim's talk but it's like an institution here in Canada. Basically it's just a coffee and donut shop but it's like Starbucks and can usually be found in every city in Canada. I think they even sent Tim's coffee to our troops overseas. @frananifan if we could move Canada to a warm place like Mexico I'd be all for it!

    @Marie-Helene you're from Quebec!!! I'm dying to go there! Especially during la Festival Gastronomie - at which I'm sure the eclairs would be fantastic! A map showing where we're all from would be neat too! Are you and @frananifan getting the snow we are?

    @San I want to see this dress! Hahaha! Yeah true that might be a bit to real of a comment! Then again if a good friend told me that or someone I trusted - I'd take it off so fast and never wear it again your head would spin! You do have a way with words though! :)

    @Clijsters3 Wow enjoy the tournament!

  • #690

    Randy (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 08:32)

    @San Yes, because it would make me laugh (and as a fellow novi I'd know you were being honest), and as in your original sugarcoated comment I'd know you were BSing me, and I'd have to laugh at that too.

    @Clijsters There's so much to see and feel in Jemma scenes. I enjoy searching for them and posting them as reminders of what a wonderfully complex and beautiful relationship this was.

    @Marie-Helene A map is a great idea. What does everyone else think?

  • #691

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 09:52)

    @Clijsters3 Enjoy the tennis. Federer played a blinder against Nadal! I would,ve loved to see that game.

    There is a map on the JI page somewhere, have you all seen it? It's amazing to see the Jemma fans all over the world.I wonder if Kasia and Lucy have seen it.

  • #692

    San (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 10:56)

    Do we want our own map? There are 2 ways to do it. There's a Google Maps element on the admin side that we can use or we can create a Google map and embed it, like JI's. I like the later because it allows for more customization.

  • #693

    frananifan (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 11:00)

    I have begun to obsess a little about an event that could be called a name as glorious as the 'Festival Gastronomie'. I cannot wait for this work day to end so I can explore.

    The temperature is now too warm for snow but cold enough for colorful undergarments such as leggings. Bonjour!

  • #694

    Randy (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 11:14)

    @San Our own customizable map sounds good to me. As always, we can depend on you to know how to do it. Danke!

  • #695

    Wired (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 12:33)

    @San I'm with @Randy and think the customizable map is good. I also would go with your discretion in what you think is easiest since you're the expert!

    @frananifan we're in the negatives now. Just snowpants for us now! Maybe I can get the STAG to help dig out my driveway before I get home, the did a good job with the beach volleyball court...well until their discovery.'s our first snowfall and already I want to visit @San and @Randy for warmer weather. What's it like now for our other members?

  • #696

    San (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 12:38)

    I'm thankful everyone has left work early for the holiday, and I can embed Google maps. Go to About Us and click on the pic. If you have any problems, there's a video link :) Happy Thanksgiving!

  • #697

    hoppe (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 13:12)

    @Wired #708 well, are you really sure to ask them for your driveway? Who knows what they might find??? ;)
    good to read your posts,like the more personal talk... although I wouldn't get any deeper than this on this public space :)
    See you!!! :)

  • #698

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 13:12)

    @San I'm thankful you're here looking after us.

    @Wired We've had it pretty mild so far. Bits of rain. Usually up to 10degrees or so during the day. Hope this lasts a while. Although I was out at the weekend buying a snow snow shovel and a load of salt.

    Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow to everyone who's celebrating it. Do you get a day off work then?

  • #699

    Randy (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 14:23)

    @San Doggone it, San, for me that video raced by as fast as Wile E. Coyote chasing the Road Runner across the desert. :-) Because I'm more of a tortoise when it comes to computer stuff, it will take me awhile to put my spot on the map. Your skills are a wonder to behold.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • #700

    Randy (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 14:40)

    @Kirsty Thanksgiving is a national holiday. State and federal government offices will be closed tomorrow, schools close all this week, banks and businesses close. Some people also get Friday off work. And Friday is a big retail sales day. Stores open at 5 am Friday, and this year some are opening at midnight (that's Thursday into Friday).

  • #701

    Eyelesstrees (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 16:18)

    @Marie-Helene #664

    I wonder what is the aural equivalent of 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'?! It's really funny but the 2 clips you linked are for me two of the worst culprits! I'm suprised most about the 'Nur fir mich' because that isn't a festival piece for Lucy, she played Eponine for months I think?

    For me, on the totally other side of the coin are these:

    This 'Phantom' clip is the evidence that convinces me that Lucy sang the top line in 'Ave Maria.' From what I had heard I didn't think she had that range - I had wondered if Kasia sang the top line and Lucy mimed in the clip. However, from this Lucy absolutely does have the range!

    If I was being picky I'd say Lucy had a really clear set of notes to hit in the 'Phantom' clip; in the second clip she had the score with her. However, having seen lots more evidence I think it is an issue about switching between head and chest and losing concentration. I wonder if this is partly what Lucy is refering to when she says she is working on the directness of her melodies in 'Rebecca.'

    There are lots more clips to see now than when I first looked months ago. Seeing some of these others clips I'm really impressed. As many of you have been saying, I agree that Lucy is a really talented musical actor. I'm also really impressed by her range (how low through to how high she can sing) and the lovely warmth of her voice - particularly in her upper range. Now I would go and see her in something!

    You asked about Pia Douwes. I'd say that Lucy has much more warmth to her voice. Pia has more control and much more power lower in her range. Pia's a lot older and I'm guessing would be an mezzo or even alto soprano now whereas Lucy seems much easier to class as soprano. Their voices should be a really good pairing and that may be why they were cast together?

    @all, hi.

    @Canadians - I love Canada! Have friends there and visit every few years.

    @hoppe, hope the time away from the screen is helping

  • #702

    Marie-Helene (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 20:18)

    @Eyelesstrees The clip I was talking about in my post was the French song "Je suis malade" (not "Nur fir Mich"). In this song, her performance is masterly, I stick to it. But I can see that you enjoy music in a different level than me, much more cerebral I think. And it's great and very interesting to have your insights. About your two clips, I guess the Phantom clip shows that she has a good range but it doesn't sound harmonious to me, I prefer her voice in the second one (and she's so beautiful in that clip).

    About Pia Douwes. What I meant was more to compare her Rebecca's rendition with Susan Rigvava-Dumas. If you want to see someone who has really a powerful and beautiful voice and control over it, listen this woman: But you're probably right about the pairing between Lucy and Pia, they are probably well matched.

    @all I am happy that you like my idea of map, it will be interesting.

    @Wired Quebec City is known above all for its Summer Music Festival and its Winter Carnival in February. It's a beautiful city with a good university (where I work) and a lot of green spaces. We had our first snow this morning and I just looking forward to walking along the St-Lawrence River when the river is frozen and the ice bank up and make strange noise. I will try to post some pictures this weekend. Have a nice day everyone.

  • #703

    San (Wednesday, 23 November 2011 21:51)

    Oh @Randy, I just got into an unexpected staring contest with Jenny. Sure, I blinked first, but I feel like I won something :) Thanks.

  • #704

    Kirsty (Thursday, 24 November 2011 01:31)

    @Randy wow, thanksgiving is a much bigger deal than I'd thought. Also, You are a screenshot master now! Those pictures of Jenny are awesome.( @San was so funny about the staring contest) Can we put in requests?? I seem to remember watching a few clips and wishing a could make screenshots from a couple of instances.. can't recall them just now though, I'm sure they'll come back to me.

    Yesterday was a slow day at work and an article on Rosalie & co directed me to the storyline on Carla and Stella in Verbotene Liebe.... so I spent the afternoon watching clips of them. Different relationship to Jemma, totally different show but two gorgeous actresses. Checkout Mittag1234 channel on YT. Her clips have subtitles, put 3427 in search box and start at that ep. Very addictive.

  • #705

    Wired (Thursday, 24 November 2011 07:08)

    Wow I just check out our map (thank you so much @San!) and it is really neat to see who is where. @Kittykatcop good one with the Tolkien reference - made me giggle. I haven't added mine yet but will hopefully tonight or this weekend.

    @Marie-Helene La Bonhomme!!! I've wanted to see him too! :)

    @Randy great Jenny pics. I'm assuming Emma is next? ;) I see I'm not the only one sucked in by your pictures...(@San #716) LOL!

    @Kirsty I saw that post too on Mel's site. Haven't had time to watch it yet but will do so soon I think!

    @eyelesstrees Hi!!! :)

    @San, @Randy, @frananifan and any other American members: Happy Thanksgiving! Hoping you are enjoying your day off today and relaxing at home, hanging with friends or loved ones, or maybe having a Jemmathon. Cheers!

  • #706

    Kirsty (Thursday, 24 November 2011 08:07)

    @Wired I feel it only fair to point out that if you do get sucked into watched the Verbotene Liebe clips then you will come across the actor who played Michael in HaH. hmm, not keen on him in this either.

  • #707

    Randy (Thursday, 24 November 2011 09:07)

    @San It's OK to blink first. Then you can go back and stare refreshed. If Helen of Troy's face launched a thousand ships, then Jenny's face captured the hearts of multitudes of Jemmaholics. Happy staring!

    @Kirsty Requests are OK. Thanks for "screenshot master" but I'm still bumbling around. San unknowingly set me on this quest, so I'm thankful to her (on this Thanksgiving Day).

    @Wired Uh oh, you're reading my mind. Of course Emma's next. I'm sucked in too. I've become a screenshotaholic!

  • #708

    frananifan (Thursday, 24 November 2011 12:50)

    Thank you JAs. Every day I am grateful for your contributions to this wonderful and positive addiction. But today (Thanksgiving Day) is the day to express it out loud. So it is with a big heart shaped with my fingers, and my 234 ipod playlist playing through the f*cking radio, that I send out my gratHaHtude on a rainbow emmabeam to each one of you.
    :) love

  • #709

    Randy (Thursday, 24 November 2011 13:06)

    @frananifan Danke! And "gratHahtude" is a wonderful word, with a "rainbow emmabeam" back at you.

  • #710

    Kirsty (Thursday, 24 November 2011 14:57)

    @frananifan wow, that scared my dog when I burst out laughing at your post. 'f*cking radio' gets me every time! And graHaHtude :) Right back at you.. Just looked at your pin on the're right beside the Niagra Falls! cool. It kind of looks like it's surrounded by towns, is that right? I always imagined it sort of in a big national park with nothing around it. I don't like waterfalls, they make me dizzy- kind of the feeling you might get, say if you were on a poltergeist ladder! Been to the Victoria Falls but luckily it was in the dry season so not too much water flowing down them!

    Hope everyone had a lovely day.

  • #711

    Eyelesstrees (Thursday, 24 November 2011 16:26)

    @ Americans - Happy Thanksgiving! Like America, got friends there - visit when visitng friends over the border!

    @Marie-Helene, wow, love that clip of Susan Rigvava-Dumas. When I heard the first few bars, because it is so good and clear, I thought it was from the cast recording. Clearly not as you say so and the crowd goes wild at the end! That's a hell of a voice she's got- as you say more power and control. She's got much more of an opera voice do you think? I can see why you thought she would be the bettter Mrs D. I suppose if she wanted the role and it was decided on technical grounds maybe they liked the flatter, almost bleaker, tone of Pia Douwes for Mrs D? I think Pia Douwes was cast really early on this year? I wonder when Lucy auditioned?! Would she have been in Rebecca if HaH had got a 2nd season?

  • #712

    Marie-Helene (Thursday, 24 November 2011 20:56)

    @Eyelesstrees I'm glad you like Susan Rigvava-Dumas. She has an incredible voice. In the Austrian version of Rebecca, she was THE star. And I think she gave depth and warmth to the Mrs Danvers character. I think she interpreted Mrs D. more as a woman who lost the love of her life instead of Pia Douwes who seems to see Mrs Danvers as a crazy woman. Like Hitchcock. But maybe I'm wrong. I will go to Stuttgart next May and I will tell you if my fear is well founded or not.

    @Americans Have a great Thanksgiving!

  • #713

    San (Friday, 25 November 2011 01:34)

    You know the one thing you can do on Thanksgiving that you can't do any other day (except for Christmas I guess)? Effortlessly drive through the vacant streets around major shopping centers, so this is what I do because I won't be going near these places for the next month.

    Now, I'm continuously watching ep 91 :) You know, Emma emmabeams the entire time she's singing "If I Were a Boy"? It absolutely beautiful :) I also like her pensive look (after one of the Bean flashbacks) before she sings "it's a little too late for you to come back..."

    @Randy I try not to be an enabler, but your screenshotaholism is good for everyone :) I love how they seem themed!

    @frananifan I couldn't have thanked everyone better myself. Old holiday songs are playing on my f**king radio for the next few weeks :)

  • #714

    Randy (Friday, 25 November 2011 09:01)

    @San Occasionally enabling can be positive if you see it as encouragement and more enjoyment of Jemma. And you've just given me another theme idea. Danke.

    As for shopping malls, you won't see me there either. Crazy times.

  • #715

    frananifan (Friday, 25 November 2011 13:17)

    @Kirsty You have been to Victoria Falls?! Wow. That's all I can say to that. Niagara Falls USA side is far less impressive than Canadian side. Which is particularly beautiful in late January when the water freezes over at the bottom. Equally gorgeous is the whirlpool area down river. If I stand on the Peace Bridge (south of The Falls) and spit like Jenny into the river, in a hundred years or so it will have traveled over the escarpment, around the whirlpool, in an out of Lake Ontario, down the St. Lawrence River and past Marie-Helene's house! Of course, my spit is far less impressive than Jenny's.

  • #716

    Kirsty (Friday, 25 November 2011 15:08)

    @Frananifan Seriously?? that would take a hundred years? That's a very cool fact! You should just do it, but be sure to apologise afterwards like Jenny.. And the water freezes over at the bottom?? It must get really cold where you are. I am learning all kinds of new things. This weekend I will be researching the Niagara Falls and river that connects it to Quebec :)

    Oh, when I get back from a road trip tomorrow with my Dad to Manchester to the football!! I go at least a couple of times a year but it will just be the second trip for my Dad- it's a late Father's Day present. Not a big road trip I grant you,at least by American/Canadian standards but at about a 7 and a half hour round trip, it's big by UK standards. Will have the f*cking radio on in the car I'm sure.. C'mon the Reds!:)

  • #717

    frananifan (Friday, 25 November 2011 16:09)

    not really sure about the hundred years. I made that part up.
    GO REDS!!!

  • #718

    Eyelesstrees (Friday, 25 November 2011 16:10)

    @Kirsty, read your post. It made me homesick! As we are nearly in December you'll probably get a few rounds of the Cantona version of 'The 12 Days of Christmas!' I know M/cr like the back of my hand so let me know if you need any top tips!

    @San, please can you give me a hand to add my e-mail to the list? ps. right with you about the shopping. I take my bike into the financial district of London on Sunday's - it's like a ghost town!

  • #719

    Eyelesstrees (Friday, 25 November 2011 16:18)

    @all, I've just been posting on AfterEllen about the L Word. I won't bore you about what I wrote but if anyone wants to there is a chance to do some Jemma promotion as I mentioned them in my post! (It's in the article about forgiving IC for killing Dana.) I still can't believe that no production company has picked Jemma up. I still think Sat1 or someone will though if Jemma remain on the radar.......!

  • #720

    San (Friday, 25 November 2011 17:23)

    @Eyelesstrees Contact me through the contact form, and I'll give you the necessary info. I almost commented on the L Word story. Maybe I will now. That was the saddest TV season ever, and I don't recommend watching it straight through in 2 days. I may never recover from that :) Dear IC, your hindsight will never give me back my tears.

  • #721

    Randy (Friday, 25 November 2011 18:20)

    @San New sandbox theme, first two rows. Danke.

  • #722

    San (Friday, 25 November 2011 19:32)

    @Randy Love how you paralleled the two sing-n-peek scenes. Some good cropping as well :)

  • #723

    Wired (Friday, 25 November 2011)

    @Kirsty Have a great time at the game watching Man U! (Is that right?)

  • #724

    Randy (Friday, 25 November 2011 21:21)

    @San Jenny's scenes for Be Mine were difficult to get because of all the flashbacks, but I could have done 10 of that and of If I Were a Boy but decided less is more. I'm glad you like the paralleling; it seemed like an interesting way to do it.

  • #725

    Kirsty (Saturday, 26 November 2011 02:57)

    @Wired thats right! Or Man United really.(there's a reason why we don't say Man U but I didn't expect you to know it :) )

    @eyelesstrees thanks for top tips help. I really just nip down the M6 and straight to OT and away again but if I decide to stay a while I'll ask your advice. Went to see a Corrie v Emmerdale charity game at a pitch right beside City's new stadium last year, it's a cracker- but no soul.

    @frananifan you didn't need to own up, I would've believed you about the hundred years! :)

    @All I'm going to check out this AfterEllen article. Also I try and look at a couple of Jemma clips on the Sat1 website a week. Just so they know we still care about them. ( Jemma that is. Not Sat1..)

  • #726

    frananifan (Saturday, 26 November 2011 10:03)

    It never fails to work. People or circumstances can TRY to ruin my mood or make me miserable but just a few brief minutes of a jemmasode and I still get high! Smiling my way out the door to seize the day. später.

  • #727

    Wired (Saturday, 26 November 2011 17:34)

    @frananifan I absolutely agree! I had a terrible day yesterday - which I just got over today, but @Randy's pictures yesterday made me smile & take a breath. TGFJ! Hope your day was a good one full of Jemmaessence

  • #728

    Randy (Saturday, 26 November 2011 18:12)

    @Wired I'm glad the screenshots continue to make you smile. I'm all for spreading enjoyment, particularly if someone's day sucked. Even I look at them when I need a mood lift.

  • #729

    frananifan (Saturday, 26 November 2011 18:14)

    TGFJ!!...and Randy's pictures? Forget it. I've been sitting in her sandbox for the past ten minutes eating popcorn.

  • #730

    Randy (Saturday, 26 November 2011 18:18)

    @frananifan Move over and pass the popcorn! I'm joining you.

  • #731

    frananifan (Saturday, 26 November 2011 18:27)


  • #732

    Wired (Saturday, 26 November 2011 18:32)

    Hahaha! Would love to join you guys but my tax course is calling. Also I know that really Randy's sandbox is full of quicksand since it sucks you in with all of that Emma and Jenny screencap goodness! I'm wondering what your next theme will be though... :)

  • #733

    San (Saturday, 26 November 2011 18:41)

    I'm going to put the sandbox to the test. This football game just started, and I already want to kill bunnies. Jemma grant me the serenity!

  • #734

    Wired (Saturday, 26 November 2011 19:17)

    Wow that's a test for the sandbox @San! You might need to add some fermented beverage help with getting through the game. ;)

  • #735

    Randy (Saturday, 26 November 2011 19:21)

    @Wired Tax course?!! Getting sucked into Jemma swoonsville is good quicksand. I'm also wondering about the next theme. No decision yet.

    @San Uh oh, the sandbox better pass the test. May Jemma serenity be granted to you, otherwise turn off the football game (please don't throw bunnies at me for that suggestion).

    @frananifan :-) back at you. Now please stop hogging the popcorn!

  • #736

    San (Saturday, 26 November 2011 20:24)

    Don't worry, the sandbox is safe for bunnies. I had to go straight to the Gifosphere.

  • #737

    Libellule (Sunday, 27 November 2011 01:52)

    Thanks World for this sanctuary! (I know, I'm late for Thanksgiving, but official calendars are subjective. ;p)
    I had a very crappy week. So I didn't post during that time cuz I didn't want to bring bad vibes in here, I was too much of a bitterness heap.
    I had my sacred reading of new comments every night regardless, and it helped me going to sleep on a sweet note. @frananifan (#721) said it beautifully, thank you all for the smiles and the generosity. I learn a lot in Room 234. Humanly of course but "technically" also. Like this week, the whole thing about head voice vs chest voice, really interesting. :)

    During tough times, I cling to anything Jemma and my JA status makes me brush little vexation off quite easily (because, you know, when you're -holic, you can switch focus to the one of your (H)a(H)ddiction in a wink), but this week it was more difficult. So sadly walking the streets I found myself thinking: "O Jemma, where art thou?", and at that very moment I saw Timo's ringer. I couldn't help but turned hastily to stare at him (now the guy probably thinks that he's so attractive, he has the power to make random girls look at him in a very stalkative manner :D) and then searched for Luzi. Cuz if there's Timo, there's Luzi. That's a basic equation. So I was expecting to meet her blue goth gaze any minute. And her lovely smile. Alas... just depression all around (the weather and lack of daylight seem to act on everybody, no just me). So I got lost in my thoughts and remembered how well Selina played that part, how mature of an actress despite her young age, and how everyone was so good at their respective role. I miss you, HaH.
    Once home I did my regular websurfing and discovered a new artist through a blog. Well, new to me, that is. And the song instantly brought me back to the future: HaH, season 2. I associated it to Luzi, I was picturing her singing it to Timo, or to a new love interest. Actually I first thought about Jemma, because the chorus would sound good for them too, but then I paid attention to the rest of the lyrics and I had this vision of Luzi (maybe I should apply for the part of the creepy clairvoyant in Berlin ;p). I even thought about Sophie and her sick relationship with Ronnie.
    Or it could be Caro for Hotte, in Marie-Helene scenario, at the beginning of their unexpected love story.

    Lana del Rey - Videogames

  • #738

    Clijsters3 (Sunday, 27 November 2011 04:30)

    Hi Leute! Had a great time at the tennis thanks, was stood about 2 metres away from Federer when he arrived at the O2 so got some great photos. Although I prefer Nadal!

    Just put myself on our map, it's great to see where everyone lives, it makes us seem more real if you know what I mean.

    @Libellule I've heard that song by Lana Del Ray before and it stands out for me because it sounds different to the usual rubbish that is played on the radio. Listening to it I hear it more for Sophie and Ronnie's relationship.

    @Randy your sandbox has special healing powers, wonder if it will help my sprained foot? There's only one way to find out...

  • #739

    Randy (Sunday, 27 November 2011 10:22)

    @Clijsters3 Sprained foot? I hope it wasn't the result of running through the streets listening to "Chasing Cars."

  • #740

    frananifan (Sunday, 27 November 2011 11:39)

    @Libellule You never have to walk the streets like this. If you have trouble finding Jemma or making your own jemmagic, JA will help you. You have always given something positive to us here. If you need a place of love to put something heavy, Rm234 will not turn you away because your vibe needs a tuning. Let us know you are here and we can work with where you are at. Last night there was a small party in Randy's sandbox, while San made a hardcore B-line straight to the gifosphere. No questions asked. No good vibe fee to pay at the door. Now let us explore your visit from Timo....not sure who he wants to be with...becomes the mercy of others...restrictions to accessibility...lost his voice...feels the need to give up and go somewhere else...learning to do tings in a different way. You take it from there.

  • #741

    frananifan (Sunday, 27 November 2011)

    @Marie-Helene Regarding picture #1 in your sandbox: sorry

  • #742

    Randy (Sunday, 27 November 2011 12:16)

    @Libellule As @frananifan said, "Rm234 will not urn you away" when you've had "crappy" times or feel like a "bitterness heap." The supportive JAs in Room 234 will give you a warm 360-degree hug and share the popcorn in the sandboxes and the Jemmagerie. We all need a safe place and caring friends to help us renew ourselves.

  • #743

    Marie-Helene (Sunday, 27 November 2011 12:53)

    @frananifan Why you're sorry my dear? It was really funny, I assure you. I think I will need to add a little smile to my comment then. By the way, I was just wondering if you could attach a little engine to it because I am not sure to last until then... But please don't be sorry :-)

  • #744

    frananifan (Sunday, 27 November 2011 13:12)

    No silly Marie-Helene. I was just being Jenny:)

  • #745

    Marie-Helene (Sunday, 27 November 2011 13:35)

    Ah ok I'm relieved :-) You know, with my clumsy sentences in English, I am always afraid to say something hurtful or inappropriate. Besides, my understanding is not as subtle as I wish. But since I'm part of the Room 234, I have improved a lot.

  • #746

    Libellule (Sunday, 27 November 2011 13:52)

    Thank you all and your 234 warmth, I already feel better! 360 hug back. ;)
    Yesterday I went to the after party in Randy's sandbox, with chocolate (can't stand the smell of popcorn :D) and got completely mesmerized by the last picture of the 5th row (from top). Such a beautiful screenshot. @Randy, what you captured there is pure jem. No wonder we felt so moved by Jemma, we said it felt so real: that gaze full of unconditional love, the little red nose burnt by tears, the after pain, a smile of immense gratitude and the grace of an emmabeam...
    Just blown away, contemplative...
    From an artistic point of view alone, that frame is incredibly powerful. But it also made me think about Lucy's acting. Impressive. So I know she's driven by musicals, but I really hope she'll find another filmed project she deeply cares about because that kind of divine acting moment is more difficult to catch in musicals (I mean for the audience more than for the actor). And because very selfishly, I'd like to see her put the cameras on fire again more than the stage, where I could press pause and replay at my leisure. :)

  • #747

    frananifan (Sunday, 27 November 2011 13:57)

    I will always assume your intentions are the highest and the best. Please don't hold back worrying about a clumsy sentence. alles ist gut

  • #748

    Kirsty (Sunday, 27 November 2011 14:00)

    @Marie-Helene Love the pictures in your sandbox. So your river completely freezes and you can walk on it?? That's pretty amazing. Where were the photos at the bottom taken? I kind of recognise the trees in the first picture, they look kind of like baobab and kokerboom trees in southern africa. They must be related? Love the tree in the last picture, very unusual.

    Have decided German soaps may just be the best in the world- they certainly have the best lesbian characters.I am becoming obsessed with Carla and Stella from Verbotene Liebe. And so am going to start watching that programme again, they had a lesbian couple briefly at the end of 2010- time for another one I reckon and I look forward to it if they're anything like as good as 'Starla... look

  • #749

    Kirsty (Sunday, 27 November 2011 14:05)

    @Clijsters3 Firstly, I passed through your neck of the woods yesterday on my way to Manchester :) Also, I have relations in Chorley, small world! Glad you enjoyed the tennis.

  • #750

    Randy (Sunday, 27 November 2011 14:48)

    @Libellule You've described that scene perfectly. No hug, no touch, no kiss could express what that look conveys.

  • #751

    Marie-Helene (Sunday, 27 November 2011 15:22)

    @Kirsty Actually, before 1900, from January to April, there was a ice bridge between Quebec City and Levis(see the picture in my sandbox). But now,the river doesn't freeze completely, just the sides of it, because it's a very important passage which permits to travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes.

    About the other pictures, they were taken in Madagascar during my thesis fieldwork. The first one is a baobab and the last one is called "Arbre du voyageur" or ravinala. I went there to study the use of traditional law in the community management of forests.

    P.S. I will have a look on VL. It seems interesting, thanks for the link.

  • #752

    Kirsty (Monday, 28 November 2011 01:12)

    @Marie-Helene aah, thanks for clearing that up. Interesting picture of the ice bridge. you've been to Madagascar! That's on my list of Places I'd Like to Visit. Actually, Quebec is too now :)

  • #753

    Clijsters3 (Monday, 28 November 2011 08:52)

    @Kirsty Wow a small world indeed! I might have even passed your relatives in the street:)Sorry about the draw against Newcastle.

    @Randy #752 That's exactly how I sprained my foot, I saw Lucy Scherer's double and ran after her down the street...ok so that's a lie, I don't actually know how I did it, but it's better now.

    @Marie-Helene lovely pictures in your sandbox, such a contrast between the cold and snowy photos and the hot and bright photos.

  • #754

    hoppe (Monday, 28 November 2011 12:03)

    Libelulle #750 Lana del Rey - Videogames - :( can't watch it, again blockd in Germany for copyright reasons. Love your pics of your surrounding!
    about VL - utubeere has spend the last two (?) years with translating parts of Carla + her lovers on mittag1234's channel. But unfortunately mittag's channel is a mess, you can find playlists on utubeere's channel - unfortunately there's a gap in the translations of the Starla storyline atm, but I think CarlaFreak has also uploads (and Alterego in Italian ;)).
    keep it going, all of you! <3

  • #755

    Kirsty (Monday, 28 November 2011 17:07)

    @Hoppe I am currently working my way through the eps on mittag1234's channel from about 3300 on, from Stella just about to get the job at the castle. Yeah, not all the episodes have translations, but hey sometimes you don't need them. Also,other things you don't need...Stella and Charlie !! Just no.
    If you're in touch with utubeere please pass on my thanks :)
    Do you happen to know what Anne Wis is up to these days? And is she gay??

  • #756

    Randy (Monday, 28 November 2011 22:06)

    @all I've posted new sandbox scenes to enjoy.

  • #757

    Clijsters3 (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 03:24)

    @Randy I like your theme for the new pics in your sandbox very much:)

  • #758

    Clijsters3 (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 04:49)

    Ok yesterday I moved my pin on the Jemma map to show more precisely where I live but from a distance it looks like I'm a fish and live in the Irish Sea, I want to assure you I am not a fish, danke.

  • #759

    hoppe (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 07:30)

    about the map - I love it, but I'm a bit hesitant to put my pin onto it, as well you know, I did some special things and also I don't want everyone without having any control over it, to see where exactly I am.
    @Kirsty, will do! :)
    No, Anne Wiss is not gay, as far as I know and I also don't know what she's doing atm, sorry. Maybe again advertisement or modelling? There is also a Carla + Susanne storyline and the first one was Carla + Hanna (Canna), dunno exactly who has translations of the Canna story, but there are some ;)
    @Clijsters: no fish? deffo not??? ;) I had to smile about the idea, that we have some sprites and other non-human beings among us going incognito :)))
    I tell you everyone loves Jemma!

  • #760

    Kykky (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 08:00)

    Hallo gals....I have some dubs....can you help me?

    In your opinion, when we see the birthday's party of JEnny (the day Emma kissed Luzy) do you think that Jenny is 19 or 20?
    I ask this to myself because I suppose she could have lost one year for the drugs problem....

    BTW, Emma is 19, isn't she?

    It is funny but we don't know neither the mouth of their birthday....

    What do you think?

  • #761

    Randy (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 08:17)

    @Clijsters3 Welcome to the sandbox. Your personal photos are very good (I love the sheep). Got more? And yes, you do like Lucy. :-))

  • #762

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 08:31)


  • #763

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 08:34)

    @Randy Love your new pictures. Can't wait to see what themes you come up with next!

    @Clijsters3 Cool sandbox! Haven't seen that first picture of Lucy before, in the red dress in the!

  • #764

    Randy (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 09:02)

    @Kirsty Glad you like the new pictures. In your #717 you asked if requests were OK and I said yes. Do you have a request?

  • #765

    hoppe (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 10:52)

    @Kirsty, Emma can be 18 or 19 as she is in 12th grade (how is written out? twelveth? twelvth? twelth? - it all looks strange ;)). If she came to school with 6 and just went through the classes with any pauses she should be 18. She made her driving license in the early episodes - there is somewhere a screenshot of it flying around where you can see her birthdate on the licence.
    Jenny? hm... 19 - not 20 I think.
    @Clijsters I like also your sheep and the sunset - it's funny, there is a "V" around the sun, or something, absolutely geometrical on both sides.

  • #766

    Wired (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 10:54)

    Hey everyone has been busy! Look at all of the work going on in the sandboxes!

    @Marie-Helene love your pictures...your backyard full of snow reminds me of mine in January - just snow snow snow!

    @Clijsters3 love the pictures of Lucy. She is gorgeous no? Also I love sunset pictures so yay on your sunset one. :) Also I'm pretty sure if you were running after Jenny you probably wouldn't have sprained your foot if you had Emma's magic shoes. That's the secret!

    @Randy...oh you and your screencaps! Evil! Yet so awesome!!! Those two make the cutest couple..major sighing going on in my office...

    @Kirsty I too am quickly finding that international shows have such great storylines and characters! Another thing Jemma did was open up my viewing to international shows in and characters. My local tv is definitely not the same!

    @Libellule I am sorry you had a tough week last week but glad Rm 234 comments and ultimate Jemmenergy made it more palatable. I'm hoping this week is much better for you! Emmabeam your way this week!

    Oh I added myself to the map too! Now to figure out the sandbox this weekend and/or find the time!

  • #767

    Kykky (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 11:36)

    @Hoppe: thank you. It is a little strange.... I don't understand if Emma is still 18 when Hah ends... I mean: yes she is 18 when she has the drive licence. But then? JEnny has already her drive licence at the she is already 18 for sure. And then there is her birthday's party.....but It seem strange to me that with all she has gone through she hasn't lost at least one year of school...I suppose she has been at the hospital and in a clinic ...

  • #768

    Randy (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 12:06)

    @Wired Evil? Yep! But commiserate with me because the evilness exacts a toll on me too. I have to repeatedly suffer :-)) through the Jemma episodes searching for the shots that will cause sighing and swooning and other pleasantly disturbing feelings (flushed face, red ears, wild imaginings). Cold shower time! :-)) Such sweet evil!

  • #769

    Wired (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 13:40)

    @Randy your dedication to the screenshots is comendable. I know you must to choose the BEST cutest picture of two girls in love? The agony! LOL! Cold shower I'm sure! Well you succeeded with inducing the sighing and swooning here! We're partying in your sandbox too so it's all worth it right? :)

  • #770

    Randy (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 14:12)

    @Wired Jemma's always worth it. And I definitely enjoy the agony because I'm already working on the next batch of pictures. :-)

  • #771

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 16:22)

    @Randy have been distracted by 'Starla' as you may have noticed so I haven't sat down and thought properly about my requests..will do though. The only thing in my head at the moment is Jenny's shoulders and arms. Any pic of Jenny in a vest top is good for me :) Or any picture of Jenny touching Emma's hair/moving a stray hair from her face etc.. vielen Dank!

  • #772

    Wired (Tuesday, 29 November 2011 21:31)

    @Kirsty great about Jenny's shoulders and arms in 182 when she sings Survivor? I've always remembered her arms in that song. Also just listening to that reminds me is Caro saying weenus and nownI'm giggling!

  • #773

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 00:48)

    @Wired ....and the weenus-giggle has spread over the pond now! I so love that word (and f*cking radio) whenever I feel crappy either of those words put a wee smile on my face!

    Happy St. Andrews Day to me! (Scottish patron saint) I will be having haggis for my supper tonight- probably haggis lasagne, mmmmm

  • #774

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 05:55)

    @Kirsty Happy St. Andrews day, forgot it was today, haggis lasagne sounds...interesting!

    Glad you like the pics in my soundbox. I finally got round to doing it. It's fun having your own sandbox, hopefully I'll add more to it sooner rather than later.
    @Wired I couldn't believe how easy it was to do the sandbox, but it's pretty straight forward so don't worry about it:) Good advice with the magic shoes, I'll remember next time.

    @Randy do you mean more sheep pics or just more pics in general? and yes I think I love Lucy, is it obvious?! I love Lucy's (or should I say Jenny as she's in character, I never know) dimple in the first picture in your sandbox. I third @Kirsty's and @Wired's request of Jenny's arms.

    @Hoppe you were close it's twelfth, looks a bit funny because the 'fth' are together.

  • #775

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 06:12)

    Just put a YT video of Jemma in my sandbox, think might like it.

  • #776

    frananifan (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 06:37)

    @Kirsty & Wired There is little arm action in my box for you

  • #777

    Wired (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 07:36)

    @frananifan WOW!!! That picture is great...her arms...must stop staring! I don't remember that scene either... Either way, thanks that made my morning! :)

    @Kirsty Happy belated (?) St. Andrew's day! Haggis lasagne...I have not heard of that! Very interesting! Ha also a little weenus goes a long way! (Wait that sounds bad....)

  • #778

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 08:25)

    @Frananifan nice picture, is that the Eiffel Tower on her top?

  • #779

    Randy (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 08:26)

    @Kirsty Happy St. Andrew's Day and enjoy your haggis lasagne. I'm working on your request.

    @frananifan The retirement plan photo and Hotte on Wall Street gave me my first laugh of the day. And I love the tree photos. Danke!

    @Clijsters3 Pictures in general, but more sheep ones would be great too. Are the sheep yours? The Jemma moments video is a pleasant way to start my day.

    @San Thanks for the picture of Heisig's sweater. I like it too.

  • #780

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 08:54)

    @Randy no the sheep aren't mine, I'll try and find some more pics, but they're probably the best ones I have, the others have people on them you see. Have you got a thing about sheep?!! Glad you liked the YT vid.

    @San Hilarious. Nice sweater.

  • #781

    Randy (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 09:02)

    @Clijsters3 I'm not sure what "thing about sheep" you mean :-) but I like to draw animals, and sheep are interesting subjects.

  • #782

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 09:31)

    @Randy you just seemed to mention sheep a lot that's all, I'm only messing:) I've just put a few more pics up in my sandbox.

  • #783

    Randy (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 09:44)

    @Clijsters3 Terrific, more sheep! I sheepishly thank you. :-)) I'm messing you back.

  • #784

    San (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 10:20)

    @Clijsters3 Is that Centre Court? Any court at Wimbledon would be awesome. You're so lucky to be so close to a Grand Slam. Do you go often?Here, we have the Men's Clay Court Championships every April, but it ain't no Grand Slam :) We had a women's tourney way back when where I saw a young Lindsay Davenport lose in the 1st round to (I think) Iva Majoli and Steffi Graf win her 100th singles title. There's also been some Davis Cup ties, Team Tennis, and Men's Master Series Championships that I failed to attend - I'm kinda lazy and cheap that way :) Anyway, great pics, thanks so much for sharing.

  • #785

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 13:35)

    @Frananifan! Thank you for the Jenny picture. love it. I think Lucy may well be physically perfect in every way!

    @Clijsters3 Awesome video. Obviously a lot of work gone into it, I haven't seen one fit the song words as well as that one. thanks,

    Can't remember the name of the actor who played Michael but he was in Verbotene Liebe before HaH and I actually liked him in it!!

  • #786

    frananifan (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 13:48)

    @Kirsty ...wipe your chin honey

  • #787

    Wired (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 13:59)

    Hahaha! @frananifan that's your fault for posting such a great picture of Lucy! (#799)

    @Clijsters & @Randy I was giggling about the sheep thing. Wasn't sure where that was going either... I do like cows pictures of cows sometimes so I wasn't saying anything! :)

    @San I think Heisig's was the only thing that stuck with him the longest.

  • #788

    San (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 14:12)

    @Wired Funny you should say that. I think he wore that sweater during the entire courtship of one Karin Beschenko :)

  • #789

    San (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 14:20)

    @frananifan I don't think that Eiffel Tower tank top could be any tighter. Wow!

  • #790

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 14:42)

    @frananifan ahaha :)

    It seems as though Frederic Heidorn (Ronnie) is going to see Lucy at her 'Rebecca' premiere next week, aaaww.

    Check us out, over 800 posts now- can't wait to see what happens after 1000...

  • #791

    Randy (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 15:04)

    @Wired I'm still feeling sheepish about that :-)) although I can't recall mentioning sheep in any previous posts (Am I having a senior moment?) But I'm glad you've fessed up to liking cows (I mean cow pictures), which I do too. Uh oh, I think we've given our buddy @Clijsters more information to mess with us. Oh well, anything for a laugh.

  • #792

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 15:30)

    Am I imagining things or did someone change the 'write comment' button to 'kommentar schreieben' ??? Or maybe it was just wishful thinking..

  • #793

    San (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 15:42)

    @Kirsty Oh, is "write comment" changing, too? I've been noticing that the days of the week have been going back in forth. Someone could be changing the language for better understanding while logged in.

  • #794

    Randy (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 15:42)

    @Kirsty, @Wired, @Clijsters3 Some arm pictures and one important hand picture are in my sandbox.

  • #795

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 16:01)

    @Randy .......sorry, forgot to breathe there for a minute. Your new pictures are fantastic. It's like Christmas has come early! thank you

  • #796

    hoppe (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 16:03)

    a journey through the big range of Jenny's emotions:
    (although there are again some critical moments in the audio again ;)

    btw. I noticed the language changes too - only Senden now and before Kommentar schreiben ...??? :)

  • #797

    hoppe (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 16:10)

    ups - now it says Kommentar schreiben again ;)
    Jemma are clandestinely taking the language over!!!

  • #798

    hoppe (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 16:10)

    that's real Jemmagic!

  • #799

    Randy (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 16:25)

    @Kirsty You're welcome. There are others that I'll post next week. Don't go breathless for too long. :-))

  • #800

    frananifan (Wednesday, 30 November 2011 21:12)

    I would just like to say that you all have lovely boxes.
    Kittykatcop, I miss your box

  • #801

    Kirsty (Thursday, 01 December 2011 00:48)

    Was just looking at Randy's box again. Really like the picture that shows Jenny beside Emma, well their arms I think, you can see the contrast in their skin tones so well.

  • #802

    Randy (Thursday, 01 December 2011 07:56)

    @Kirsty Although Jenny and Emma have distinctly different skin tones, I had to use the color adjustment tool function to lighten most of the bedroom scenes because they were dimly lit. I'm glad you think the contrast turned out well.

  • #803

    Kirsty (Thursday, 01 December 2011 10:53)

    @Randy ah, I wouldn't have known, looks good :)

    Right!! Who's changed the 'kommentar schreiben' to French now?! :D

  • #804

    Wired (Thursday, 01 December 2011 10:59)

    @Randy *faint*

  • #805

    hoppe (Thursday, 01 December 2011 12:07)

    @Kirsty what? french? here it shows up in german

  • #806

    hoppe (Thursday, 01 December 2011 12:11)

    about the pic where Jenny comes down the stairs there's somewhere a gif of it, someone on L-chat once posted it ;)

  • #807

    Randy (Thursday, 01 December 2011 12:13)

    @Wired Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get ready to faint again because I'll be adding more arm pictures soon. Kirsty's request has fueled my screenshotaholicism. :-)

  • #808

    Wired (Thursday, 01 December 2011 12:33)

    @Randy thanks for the warning! I will make sure I am either sitting down or somewhere where I can spend hours looking at your sandbox before looking.

    @all Hmm this is some sort of Jemmamagic. I have not had the language on my screen change at all. It's stayed in English though I do still miss the old 'kommentar schreiben'

  • #809

    Randy (Thursday, 01 December 2011 13:27)

    @hoppe The scene of Jenny in the Eiffel Tower tank top is in episode 93.

  • #810

    Randy (Thursday, 01 December 2011)

    @all There are five new screenshots in my sandbox. Swoon time!

  • #811

    Kirsty (Thursday, 01 December 2011 14:13)

    @Randy- Man! what are you doing to us!! Good job I heeded your spoiler and sat down before I looked or I'd be on the floor with Wired. :) Cool though. Is the one in the middle from the video where Lucy is teaching dance moves?

    And honestly, I did see the button in French! I forget what it said though-something ecrire. It was in French after I'd clicked onto the page, I scrolled down and read the new posts, then when I scrolled up to the top again it was back to English. What language will be next...?

  • #812

    Randy (Thursday, 01 December 2011 14:22)

    @Kirsty I'm just trying to make our days more pleasant with some eye candy. Remember, you asked for arm pictures. :-) And yes that middle shot is from Lucy teaching dance moves.

  • #813

    Libellule (Friday, 02 December 2011 00:50)

    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick note to say that I miss you all very much but schedule is too caronnic at the moment for me to participate in Rm 234 amazingness. Should be able to return to my Jemmactivities mid next week, though (Jenny dance chick in my head in anticipation of that moment!).

    Wish you all wonderful Jemmadreams full of bare arms.

    Btw, in the last screenshot - 2nd row from top of @Randy's sandbox, when Jenny and Emma embrace each other in the "afterglow", their arms and Jenny's back shape the sign of Infinite. Isn't it the most beautiful symbol for Jemma? :)
    (in case people really have no clue what I'm talking about, or in case my playful jemmagination is making this up, just google images of "abstract infinity symbol" and let me know if you see it too in jemmaskin)

  • #814

    hoppe (Friday, 02 December 2011 06:16)

    @all: can you better say what number the pic has as saying last in the row, because this depends on the width of your screen (you mean 7 of 10 from the second batch, right, Libelulle?) - or Randy could you give your different batches of pics a name, so that it can be described more easily?

  • #815

    hoppe (Friday, 02 December 2011 06:30)

    you can see the symbol if you want to, but for me it's not something where I get an Aha! Oh! moment - because if I see the pic I more feeling the "O" of them holding each other, instead of the horizontal "8" - also because the flow in the "8" wouldn't go all the way through Emma's full arm, but go from Jenny's arm (hand) into Emma's underarm than through Jenny's back and then into Emma's upper arm and then again in Jenny's shoulder+arm.

  • #816

    frananifan (Friday, 02 December 2011 06:55)

    I see the sign Libellule. This symbol is as puissant to me as the sun rising every day It is the image I use to enter meditation, generate and eminate healing, to re-direct when I am going in the wrong direction...intensley personal for me. If tattoos were cool when I was 17 this would be my mark.

  • #817

    hoppe (Friday, 02 December 2011 07:34)

    LOL! now the days are shown in Italian! ;D

  • #818

    hoppe (Friday, 02 December 2011 07:37)

    ...than German and now English again - we're truly and spontaneously international ;)

  • #819

    San (Friday, 02 December 2011 08:54)

    @frananifan Well, I happen to have an infinity tattoo :) It's an infinity sign emitting a blue flame. I wanted a subtle Bunsen burner blue flame but it's more of a hot rod flame. What does infinity mean to me? Forever, imagination, and possibilities. Also, I love calculus and 8s. The blue flame signifies creativity.

    @Libellule I see what you see. It wouldn't have jumped out at me, so thanks for pointing that out. It would be totally awesome if they had manipulated their arms like @hoppe described though :)

  • #820

    frananifan (Friday, 02 December 2011 09:47)

    @San...more awesome than ever.

  • #821

    Randy (Friday, 02 December 2011 12:25)

    @all If anyone is interested, there's a video from the next episode of Glee in which the Troubletones sing the Survivor/I Will Survive mashup. As you know both songs were sung by the STAG. Check out

  • #822

    San (Friday, 02 December 2011 12:41)

    @Randy Niiice! I like how they kept the disco beat through out. Funky arm dancing though :\ Had to watch the Adele Mashup afterwards - much better arm dancing :)

  • #823

    Randy (Friday, 02 December 2011 13:01)

    @San I liked the mashup but thought the dancing with arms flailing was too much, but the partner dancing bit was good. Nothing can compare to the Adele mashup. I still watch it several times daily.

    I really like the look of the Metro train on your map site. Does it go all over Houston?

  • #824

    Randy (Friday, 02 December 2011 13:12)

    @all There's also a video and a region-free link of the Glee mashup on for international fans.

  • #825

    San (Friday, 02 December 2011 13:17)

    @Randy Unfortunately, the train only goes down Main St. for 7 miles. It connects Downtown, Museum District, Rice University, and the Medical Center. It's great, especially if you live/work in these areas. We've been trying to get a route going East-West to connect the major shopping area, business district, and University of Houston, but there hasn't been a consensus about what street to screw-up in the process.

    And, yes, the partner dancing was excellent!

  • #826

    Wired (Friday, 02 December 2011 13:22)

    Sorry I was unable to post as I couldn't reach my keyboard from being flat on my back after seeing Randy's sandbox. I'll have to call @Kirsty next time to help me up! :)

    As always @Randy thanks for your pictures in your sandbox...very nice...very evil. :)

    @Libellule glad you can pop in now again. I'm looking forward to your usual posts though when you can get back to Rm 234 again. Infinity for Jemma does seem to fit too. Neat how you saw that.

    @hoppe You must have some Jemmamagic in you to get the international languages on the screen.

    @San Did you know that many Asians believe the number 8 is also extremely lucky? The word in Chinese for eight sounds like the same words for good fortune and prosperous so it always bodes well if you do have a number eight associated with you. So technically hopefully you have infinite good luck?

    My personal symbol is the ammonite. Anyone else have one?

  • #827

    Randy (Friday, 02 December 2011 13:32)

    @Wired :-) :-)) :-))) I can't stop laughing at the thought of you trying to reach your keyboard from the floor. And don't count on Kirsty to help you up, because she's always so breathless after looking at Jenny's arms! As the song says, girls just want to have fun. :-)

  • #828

    hoppe (Friday, 02 December 2011 15:26)

    @Wired LOL! :) hopefully
    Anyone else have a ammonite or a personal symbol?
    Not sure about the symbols can relate to quite a lot, have some animals and colours. turquois and gold/yellow

  • #829

    Kirsty (Friday, 02 December 2011 15:41)

    @Wired lol maybe we should just stay here on the floor. I bet Randy's gonna hit us with some more pics soon :) Can't wait!

    I liked that Glee mash-up. Don't know about anyone else but I'd be happy just listening to Santana and Mercedes singing together every week. And Brittany and Santana dancing together- aww!

    I don't have a personal symbol, my tattoo is a lion , the one from one of the Scottish flags, which I like to think gives me confidence and strength sometimes. I have thought about getting an ankh done. I know a lot of people have them but I have a great interest in Ancient Egypt and it is my dream to finally go there some day.

  • #830

    frananifan (Friday, 02 December 2011 15:44)

    lots of arms today. you didn't have to twist mine to spend time at work looking at vidoes and screenshots. and the visual of Wired's arm flailing around to reach the keyboard is too much. as are the Troubletones Jiffy Pop Popcorn dresses.

  • #831

    San (Friday, 02 December 2011 15:47)

    @Wired In the past few years I became aware of the Chinese reverence for 8. My last day of work (at a job I had for many years) before moving away for grad school was 8/8/08. I didn't think about it then, but I feel it was a perfect day to start my new beginning. Ammonite is very mathematical as well!

  • #832

    hoppe (Friday, 02 December 2011 16:05)

    grrr - can't watch the onemorelesbianclip again - blocked in Germany :(

  • #833

    Randy (Friday, 02 December 2011 18:15)

    @hoppe If you can log onto there's a link in the column about the mashup for international fans.

  • #834

    Kirsty (Saturday, 03 December 2011 01:23)

    @San and other classical music buffs. Came across this song in a recent clip of VL I was watching and I love it! Can anyone tell me what it is? It's just a little bit at the start of the clip.

  • #835

    Libellule (Saturday, 03 December 2011 01:49)

    @Kirsty #847
    Carmen, from Georges Bizet. ;)

  • #836

    Libellule (Saturday, 03 December 2011 02:31)

    Oh and the title of the aria is "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle".
    You might like better this very famous version by La Callas:

    It sounds "more articulate" than on VL. ;p I mean the lyrical artist on VL (I don't know her name) doesn't seem to really understand what she's singing. There's this extremely famous line in this opera that says "L'amour est enfant de bohême" (= something like "Love is bohemia child". This translation sounds terrible, it's so much more poetic in French... :D It basically says that Love cannot be commanded nor forced) and she doesn't get the last word right.
    And to me, she lacks feelings in what she sings, or let's say she's not expressing the good ones in regards to the lyrics.

    Other La Callas video of same song, so you can see the difference in the face expressions.
    More fierce, isn't it? ;p
    For those who are not moved by opera but have a thing for bare arms, have a look at that last video. It seems like her arms are screwed to her waist during the first half. Very weird. :D And impressive because I don't know how she's able to sing the way she does without gracing the air with her hands at all for that long.

  • #837

    Kirsty (Saturday, 03 December 2011 03:55)

    @Libellule Thank you! The tune has been playing in my head all morning. I will have a look at your videos later on after work. :)

  • #838

    frananifan (Saturday, 03 December 2011 10:34)

    Speaking of music 'in my head'...I usually don't keep the music in my head but rather sing it out...around the house...while driving. I have been experimenting by holding my nose closed. The results are inconclusive. Most songs come from my chest, while other songs are without a doubt head singing. For me, I think it depend on the song.

    I have endured odd looks and dismissing comments for this behavior but for the sake of science I suffer. Anyone else willing to confess to holding their nose while singing just hear the difference? Anyone? Bueller?

  • #839

    Kirsty (Saturday, 03 December 2011 15:51)

    @frananifan ok, firstly, thank goodness I'm not the only one who thinks of that scene in Ferris Bueller whenever I say Anyone? :) Also, I've tried singing and holding my nose as well and I'm not sure what my singing voice is.. It sounds pretty similar with and without my nose being closed except for the odd sound combination so I think that means I've got a chest-voice..I think
    Seeing as we're talking about music, I've just discovered the musical 'The King and I' is coming to Edinburgh over the Christmas period- I'm so there, it's one of my favourite musicals! Loved the original film too- although that might have had a lot to do with Deborah Kerr.. :)

  • #840

    hoppe (Saturday, 03 December 2011 16:56)

    two new shows on yt
    Cristina + Isabell on "Tierra de lobos" - a very dramatic spanish storyline has subbed in english.
    And Judith and Dorka - a hungarian sl (plot is quite similar to another I think israeli (?) storyline)

  • #841

    hoppe (Saturday, 03 December 2011 17:01)

    seems like the actresses of the spanish show are very supportive of their lovestory - here's an interview of the one playing Cristina:

  • #842

    frananifan (Saturday, 03 December 2011 19:08)

    @Kirsty biggest high school crush played Anna in our musical. She had beautiful long red hair and the best smile ever.ever.ever. Definitely a chest voice.
    I've determined that I have a head voice when I sing this- or this-

    and a chest voice when I sing this- (today's personal favorite) or this-
    I've been singing so much today I've lost my voice.

    @Hoppe Encouraging news. I have enjoyed the clips from each of those programs.

  • #843

    San (Saturday, 03 December 2011 23:05)

    @frananifan #851 Nope :) I love to sing this song - - but I have yet to master it. It reeks havoc on my voice, switching from chest to head, and when I think too much about it (maybe subtly holding my nose occasionally), my pitch goes out the window. When I just sing it, I usually do a lot better. It's a tough song, but it would be so fun to be able to sing it perfectly.

    @Libellule and @Kirsty L'amour est enfant de Bohême, y'all :) I love the Habanera, but my favorite aria in Carmen is the Seguidilla "Près des remparts de Séville" - - She's trying to persuade Don Jose to hang out with her at a friend's bar outside of town. She just dumped her last lover, so what's a girl to do? Oh yeah, she's also handcuffed, about to go to prison for stabbing Manuelita (who totally deserved it by the way). If only Don Jose could loosen the cuffs a little and happen to not see her escaping, they'll do some dancing and drinking at her pal Lillas Pastia's tavern - opera gold :)

  • #844

    frananifan (Sunday, 04 December 2011 07:59)

    @Sans TMBGRobin Goldwasser/Maria Callas cocktail with Sunday breakfast. Love.

    Derby and I have a sinister plan for this morning. We are going to walk to the edge of the woods and piss off the deer hunters. I will play my harmonica and he will bark like a crazed idiot. Every dog for miles will join the chorus. We will disturb every living thing with joyous sounds like this and we will be victorious.

  • #845

    Kirsty (Sunday, 04 December 2011 14:01)

    @frananifan your sinister plan sounds good to me, I hope it went well. I saw a young deer today!! It was bounding through the snow in a field beside the track I was driving along. aww, cute. And just had a wee look at our Jemmap- love your new pin.

  • #846

    San (Sunday, 04 December 2011 14:35)

    @frananifan Ah, the Violent Femmes, what many and varied memories they conjure. Saw them live once. I was in the restroom when the first notes of Blister in The Sun were played. All of a sudden panic struck everyone in the ladies room to get the hell out of there. A lot of squealling and "Pull up your pants! Pull up your pants! Let's go!" I'm sure that's the exact reaction of the deer hunters, am I right?

  • #847

    fran ani fan (Sunday, 04 December 2011 15:19)

    LOL!! San Great memories yes-the LAST time I ever moshed publicly and it wasn't without injury. I got a bloody kisser with KISS OFF. I do have a great ladies room story involving pants......but there were church people, it was a hockey game and this isn't the place to tell it.

    Hunters are not welcome onto the property but they can't read the signs very well. Derby and I did not see anybody today. We jammed and danced for a long time. Until he thought he saw a "SQUIRREL!!!!" He yanked me hard, I lost my balance and rolled down a little slope. If laying on the ground laughing/crying/moaning didn't stir up the animals, I'm not sure what would. going to feel this tomorrow for sure. Clearly moshing alone in the woods isn't safe for me either.

    Are you all aware that there is a great new poll up on JI? And I just have no words for the Advent calendar.

  • #848

    Kirsty (Sunday, 04 December 2011 15:28)

    @San @frananifan had a good laug at your stories :)

    Please tell me you guys can see the days/moths/kommentar schrieben etc in FRENCH now! or am I going mad?

  • #849

    hoppe (Sunday, 04 December 2011 20:22)

    well Kirsty, it always changes ;)
    sometimes its's mixed german/english f.e. .... but french I didn't have till yet, only Italian. who knows what comes next? :)

  • #850

    hoppe (Sunday, 04 December 2011 20:23)

    oh, not my time anymore ... should say: what will come next?

  • #851

    Clijsters3 (Monday, 05 December 2011 09:09)

    Phew I'm here. Something very scary happened to me this morning...I couldn't find room234. It kept saying error, I had images of me being locked out forever. Anyway I'm here now.

    @San I've been lucky to go to Wimbledon for the past 8 years, mostly with tickets for Centre Court. That picture in the sandbox is from last year when Serena beat Zvonareva. Because I play for a club we are allocated tickets from the LTA, so I usually get them that way. Davenport was one of my fave players, never got to see her play though.

    @Wired, so you like cows hey? I'll have to have a look through my photo collection!!

    @Randy alas no more sheep pics, but your sandbox pics have been distracting me quite a bit, in a good way:)

    @Kirsty everything's in plain old english with me, no sign of german or any foreign language. i must keep missing it.

  • #852

    Clijsters3 (Monday, 05 December 2011 09:25)

    @Fran thanks for the heads up on the JI poll and new blogs, the advent calendar is amazing, I can't believe how much work and effort they put into it.

  • #853

    Eyelesstrees (Monday, 05 December 2011 18:37)

    Hi all, I found a clip from the Rebecca Preview:

    You'll be able to hear that they've changed the ending of this duet. I'm not surprised as it saves Lucy from the very demanding earlier version which had that really high last note. I'm really impressed that she hits those notes at all in that studio version but it would be really something/madness to try to do that live every night for months on end!

    @Kirsty are you v. excited yet? It looks great. There's a report from Stuttgart TV somewhere on YouTube. In that report you can clearly see the loop mics on Thomas and Pia - they've made hardly any effort to camouflage them! Thomas's is right in the middle of his forehead and Pia's is sticking out of her hair! I think that was just the rehearsal fitting and they'll hide them for the show.

  • #854

    Clijsters3 (Tuesday, 06 December 2011 03:30)

    @Eyelesstrees thanks for the link. It really is a demanding song to sing, I hope Lucy's voice holds up night after night.

    I can't believe how close we are to 1000 posts already, it's crazy!

  • #855

    Clijsters3 (Tuesday, 06 December 2011 03:59)

    @San lol at the pygmy snowman it's kinda cute!

  • #856

    Marie-Helene (Tuesday, 06 December 2011 10:24)

    @Eyelesstrees I don't think this clip is fair for Lucy or Pia. They are in rehearsal, obviously having sound problems,they seem not able to hear each other. I don't understand why someone thought it was a good idea to tape this. But I know you mean well, I don't blame you in any way. I just question the intention behind this recording.

    Yesterday, there were some very mean and crude messages on Kasia's FB related to a picture. Some people don't seem to understand she's an actress. It makes me sad and not too proud to be part of her fandom. I guess it's the dark side of the celebrity.

  • #857

    Eyelesstrees (Tuesday, 06 December 2011 17:38)

    @Marie-Helene, you've made me re-assess! I think maybe rather than them having changed the end perhaps it's just that Lucy misses the last note. It's obviously in her range but it's high in a demanding, if short, piece, to be doing night after night. I guess it's a phrasing that you really have to commit to and if you don't you'll miss it. They'll sort it out in the previews I'm sure.

    I think the clip is from one the 'Preview'/press nights last week.

    @anyone - don't supppose anyone can help me with the last few frames of the 'way too hot for this s**t' gif? I can't work out how to capture just frames. Thanks in anticipation.

    @all is anyone watching s3 of Venice?

    @all - crikey did you see Hilary Clinton's speech to the UN today?! Never thought I'd see the like!

  • #858

    Eyelesstrees (Tuesday, 06 December 2011 17:44)

    @Marie-Helene, further research - here is a comment from under that YouTube clip
    (it was in German and I used Google translate)

    '@ TdvWickedLoveLucy Apparently you're Lucy fan,.) And if you could be objective, you would hear that it was Lucy's final tone that has not voted. Nevertheless, I want to emphasize that this was the first preview, and that two days later, the final tone of both was perfect.
    CuzNothingCanTouchMe 3 hours ago.'

    So, assuming that is right - there we have it!!

  • #859

    San (Tuesday, 06 December 2011 19:14)

    @Eyelesstrees gifs are really just stacked image layers. So if you have already saved the gif to your computer, you should be able to open it in a graphic editor, like Photoshop or GIMP (the free version that I use), and all the images will be a separate layer. Do you want the frames with the text? I can post those if you can't get them.

  • #860

    Marie-Helene (Tuesday, 06 December 2011 21:36)

    @Eyelesstrees Thanks for explaining the context of this clip. I still think there was something wrong with the sound and I assume they were distracted by it. The final was awful for both of them. I am happy to know it's better now. But one way or another, people will compare the Austrian version with this one and I guess they will think the Austrian version with Susan Rigvava-Dumas was superior. Like I think the German version of Wicked (with Lucy) is the ultimate version, the best to date. C'est la vie.

    About Hillary Clinton. I was really impressed,it was brilliant,courageous,moving,inspiring. Wow!

  • #861

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 07 December 2011 01:06)

    @Eyelesstrees Yes, i'm getting excited! Have just listened to the clip then read all the comments about it. I'm sure that was just a one-off glitch, the majority of the song sounded pretty good.

    @all I may have to turn into a lurker for a few weeks, if I manage to get on here at all. Things are getting busy now in my flower shop (phew) and I really shouldn't be distracted by the internet.. I am easily distracted though :)

    @San - why does your new kitchen make you sad??

  • #862

    Clijsters3 (Wednesday, 07 December 2011 08:53)

    @Kirsty it'll be sad not to see you on here, but I'm gald you're busy at work. I can see you doing a Hoppe though, saying you won't be on here and then doing the opposite:) especially if Randy posts some lovely pics in her sandbox.

  • #863

    Kirsty (Wednesday, 07 December 2011 10:23)

    Hmm, didn't last long did I?! Yes, there are plenty of other things I should be doing but I have been drawn back here again :) While roaming around in youtube this afternoon I found this little outtake from Audl,_ Kasia's smile .. :D

    Also, as a little Christmas present, here's some Carla and Stella from VL ,just a wee snippet..

    Right, I'm off again!

  • #864

    Randy (Wednesday, 07 December 2011 13:47)

    @Clijsters3 OK I felt the nudge. I've been busy catching up on neglected course work so haven't had time to search for new sandbox pics. I'll post more next week. Then you, Kirsty, Wired, and anyone else can have a pre-holiday swoon over arms, legs, smiles,etc. :-))

  • #865

    frananifan (Wednesday, 07 December 2011 13:55)

    Crappy day at work? Not anymore! A guy I know with too much money just gave me his noise canceling headphones. First song to randomly play with exquisit sound: Piss kiss/Love Ain't Gonna Let You Down...Second song: Car chasing airplane song/This Gift. I might even dance a little bit. Instant Jemma.

  • #866

    San (Wednesday, 07 December 2011 14:44)

    @Clijsters3 hehe Glad you like the snowpygmy :) The southern part of Texas rarely gets snow. So when there's any level accumulation, we try to make the most of it. Even if we can muster enough for 3-foot tall snowmen or a pile of snowballs. Re: Tennis, I'm a big fan of early rounds and outside courts. I have trouble experiencing moments, so the more matches and closer to the action the better. I can't even imagine what it's like to see a match in Arthur Ashe Stadium at the US Open.

    @Kirsty Please pop in every once in awhile! I've posted my kitchen grievances in my sandbox. I can add new/old comparison photos if anyone has ideas to make it a happier space. Complaining about a fully functioning kitchen is very much a Champagne Problem. But when the champagne is flat, don't you throw the glass against the wall and demand a new bottle? *fake look of confused indignation* :)

    @all We need to start thinking about our Episode Analysis Block Party. JI is about to have the first block translated, 73-77. Since the holidays are about to hit, should we wait for the new year? Any ideas?

    I've been working my way through the early eps, enjoying them very much. I'm up to ep 70 - It's almost Jennytime!!! And watching them all just confirms what a wonderful presence Emma/Kasia is? She and Hotte did a wonderful duet, a German tune, around ep 63 (I don't know ep numbers. Lately, I've been falling asleep bundled in my chair and waking up confused around 1am before stumbling to bed. I do know if you like Karin and hate Michael, don't watch ep 66.)

  • #867

    frananifan (Wednesday, 07 December 2011 15:27)

    @San I'm all for NOT waiting until after the holidays. A block party just might get me through them.

    Perhaps your kitchen needs a large bowl of oranges...definitely a homemade emmabeam inspiring refrigerator magnet(endless possibilities). And you need to have a f*cking radio.

  • #868

    frananifan (Wednesday, 07 December 2011 21:38)

    @All I've included a link to Hilary Clinton's speech to the UN that Eyelesstrees and Marie-Helene were refering to. I found it to be empowering, all encompassing, and 'in your face'.

  • #869

    Libellule (Thursday, 08 December 2011 00:33)

    @San #879
    About your kitchen, is the one on the left your previous one and the one on the right your new one (with a little bit of frananifan touch)?
    If it's the case, I'd suggest to paint the little back wall (where you "currently" have a wonderful poster) a bright color. Which color do you like for decoration? Choose an intense one! ;)
    If you're not too sure about that wall, then what about the part between the counter and the cupboards? It would brighten the area and maybe you'd notice less the "peanut butter blow up" effect on the counter.
    Also if you have to keep the fluorescent, then maybe you could add something to it to make it cozier? Or you could put a nice fancy light tinsel, kinda like the one from your Xmas 2009 pictures, but with very small bulbs, along the walls "cuts" (above the cupboards)?
    And if none of this gets you inspired, what about a little fun in small details like, I don't know, changing the handles? :p

    PS: We can see that the towel, oven mitaines and garbage made the move to the new kitchen. So with these familiar elements, you should feel at ease in your new space in no time. :D
    PPS: Yup, I confirm what people said, sink seems all fine (but it's probably due to the fact that I've never had a double one).
    PPPS: That vanilla vodka apple crisp seems crazy delicious! I drooled over it for 5 good minutes...

  • #870

    Kirsty (Thursday, 08 December 2011 00:46)

    Re.block party..aargh, I'm only on episode 9. Am getting the 3rd set of DVDs fro my Christmas (hopefully. It was on my list..) And I'm planning a day of HaH watching sometime during the holidays. In some ways it's a shame the JI guys have just skipped to the Jenny episodes, there'll be a whole chunk of eps we'll have to just guess what they're saying!

    @San Ok, as someone else who has a dishwasher but refuses to use it, I agree your sink does look slightly shallow but I'm sure that's not too much of a problem. @Libellule and @frananifan had a load of great suggestions that I can't really add to. I think it is just needing a bit of colour. Hopefully you'll grow to like it :)

  • #871

    San (Thursday, 08 December 2011 01:21)

    Thanks guys! Validation, comfort, decorating tips, and a good laugh. It has already made the kitchen more cheerful :) I might bake something yet.

    @Libellule I'll be happy to give you the recipe. I've been trying to perfect the apple pie for years, and I think I'm on the right track with the vanilla vodka apple filling.

    @Kirsty Dishwasher refusers unite! I just put my dishes in there to dry.

    I think the block party can work using jemmasodes and the full episode transcripts.

  • #872

    Marie-Helene (Thursday, 08 December 2011 09:17)

    A great picture of Lucy and Pia in my sandbox...

  • #873

    Randy (Thursday, 08 December 2011 09:30)

    @San I wouldn't even notice the rest of the kitchen with THAT Jemma poster on the wall! :-))

  • #874

    Eyelesstrees (Thursday, 08 December 2011 15:03)

    Hi all, just popping by to say @Kirsty hope you are ok in the weather you've been having up there

  • #875

    hoppe (Thursday, 08 December 2011 15:39)

    I second the idea of painting the back wall in orangish or yellowish colours, San ;) how the hell did you make such a larghe poster from screenshots? seems you have a good connection to Hotte in Vegas + he did some magic! Also love your holiday pics :)
    greetz to everyone... :)

  • #876

    hoppe (Thursday, 08 December 2011 16:02)

    ok - inbetween a little pic of my recent work in my sandbox :)

  • #877

    Eyelesstrees (Thursday, 08 December 2011 16:36)

    @San, sorry for the delay with kitchen help.

    I'm with you about the sink.

    Is there anywhere else for the fridge/freezer to go? Maybe where the poster is if that doesn't lose you an appliance in the bottom right hand corner or a cupboard on the left at the back? Maybe it will go in the cupboard?! I say these things because I've just moved our fridge/freezer into a cupboard under our stairs. We've put a just a small fridge where it was and a table next to that to create more worktop space.

    Good luck. I think having a happy kitchen is essential so I feel your pain!

  • #878

    San (Thursday, 08 December 2011 16:41)

    @Marie-Helene That is a nice picture. Looks like they're having fun.

    @Clijsters3 That topiary in the "Another historic place" is CRAZY cool!

    @hoppe I see so much in that gong. Very interesting. The kitchen poster is mere digital hocus pocus :) Although I should figure out a way to blow them up. There's a jemma image for every room in the house and school. That's a funny thought.

  • #879

    frananifan (Thursday, 08 December 2011 17:45)

    @San ...and a black market...just sayin'

  • #880

    frananifan (Thursday, 08 December 2011 18:10)

    @Marie-Helene This picture is so eye pleasing. Lucy is just so ..........they are both human love. Thats what I see.

    @Eyelesstrees That is a worriesome giant weather swirl that is twisting over Kirsty's head.
    Kirsty??sending you comfort beams.

    @San I bet you have the resources to set up a good ol' fashion slide show on that wall...
    I think I'm coveting your smokin' hot kitchen right now.

  • #881

    frananifan (Thursday, 08 December 2011 20:12)

    @hoppe She is beautiful. Please share more.

  • #882

    San (Thursday, 08 December 2011 22:30)

    @frananifan Why yes, I could probably get that slide show going for the weekend :)

    @Eyelesstrees There is a fridge just sitting outside the apartment next to me. I've been wondering why.

  • #883

    Kirsty (Friday, 09 December 2011 01:10)

    @frananifan @eyelesstrees hey, thank goodness that wind's gone- that was a bit crazy. But it was kind of like the holidays had come early. The schools shut and a lot of businesses told their staff to go home early. I told myself I could leave early too, which was nice of me! Sometimes I'm a good boss to myself :) Luckily I live south of Edinburgh and not north over the Firth of Forth. The bridge over it was closed from about noon until 7pm. There is another bridge about 20 miles further upstream which is always open but the queues were back to Edinburgh- crazy. The Scottish Parliament has passed a bill to build another bridge but I think they got that wrong, a tunnel would be so much better- but probably more expensive..

    @Marie-Helene Love the picture of Pia and Lucy. I love what Lucy is wearing, it looks so good on her.

  • #884

    San (Friday, 09 December 2011 12:06)

    @Kirsty you sound like an awesome boss :)

    Watched Beyoncé's "I Was Here" video. Have any of you seen it or heard the song? It gave me a little kick in the inspiration pants! I don't know if this is international-friendly, but it is the official YT channel.

  • #885

    hoppe (Friday, 09 December 2011 13:19)

    @San LOL Germany is blocking everything because the GEMA wants to get performance fees ;) grrrrr...

  • #886

    San (Friday, 09 December 2011 14:52)

    @hoppe There's a dailymotion version. Does that work?

  • #887

    Kirsty (Friday, 09 December 2011 16:44)

    @San Wow, I think I am a little in love with Beyonce now. Very inspirational song and great video. She seems so down to earth and friendly for such a beautiful, talented lady. Cool.

  • #888

    Clijsters3 (Saturday, 10 December 2011 04:32)

    @Marie-Helena thanks for the picture in your sandbox, good to see a recent photo of Lucy looking very casual!

    @Kirsty the wind was bad enough where I was, so it must have been pretty rough up there. Well done for being such a good boss:)Oh yeah and so much for not being in room234 for a while!

    @San glad you like the topiary, it took me ages to do that! Re: tennis, I prefer being in a show court (if you have a good seat that is) the atmosphere in centre court is fantastic. This year I saw Venus against Date-Krumm (40 years old!) in the 2nd round and it was a brilliant match, all the crowd were behind the underdog and it was great to be a part of it. I'm a fan of the early rounds too, they're usually so much more exciting, espacially if there's an upset.

  • #889

    hoppe (Saturday, 10 December 2011 06:02)

    @Clijsters #901 wait... did YOU cut those bushes like that in the "Another historic place near me" pic???? COOL! ;)
    @Kirsty glad the stormy wheather is over - 10 extra Jemma-jems for being a good boss to yourself;)
    @San thanks for your extra efforts... will look into it on another PC with a newer flashplayer ;)

  • #890

    Definitely-not-Kirsty (Saturday, 10 December 2011 11:56)

    @Clijsters3 you didn't do that topiary did you?? :) And yeay, the wind has gone and been replaced by snow. So glad I had winter tyres fitted to my car on Thursday!

    @hoppe lol- Jemma-jems :)

    Have been feeling the Jemma love recently. Remember I bought that stripy t-shirt dress thing that looked like Jenny's top. Well I cut the bottom of it off so I could have a normal length t-shirt and have been wearing the cut-off part as a scarf/snood type thing. Makes me smile :D

  • #891

    hoppe (Saturday, 10 December 2011 13:19)

    @Definitely-not-Kirsty LOL ;) so who are you definitely? :D the Jemmashion designer? ;)

  • #892

    Definitely-not-Kirsty (Saturday, 10 December 2011 13:53)

    @hoppe :) You're as bad as me, we just can't keep away!

    Have you guys seen the Glee cast singing 'Do they know it's Christmas'? I love this- and not just because Naya's smile lights up a room. Quinn and Rachel are beside each other, Tina gets to sing, even Sue's a bit mushy..awesome.

    shh, I'm not here, you haven't seen me...

  • #893

    San (Saturday, 10 December 2011 14:03)

    @DnK What you did with the shirt/dress sounds awesome! You need to go shopping with me. Everything looks like crap on the racks nowadays. If I could only see the possibilities :)

    @Clijsters3 Do you refer to yourself as a topiartist or sculptor of shrubbery (said like Monty Python, of course). hehe, you make me laugh :)

  • #894

    Clijsters3 (Sunday, 11 December 2011 04:07)

    @San @Kirsty Ok I hold up my hands, the fancy bushes nothing to do with me:) But I bet I could have kept it going, I should have put loads of photos of sculpted hedges in my sandbox, that would have kept you guessing!

    @Kirsty I love that San has now shortened you down to DnK, you're not fooling anyone:) You've got snow? Please don't let it come south.

  • #895

    Kirsty! (Sunday, 11 December 2011 12:17)

    @Clijsters3 Snow's gone! It turned out to be a 24 hour thing- you gotta love British weather eh?

    Couple of Rebecca-related pictures in the bottom of my sandbox..

  • #896

    Randy (Sunday, 11 December 2011 16:47)

    There are 10 new screenshots at the top of my sandbox.

  • #897

    Kirsty (Monday, 12 December 2011 01:40)

    @Randy lächeln!lächeln!lächeln! love your new photos, especially the first one of Jenny from one of my favourite Jemma scenes. They both have so many smiles :D

    JI posted this new trailer for Rebecca on their FB site, looks good..

    Also, there was an awards ceremony in Germany yesterday- Christopher Kohn (Ben) won best actor and Hand Aufs Herz won best telenovela. Of course it did, it was awesome! Feel silly now Sat!??

  • #898

    Clijsters3 (Monday, 12 December 2011 10:04)

    @Randy are you trying to give us all heart failure? Those pics in your! Any close up of Lucy is good in my book:)

    @Kirsty thanks for the info, I didn't know about the awards. They should realise now how stupid they were not to renew HaH, it's still winning awards even though it finished months ago.
    Nice photo of Lucy signing autographs in your sandbox.

  • #899

    Randy (Monday, 12 December 2011 10:55)

    @Kirsty and @Clijsters3 Their smiles really can make anyone's day brighter. As for heart failure, what better way to go? Hmmmm, well I can think of one that can be seen in ep. 197. :-))

    As for Sat1 canceling HaH even though it had won awards and continues to do so, they probably still don't know how stupid that decision was. When corporations can't see beyond short-term profit margins, there's not much chance for quality shows to flourish. It's still not too late to bring it back, but lack of creative thinking by bean counters seems to quash that possibility.

  • #900

    hoppe (Monday, 12 December 2011 11:29)

    wellHaH has an amazing fandom who votes like hell... not sure if there are that much MOREfans but really active and true ones ;) and the internationals voted too, which other series don't have... stupid SAT1!

  • #901

    Eyelesstrees (Monday, 12 December 2011 17:05)

    Fly-by posting from me to alert everyone to a Poll on After Ellen! Spread the word!!

  • #902

    Randy (Monday, 12 December 2011 17:44)

    Jenny and Emma are currently in third place on the After Ellen Cutest Couple Poll. Brittany and Santana are first, Rizzoli and Isles second. Please vote Room 234ers.

  • #903

    San (Monday, 12 December 2011 19:33)

    Re: AE Cute Couple of the Year. I think I presented a good case. Only my post got pushed to page 2 :( I really don't think people understand the word Cute. Really sad. Thanks for the heads-up @Eyelesstrees!

  • #904

    Randy (Monday, 12 December 2011 19:50)

    @San You rock! Terrific sales pitch on AE. :-)

  • #905

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 00:36)

    And considering they are the only actual couple!! Off to vote-thanks for the heads-up

  • #906

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 01:37)

    Done. Ok, just a warning..if you happen to click on the article called 'Pop theory;why Bette and Tina chose each other' and click on the link to their season 5 kiss. Holy crap! I'd forgotten how awesome that kiss was, and how gorgeous Jennifer Beals is. I am in a state of complete uselessness right now :)

  • #907

    Clijsters3 (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 03:50)

    Just voted for Jemma. There's no contest between Jemma and Brittana and I'm not being biased (well maybe just a bit) proper fictional couple versus ??? I don't even know what Brittana are meant to be.

  • #908

    hoppe (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 07:27)

    just voted too - do JI know about it + MeL?
    well they're going to have a hard our Jemma, because there are so many smitten with the Crisabel storyline - very epic, but well, not as CUTE and so well played on a daily basis like Jemma!

  • #909

    hoppe (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 07:29)

    @San thanks for your good comment ;)

  • #910

    frananifan (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 08:18)

    I performed my civic duty...then swung by Pop Theory with my morning coffee. Thanks Kirsty (I see you have come back out of the closet), that was nice to watch while eating my toast.

  • #911

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 10:14)

    I told Amidola about it and she put out a tweet. Not sure if they're going to put something on the JI site.
    @frananifan don't mention it, was my pleasure, I miss Tibette

    Have just been looking up some Crisabel clips on YT, bit meh about it so far, not a patch on Jemma. and I bet they can't sing.

    @San cool AE post.

  • #912

    frananifan (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 10:18)

    I don't like all that face slapping I've seen from Criabel. THAT is not cute.

  • #913

    San (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 10:37)

    That reminds me! I have to queue that Tibette kiss on my new iPod. And... Done :)

  • #914

    Eyelesstrees (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 11:09)

    I don't have facebook but if anyone does maybe we can mobilise Kasia's 6,000 followers

  • #915

    hoppe (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 11:37)

    LOL @Kirsty :D I doubt that Crisabel can sing too! @fran agree!

  • #916

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 13 December 2011 12:26)

    @Eyelesstrees Super idee! I'm on it..

  • #917

    hoppe (Wednesday, 14 December 2011 05:05)

    well....I heard that if you clean your cache + cookies you can vote again, wich I bet a lot of younger peeps do ;)
    I hate all those polls ... AE's Hot onehundred etc. why are we doing this to us deliberately + freely? I mean what do we tell/teach our ourselves + our unconscious with that? Judging and categorizing others and ourselves and only the "hottest" win - where is in this "love"?

  • #918

    hoppe (Wednesday, 14 December 2011 06:13)

    a few more pics in my sandbox ;)

  • #919

    San (Wednesday, 14 December 2011 08:39)

    @hoppe You're right! We should bask in the happiness that we found the one true answer - Jemmavana.

  • #920

    Randy (Wednesday, 14 December 2011 12:41)

    @hoppe #931 Your gong art is beautiful, intriguing, and unique. I hope that summoning up the Cretan snake goddess bestows good karma on you. Thanks for sharing.

  • #921

    Wired (Wednesday, 14 December 2011 14:31)

    Hey All! It seems I was lost but am now found! I was so sucked down into the vortex of my tax course, work and life that I wasn't able to break free to post or even read the comments. Dark days my friends!

    Anyways, I'm back TJ! (Thank Jemma!) I have caught up on comments and everyone's sandbox!

    @San I love those Christmas light pictures and the skeleton that was there too. Vodka apple pie? That sounds and looks awesome! Also the kitchen conundrum I understand. I'm not a fan of galley kitchens either and love to spread out when I cook. I suck at decorating tips but if you had that Jemma pic in real life in your kitchen that might help. Or a giant Emmabeam pic?!

    @Randy Awww love the smiles! Makes me smile! and drool...and melt with their cuteness...well you get the picture. :) Thanks!

    @Kirsty though you're not really here but you're here but not really - glad you made it through the wind and snow and still popping in...or not. ;) Also you are super connected! You have the word out on that poll to everyone! Awesome!

    @hoppe those gongs in your sandbox are amazing. I never would have thought the images would have come out the way they did. It's mesmerizing and wonderful. Thanks for posting those!

  • #922

    frananifan (Wednesday, 14 December 2011 16:56)

    Really missed you Wired. Glad you are back!

  • #923

    Wired (Wednesday, 14 December 2011 18:54)

    Thanks Frananifan! Glad I'm back! I've missed you guys!

  • #924

    hoppe (Thursday, 15 December 2011 06:55)

    Hi Wired, glad you're back too - hope that Libelulle + Kittykatcop will come back too ;)
    @San I like your idea behind your necklace - lovely jewelry. I just found it per chance, because I had to show the woman I'm creating for atm your wordclouds ;) thanks for the help!!! :)
    It's funny how you can talk on the phone and at the same time discuss images on the net together. A very helpful additional gift to spontaneous brainstorming given by the web :D

  • #925

    hoppe (Thursday, 15 December 2011 07:09)

    oh, and btw thanks for your comments on the pics in my sandbox... it's good and so important to get feedback. I'm glad you like them @Wired and Randy :)

  • #926

    San (Thursday, 15 December 2011 09:05)

    @Wired Hey! Glad you're back :) So you like ol' Skelly (or maybe I should rename him to Franciska Lohmann) He's a year-round feature on the bookcase. I'll just go ahead and post the vanilla vodka apple recipe for anyone with the urge to cook. You know, vanilla vodka makes an excellent substitute for vanilla extract - well, that's my hypothesis anyway :) The kitchen is feeling better. I have this 16x20in canvas that I'm wondering what I could paint on it for the Jemma wall.

    @hoppe Are you going to make some word clouds? I think they're a wonderful way to visualize language. Those I made at It's a Java applet, so it requires the latest plug-in. I can't get it to work on my work computer right now :(

    I found this yesterday - a visualization of Bach's Cello Suite No.1 Prelude. It made me want to get out the cello and play it. I'm afraid it will sound pretty dreadful, but it'll be fun.

  • #927

    Wired (Thursday, 15 December 2011 13:15)

    @San hahaha Franciska! That's a good one! Love it! Can't wait for the recipe. Also I guess I'll have to find something else to do with vanilla vodka if I use only a bit in the recipe.... :)

    @hoppe & @san those word coulds are neat. I saw my last one on Parks & Recs and when I saw it I was thinking "I know what that is only with Rm 234 words on it thanks to San!!!" I felt very in touch with technology at that point! Anyways, I love the visualization of the words one uses all of the time.

    @all hey I'm in for the Jemma Block Party too anytime now. Especially over the holidays or into the new year. After the drought on tv for lesbian couples or lead up but lack thereof (Brittana I'm looking at you)...I'd love to revisit Jemma again and discuss. I'll bring the Tims!

  • #928

    Kirsty (Thursday, 15 December 2011 14:18)

    @Wired Hey, glad you're back too. Yeay! Tax course doesn't sound any kind of fun at all!

    @San have just watched the Bach visualization. I found it very pleasing to watch, almost mesmerising too. And I liked the tune. I never think I like classical music but I guess I never really listen to it much- thank you for getting me to listen to some! :)

    @all, this is just a fun clip. I always know it's the festive season when the Coca-Cola advert with the big truck comes on tv. But Scotland is one of the few countries in the world where our most popular fizzy drink isn't Coke- it's a Scottish drink called Irn-Bru. And a few years ago they made an Christmas advert too, based on the animated film'The Snowman' and it shows the Snowman flying around Scotland with a twist (Irn-Bru always do fun ads) I love it.... :)

  • #929

    San (Thursday, 15 December 2011 16:44)

    @Kirsty Yeah, I was mesmerized by it about the same time you were. Like any kind of music, classical takes a bit of a reason to listen to it to build an appreciation. I still listen to more things that I've actually played than things that I have no connection to. I always visualized that piece as a babbling brook, so it would be neat to see the lines more fluidly connected as if it was a morphing water droplet or something. Actually, the first 2 bars of it is quite easy to play. If anyone wanted to play the cello, I would show them how to play those first 16 notes. The beauty is very empowering. It's always the first notes I play. Oh, dude, that snowman really wanted the Irn-Bru! It always helps to be the one who can fly :) What does Irn-Bru taste like?

    @Wired I posted the recipe under the holiday pics. Tell me how it turns out and what you do with the extra vodka ;)

  • #930

    hoppe (Thursday, 15 December 2011 17:44)

    love me some Bach ;) ... hope i can watch it one day...
    if you are interested in thevisualization of rhythm and thoughts about music/colours/vibration and want to see an amazing woman I recommend to watch "Touch the sound" from Thomas Riedelsheimer - it's on youtube as well. It's one of the very few DVDs I've got. It's about an international wellknown musician: Evelyn Glennie, who got/went(??) deaf as a teenager and started playing drums and the cylophone. It's a very beautiful reportage. After seeing it in the cinema, I could hear the sound of colours for a short time...
    Maybe Kirsty has heard of her - she‘s from Scotland as far as I know.

  • #931

    Kirsty (Friday, 16 December 2011 01:41)

    @hoppe you're right, she is Scottish and I think she's amazing, I must look for your recommendation on youtube,thanks

    @San hmm, Irn Bru is kind of fruity with a sort if netallic taste (iron-y..) souynds weird but it's nice. I must have a look at your recipe, I'm in the baking mood- iced my christmas cake last weekend and on wednesday night I made mince pies mmmm

  • #932

    Wired (Friday, 16 December 2011 13:09)

    Great! Thanks @San! I can't wait to try out the recipe...also will report on my attempts to make use of the leftover vodka! ;)

    @Hoppe and @Kirsty - wow will have to check out Evelyn Glennie her story sounds interesting!

    @Kirsty Hey! I finished making tortieres last week! I think they are in relation to mince pies as they are a kind of Acadian meat pie - just without the fruit in it. I'm on to gingerbread next week but might be sidetracked by San's recipe. :)

    Also tax course = definitely not fun. Good news is that I'm not paying them....

  • #933

    Kirsty (Friday, 16 December 2011 13:16)

    @Wired ooh, gingerbread, that's a good idea.. Wait a minute, do you not have Christmastime mince pies over the pond? There's no meat in them, they're a sweet pie. Filled with mincemeat which is just mixed dried fruit and spices and some other stuff. And dusted with icing sugar.

  • #934

    San (Friday, 16 December 2011 14:15)

    I'm not sure how to start a Jemma Block Party, but I think it should start sometime soon :)

    @Kirsty and @Wired Bake, Be Merry, and Get Snockered! A vanilla vodka and Irn Bru cocktail might not be that bad :)

  • #935

    Kirsty (Friday, 16 December 2011 16:31)

    @San Actually a popular drink here in bars etc is vodka and coke or vodka and irn bru. I very rarely drink but if I do, then that's what I have. I had one last summer I think...

    Argh, I don't have the latest box set yet, hopefully I will in just over a week's time :)I didn't want to start on the Jenny eps until I'd seen the previous ones but I don't think I'll be able to do that in time so roll on the block party. Maybe we should wait until after Christmas, say the 27th/28th etc We're missing a few people here just now, maybe they'll be around more after Christmas?

  • #936

    frananifan (Friday, 16 December 2011 22:15)

    Hmmm…Jemma Block Party…come on people let’s brain storm...we already have a good start on the refreshments.

    Enjoyed all of the links.
    @hoppe Touch the Sound is very interesting. Music and voice induce more emotion for me than visuals will. From an injury I have lost some hearing. Someone recently gave me a pair of noise canceling headphones. Hearing both the clean music and the silence between the pieces of music is personal again. ‘…hearing is a form of touch.’ I onced needed to charm my way out of a situation in a gallery because seeing the piece wasn’t enough…I needed to touch it with my fingers. Artists frown upon this sort of thing ;)

    @Kirsty I’m expecting mine on Monday!! They have taken to get here. I was excited yesterday when a package came from the Ukraine. I figured it took a detour or something. But, it was some other item of no interest to me.

    5-4 Sabres. Take that Toronto! (blow leafs blow)

  • #937

    San (Sunday, 18 December 2011 12:28)

    They played Celebrations at the party I went to last night. I tried to do that arch backward around-the-world arm motion like the gals in STAG do. Not sure I pulled it off.

    Ok, let's just the say the Jemma Block Party has begun. We can take a couple days to watch 73-78 a few times and start throwing out insights. I'm really enjoying the foreshadowing hinty stuff the writers did in these episodes :)

  • #938

    Randy (Sunday, 18 December 2011 14:16)

    @all A short blurb in Parade Magazine notes that the word "jeggings" was added to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary in 2011. Maybe we should send them other Jemma Word Project entries.

  • #939

    Randy (Sunday, 18 December 2011 17:39)

    @all The first 10 screenshots in my sandbox show the new theme "so happy together."

  • #940

    San (Sunday, 18 December 2011 20:27)

    @Randy That's some awesome together happiness. It's my favorite one yet :) I would love emmabeam to make it into every dictionary - complete with picture.

  • #941

    Randy (Sunday, 18 December 2011 22:26)

    @San The smiles, the eye contact, the joy of Emma/Kasia and Jenny/Lucy are awesome displays of happiness together. I'm glad you like it so much. As for adding emmabeam to every dictionary, maybe that's something to explore. :-)

  • #942

    frananifan (Monday, 19 December 2011 07:49)

    @Randy and San Thank you for the mood enhancers. Coffee, scones, happy-shots and San Tanzen visuals...a fine way to start the day:)

  • #943

    Clijsters3 (Monday, 19 December 2011 08:22)

    @Randy Love the new theme in your sandbox. Numbers 5,6 and 8 stand out the most for me. Mainly because of how Emma is looking at Jenny with so much affection, Emma's red ear(how cute)and the huge grins they have. Although after saying that I've just had another look and they all stand out. It's so difficult to choose a fav picture, I think any screenshot of Jemma would be gorgeous.

  • #944

    Randy (Monday, 19 December 2011 09:35)

    @San #953 Check out It's a dictionary of slang that anyone can contribute to online. The guy who created it also has a published print version of the dictionary.

    @frananifan and @Clijsters3 I'm pleased that the Jemma pics make your day better. We all need "mood enhancers," and Emma and Jenny are the best.

  • #945

    Randy (Monday, 19 December 2011 12:06)

    @all On the AfterEllen website theres a wonderful tribute to Jemma. See Trish Bendix's column dated December 16, the Comments section, and look for the post titled Jemma = cuteness by Zeitgeist. Yay for Jemmaholics everywhere!

  • #946

    Wired (Monday, 19 December 2011 12:44)

    @Randy hurrah! More screen caps! I'm with @clijsters3 I can't pick a favorite one! I love the intense eyes they give each other. Their chemistry was great!

    Ok we're on for the block party! Umm.. At the risk of sounding type A but is there a day to start discussing or we just go? (sheepish smile )

    Emmabeam should be everywhere!

  • #947

    San (Monday, 19 December 2011 12:59)

    @Wired I say watch 'em and go :) My Type-B personality doesn't mind either way as long as I don't have to pick the day.

    @Randy That was a very enjoyable AE post. Loved it!

  • #948

    Clijsters3 (Tuesday, 20 December 2011 09:38)

    @Wired I've not said it yet so I'll say it now, it's good to see your posts again, they always put a smile on my face:)

    @Randy I saw that post on AE yesterday and it is fab! If that doesn't make people vote Jemma I don't know what will!

  • #949

    San (Tuesday, 20 December 2011 14:47)

    It's so cold in my office that I'm wearing two hoodies (hoods up) and convertible mittens wishing for a Magic Jemma Blanket right about now. HELP!!! before I start a fire in my waste basket.

  • #950

    Randy (Tuesday, 20 December 2011 16:08)

    @San If you had a Magic Jemma Blanket and could do what Emma and Jenny did while sharing the blanket, you'd forget about a fire in your waste basket . . . the fire would be somewhere else and you definitely wouldn't be cold. :-))

  • #951

    frananifan (Tuesday, 20 December 2011 18:00)

    Right Randy, it worked for Emma.
    Now start dancing San! Do it! Now! Keep moving STAG style. I actually live NEAR the Tundra so I get that 2 hoodies/hoods up thing. Put one of them on backwards. really. go ahead, try it.

  • #952

    San (Tuesday, 20 December 2011 22:16)

    @Randy and @frananifan Sadly, I would've gotten more work done if I spent the day making-out under a blanket or dancing around the room. Hey wait a second, Fran... I'm sitting here with a backward hoodie and thinking you're just using your Northern wiles to pull one over on a susceptible Southerner :) BTW, it's hard to see with both hoods up but not impossible.

  • #953

    Randy (Tuesday, 20 December 2011 22:52)

    @all There are five new screen shots in my sandbox. The theme is prelude to a kiss.

  • #954

    Wired (Wednesday, 21 December 2011)

    @Clijsters3 thank you for your post! Glad I can make you smile though I've got Emma's red ears now...gosh...

    @San hopefully today you are able to warm up (and I'm wondering how you did see through two hoods up....backwards) but if you need to get warm and don't have a Jemma blanket try looking at Randy's sandbox. The new screen shots must help a little!?! I'm getting warm....and fuzzy... Or try a stare off with Jenny again, that also is sure to throw some sparks to start a small fire in the office. No? Otherwise I like @frananifan's suggestion and dance like mad to I Will Survive.

  • #955

    hoppe (Wednesday, 21 December 2011 13:01)

    oh, poor San! how is that happening? a sudden fall of temperature? ... hm... don't forget a hot-water bottle. Sending lots of warm Jemma-love over the big pond! dance your Jenny-chair-dance - and show us the pictures afterwards, wondering how a 'Jenny-dance works with normal daily life work ;)

  • #956

    San (Thursday, 22 December 2011 11:15)

    Thanks for the warmth, everyone! The AC was on super cold the other day, but has since been adjusted.

    Okay, I've watched 73-78 a few times now. I find Jenny's perceptiveness very intriguing. I like the scene with Ben in 75. She's like, who's the girl? Yeah, I know how it goes. We're going to eat ice cream. It always helps me.

    First, just how much girl problems has Jenny had in the past? Interesting.

    Second, Jenny apparently uses food as a first remedy for love-sickness (not drugs). Going by 138, the order of her remedies are: Food (pizza, ice cream), dancing alone, dancing with people, drinking, and meaningless sex. I guess drugs are further down the line, which explains why she didn't really identify as a junkie. Her comment on English food (gross exaggeration of course - what they were eating didn't look particularly appetizing either) might explain why she went straight to drugs in London. (merely, jumping to known conclusions)

    I also like how she's scoping out her options at school. What group to join, who to trust, her perceptive judge of character. I like how she picks up on clues, which continues to support my vision of Jemma Detective series (seasonal mini-series would be exceptable as well).

  • #957

    Randy (Thursday, 22 December 2011 14:06)

    @San The block party has begun. I've watched only episodes 73-76, and what jumps out at me is that Emma and Jenny were checking out each other almost from the start. Both were friendly to each other, and whenever one of them walked away from the other their looks lingered longer than necessary. We know from later episodes and discussions we've had previously that Emma didn't have a clue that she was attracted to Jenny, but I think Jenny sensed early on that Emma was gay. Jenny's perceptiveness was discussed in the original room 234 postings (I remember writing about it then). I think her years as a child star, interacting with all types of people, developed her perceptiveness at an early age.

    And while Jenny's "scoping out her options at school," she recognizes that Caro is a bitch and can't be trusted, but she's willing to see what benefit she can get from being friendly to Caro, at least until she settles into the school routine and makes better friends. Jenny's perceptive, but not judgmental, and she uses that to make life easier for herself.

  • #958

    frananifan (Thursday, 22 December 2011 18:09)

    YAY! My DVDs came today.
    BOO! I was so excited and distracted that I over cooked dinner.
    YAY! I really don't care.
    BOO! My wife cares and she doesn't seem too happy about what I will be doing for the rest of the evening........

  • #959

    frananifan (Friday, 23 December 2011 08:33)

    Several back to back episodes of comfort before bed :)
    Vanilla Vodka Apple on ice cream for breakfast :) Because. I. Can.
    (and I have plans to go to the rink this morning and skate it off)

    " just as free as my hair..."

  • #960

    Clijsters3 (Friday, 23 December 2011 11:00)

    Nice to see the analysis of HaH scenes are back. It's so interesting to read everyone's thoughts because they're usually things I've not noticed.

    @Wired Sorry to make you emmaroten but I had to say it!

    @San hopefully you've finished/nearly finished work and are all warm and snug.

    @Randy Great screenshots once again. Just when I think you might be running out of shots Whabam! here come some more!

    Anyway I'm just popping on to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope you have a wonderful time with family and loved ones and I'll hopefully see you soon.

  • #961

    Randy (Friday, 23 December 2011 12:12)

    @Clijsters3 Sometimes I think I'm running out of shots to choose, but then a scene pops up that sparks a new theme. There'll be more next week.

    Happy Holidays everyone!

  • #962

    San (Friday, 23 December 2011 14:08)

    Happy Festivus! Off work today, so obviously, I took the time to sleep till 11am under my warm blankets. Now, after 8 cups of very strong coffee and delicious waffles topped with apple sauce and dried cranberries (Craisins to be specific), I'm ready to chill to my holiday playlist and bask in the @Randy screenshots.

    @frananifan VVA on ice cream, GOOD IDEA!!! Ep 71 - Emma sings If I Were a Boy! A prelude to Jenny's arrival perhaps? It's quite enjoyable.

  • #963

    Randy (Friday, 23 December 2011 15:23)

    @San Have you seen AfterEllen, December 21, The secret Santa tapes: Santana sings "Santa Baby"? If you ignore the guys in it and concentrate on Naya Rivera (difficult not to), it's enjoyable. :-)

  • #964

    frananifan (Friday, 23 December 2011 18:13)

    @Randy One of my favorite words 'bardo' refers to the state in between. Between life and death...between birth and re-birth...the point between an inhale and an exhale. I look at your most recent collection and I see the intermediate state between 'you are everything that there is' and 'there is nothing else but you'...sigh:)

    @San the VVA/ice cream was heavenly. I weighed it against a bowl of fruity cereal with milk and I came out a huge winner.

    @Clijsters3 Thank you for the warm wishes. Very merry wishes to you as well.

    After some skating...and a nice nap...I played Bananagrams (word game with letter tiles). When the biochemist in the group used the word 'prokaryote', and another smarty pants threw down 'prehensile', I went straight for my laptop, scrolled down to the reference for backup and laid down 'jimples' and 'weenus'. Another win for me as far as I'm concerned.

  • #965

    Randy (Saturday, 24 December 2011 08:52)

    @frananifan Beautifully said about the in between moment. That moment can sometimes be more alluring than the kiss, just as a clothed body can oftentimes be more sensual than a nude one.

    I'll bet the "smarty pants" were confused by "jimples" and "weenus." Jemma Jictionary to the rescue!

  • #966

    Libellule (Saturday, 24 December 2011 12:58)

    Hi all,

    Before Jemmaggedon #2 hits Rm234 again (to celebrate a new year full of love), I wanted to let you know that I haven't left the ship (actually I hang onto it really really tight even though you can't see it), I'm still here, having my sacred daily read (and dose) of...YOU. :)
    It's been a caronnie town time for me lately, and I've been too overwhelmed while trying to find my way out for a more peaceful place to keep fully participating in our sessions. But even at a distance, rest assured that I always follow the conversation. ;)
    So before I leave for the next 2 weeks and medidate my way to jemmavana for the new year, I wanted to wish you all the best in this time of the year. For those who celebrate Christmas, Jemmerry Christmas and for those who don't, Jemmerry weekend!
    And as I probably won't be connected (web-wise, not spiritually :D) for the next 15 days, I wish you a very happy STAG celebration for the new year. Wherever you are, I'll raise my glass to kill the strawberries with you and emmabeam to the world on that day! :)

    @San, thank you for the recipe, I'll bring it with me and will try it there. I hope I won't mess it up and it will be as yummy as it looks on your picture. :D
    @Randy, thank you for your jemmalicious screenshots. :)
    @hoppe, thank you for sharing the golden gong. I can see the dragonfly and it's vibrant! Beautiful peace of art. :)

  • #967

    San (Saturday, 24 December 2011 17:03)

    @libellule You can't mess up that recipe. It's always delicious :) Have a great holiday!

  • #968

    Wired (Saturday, 24 December 2011 19:22)

    Merry Christmas everyone or happy holidays or as @Libellule said happy weekend!!!

    @Frananifan great idea for the apples, I am still waiting to make mine but can't wait. Using weenus in any word game is a win for me I think! Priceless!

    @San yummy waffles! Though I go all out usually and have them with strawberries and whipped cream. Yum!

    @Randy & @frananifan I agree that moment of anticipation, the is intoxicating in itself. The waiting sometimes is the sweetest moment. Those screencaps capture that so well.

    To everyone who posts and who lurks, checks in and just hangs out, have a great couple of days. Enjoy food, drink, friends and family! Everyone here from across the pond and otherwise I wish you the best!


  • #969

    hoppe (Sunday, 25 December 2011 07:32)

    Merry Christmas to everyone! ;) Some greetz in my sandbox.
    Unfortunately I have to get my work ready to be printed after Christmas... so still not much time to discuss Jemma :(

  • #970

    Randy (Sunday, 25 December 2011 10:24)

    @hoppe Danke for the colorful, fun, creative Christmas cards. You have a wonderful imagination.

    @Wired Well said about the "sweetest moment." Without it the fulfillment of the kiss wouldn't be as breathtaking.

  • #971

    San (Sunday, 25 December 2011 13:08)

    Well, Santa has blessed me with the gift of No Hot Water. He's a real swell guy. *sigh* It's times like this that make living near family worth it.

    @hoppe Thanks for sharing the cards! I love image 2 with the snowman.

    @Randy #970 Yeah, it's pretty clear Jenny does not want to be there, and she's looking for anything to turn the experience to her advantage. Caro clearly has the connections while Emma has the adorable cuteness :) Sadly, Cute does not get you 15 points (it actually got her 0 points). Also, even in the later eps Jenny's copying homework, but Jenny's academic ambitions is an entirely different discussion. RE #976: Yes, I saw it, and I couldn't get past the guys and the WTF does this have to do with anything :/ At least we know why it was cut.

    @Wired As long as it's not syrup (too sweet). Most things on waffles and pancakes are delicious. Strawberries and whipped cream come a close second.

    @all Happy Holidays! Methinks that Jemmageddon 2 could hit on New Years (ha! Y2K comment-wise). Maybe I should ready the new room and stock up on water and duct tape before then :)

  • #972

    Randy (Sunday, 25 December 2011 15:31)

    @San You're having a rough time with freezing in the office and now no hot water (of course, if Santa were a woman she wouldn't do that to you). :-)

    The Jemmageddon 2 might hit before the New Year as there are only 14 more comments left. Preparation might be a smart move. Get out the survival gear, including " I Will Survive"/"Survivor."

  • #973

    Randy (Sunday, 25 December 2011 15:34)

    @Randy Ooops! That should be 15, not 14. But now there are only 14. :-))

  • #974

    Kirsty (Monday, 26 December 2011 06:26)

    @All Hey everyone! Had a crazy week at work and have been staying with my parents since Thursday, only just found time to get back on here :D
    Hope everyone had a great Christmas. I got the 3rd box set!! Yeay! Am unsure whether to try and get through the other 2 sets first quickly (will have to head home to get them) or just to jump right into the Jemma episodes...
    I see we are edging ever closer to 1000, wonder what's going to happen.

  • #975

    Randy (Monday, 26 December 2011 09:56)

    @Kirsty My English neighbor gave me a package of McVitie's milk chocolate Digestive biscuits and a box of 6 mince pies for Christmas. Now I'll have to visit the British food shop to buy some Bird's custard powder to make custard to pour over the pies. I remember eating mincemeat tarts growing up in Australia, but not pies. This brought back memories of my mother making Christmas pudding every year and the thrill we kids got when we found sixpences and threepences inside the pudding. Do they put coins in the pudding in Scotland?

  • #976

    Kirsty (Monday, 26 December 2011 11:37)

    @Randy :) Some people do put coins in the pudding still, if they make them. I'm afraid we just buy ours. We make our own Christmas cake though and you get to make a wish when you still it. So what does everyone usually have for Christmas dinner then? We had prawn cocktail, turkey with Brussel sprouts, carrots, parsnip and roast potatoes. Then a choice of christmas pudding or trifle or the strawberry jelly with banana slices in that we have to make for my Grandad. mmm

  • #977

    San (Monday, 26 December 2011 11:39)

    @Kirsty Hope you're able to relax now! While the early eps are very entertaining, especially the STAG musical numbers. You don't really miss anything for the Jemma eps - just a lot of people making bad decisions :) I enjoyed the early eps on Box 3 before Jenny arrived, but once she did... Well, they got a lot better :)

  • #978

    Randy (Monday, 26 December 2011 12:17)

    @Kirsty Trifle! Yummy. I used to make a good one but haven't made it for many years. As for jelly with banana slices, I'd rather have the banana slices with hot custard over them, which was one of my favorite desserts as a kid. Memories, memories, memories.

  • #979

    San (Monday, 26 December 2011 13:25)

    @Kirsty Your Christmas dinner sounds slightly more elaborate than mine. Well, for Christmas Eve we had chili, a family recipe that involves opening many cans into one pot with ground beef, peppers, and onions. It pairs nicely with an excellent Texas beer :) For Christmas, we had BBQ chicken breast with roasted sweet potatoes (or yams? I don't know the difference), Stove Top stuffing, and apple pie for dessert.

    I made another room for our next 1000. Hopefully the transition will be seamless.

  • #980

    hoppe (Monday, 26 December 2011 13:25)

    did someone read the latest comments on the poll? there are some who felt that Jenny's kissing felt a bit fake... well I would've loved them to kiss like in the sofa scene all the time ;),4#comment-1530591

  • #981

    Randy (Monday, 26 December 2011 14:13)

    @San Thank you for getting ahead of the 1,000 mark. The transition to this room seemed seamless, so the next will probably be the same due to your expertise.

    @hoppe I can't recall any kiss that felt "fake." Some were what I would call light kisses, but many of Jenny's kisses were deep. One aspect that critics overlook is that this was Emma's first-time relationship, and Jenny was considerate and mature enough to take it slowly and not frighten the heck out of Emma. Also, some people watch shows for the sexual content and don't care about a wonderful story that unfolds realistically as Jemma did.

  • #982

    frananifan (Monday, 26 December 2011 16:30)

    Hi leutes. Happy holidays and peaceful wishes all around. On the Eve we had a traditional Polish feast (of NOT my favorite foods). Christmas day was a multicultural festification of the holy night that included a mash up of Italian, Lebanese (and Lesbian), Sri Lankin, Native American, Argentinean people and dishes. Much more flavor and color than the night before. The chaos on the tables matched the spirited chaos around the tables.

    I want to generate some Jemma healing energy for our friend who has been stranded in caronnie town. I'm wearing the knock-off Jenny watch I bought for $10 US bucks and my magic shoes. I will be hanging out with Jenny on the next block this evening. Join me? Kirsty? Bueller? Müller? Anyone?

    @hoppe I have no response for those people. Randy said it all. I just wouldn’t play with them anymore.

  • #983

    eyelesstrees (Monday, 26 December 2011 19:51)

    Hi all, another fly-by just to say Hi and merry festive season!
    Glad you all seem to be having good times! @San, hope hot water is back. I'm concerned about the Karmic flow of your kitchen!

    I couldn't help but challenge Crystal over on AE. (Kirsty may understand my 'gobby' Mancunian inability to let something like that go!)

    @San, I think that somewhere you also pointed out the domestic violence in Crisabel. I'm not happy about the fact that everyone is just glossing over it on AE.

    @all, meanwhile, because of my increasing annoyance with AE, I've been doing some research. Turns out AE is owned by Viacom. Also in their stable is a gospel channel. I'm wondering if the dropping of 'visibility matters' and all this 'gay girls goggles'/ subtext stuff is an attempt to de-gay AE. Maybe it's just editorial? Anyway I've discoved 'Autostraddle.' Strange name but it's an independent site. It seems to be up and coming and I like their thinking about visibility and some of their activism. Does anyone else know of it?

    @frananifan, just want to commend you and @libellule for the number of times you've connected with my calm, contemplative side in 234! Shame I never get time to respond properly to your posts but I do think about them!

  • #984

    San (Tuesday, 27 December 2011 00:16)

    I walked outside tonight. It was cool and crisp with a slight icy smell. The stars were so clear in the sky, so I stood loaded with bags and looked at them for a few minutes. I focused on Orion and sent a warm thought to everyone. I'm quite confident that he'll be able to hunt you down to deliver it :) Soon after this, I was reminded of the fact that when the temperature gets low enough, my car trunk tries to decapitate me. Good news: it has falling on my head twice, and has yet to succeed.

    @eyelesstrees Still no hot water :( It and the kitchen have something in common - a suspect apartment complex.

    I found out the other day that due to the Texas drought, there was a shortage of mistletoe for those up north, especially Canada. I hope nobody had to kiss under a sprig of parsley, or worse - rosemary :)

  • #985

    Kirsty (Tuesday, 27 December 2011 06:46)

    @San ..or oregano.. Hope your water gets sorted soon :) And your Christmas dinner sounds lovely
    @Randy Mmm bananas and custard sounds delicious, I must try that sometime :)
    @Frananifan I can't begin to imagine what you ate! What a mixture! I couldn't join you and Jenny on the next block last night but I did watch a couple more episodes up to ep 11 now. It's going to get a bit tricky after the translations stop but I've decided to keep going until I get to the Jenny ones. Maybe it's the Virgo in me but I have to do things in their right order, I'll catch up with y'all soon!

  • #986

    Randy (Tuesday, 27 December 2011 08:59)

    @Eyelesstrees Early last year I linked onto Autostraddle from another website (, I think), but had forgotten about it until now because I got involved with the Jemma story. I'm impressed by their Values list by which they operate. The site seems more professional/mature and less gossipy/critical than AE. Thanks for mentioning it.

  • #987

    Clijsters3 (Tuesday, 27 December 2011 10:14)

    Oops just realised, think I've posted too early in Jemma meetings.2. So my well wishes are on the next page.

  • #988

    Randy (Tuesday, 27 December 2011 10:37)

    @Clijsters3 Look, there's a #1001. Maybe this site i s different from the old Room 234, and it just continues.

  • #989

    nenedallagonegro (Wednesday, 11 January 2012 10:54)

    HI! noone here?

  • #990

    Canada Goose Coats (Tuesday, 07 February 2012 20:17)

    I came accross your blog recently and have been reading it along. Thank you for your sharing!

  • #991

    půjčky ihned (Saturday, 31 March 2012 14:44)

    Nice post bro